A Crown Heights Rav Calls For Daily Tehillim, Sets Monday As Day of Prayer
by CrownHeights.info
Rabbi Yeshaya Braun, a member of the Beis Din of Crown Heights, published a request for all members of the Crown Heights Jewish community to say Tehillim each day in an effort to combat the virus plaguing our community.
The letter asked that everyone should join together—each person in their own home, respectively— each day at 4:00pm, to say the daily portion of Tehillim as it is divided by day of the week, and to give money to Tzedaka, at least a few cents.
He also called on the community to join with the Chabad Beis Din of Eretz Yisroel, designating Monday, Chof Zayin Adar, as a day of prayer. He asked that everyone gather at home at 4:00pm New York time, and say chapters 20, 22, 69, 118 and 150 of Tehillim, and add in Tzedaka.