Yossi Brook Retires from Vaad HaKashrus
Crown Heights, Brooklyn — After 22 years of directing the ‘Vaad Hakashrus in Crown Heights’, during which he endured endless criticism, Reb Yossi Brook announced his resignation yesterday at a meeting in the offices of the Vaad HaKohol in Crown Heights.
More in the Extended Article
In an interview, R. Brook remarked, “One must know when to resign appropriately and happily”, adding that he suggests that Ehud Olmert follows his footsteps. “I was the shield of the Rabbis and I did my task faithfully. Anyone attempting to attack a Rabbi had to go through me first”.
R. Yossi Brook said that he is proud of his accomplishments although he started from zero. “The Rebbe did not remain a debtor, when my daughter was ill I asked him to fulfill the promise to take care of my children”. That particular daughter, who was very ill at the time recovered and is now married.
R. Yossi Brook was injured at an accident and although he had recovered he feels incapable of continuing the task as director of the Kashrus. According to Brook, the philanthropist Reb Shaya Boymelgreen is committed to his pension.

pleased AND disgusted
To ayl…
Now perhaps we can have some honesty & integrity at least for the Kashrus part of the Bais Din.
And he’s getting a PENSION???
What about all our Rebbes & Morahs who get NOTHING after years of hard devoted work for our kids.
That’s a shanda. Maybe Rubashkin, Boymelgreen etc should do something for community people who deserve it.
Old Resident
Rabbi Bruk: “One must know when to resign” You are already late for more then 22 years.
Your accomplishment: although you started from zero, yet you managed to end on negative territory.
Last line should read: Feels incapable to work with Kashrus
The only thing kosher in that room is that oversized maple table with its carpathian elm inlay.
This is a great piece of pr from Rubashkin. However, it will not help to salvage his image, nor will it salvage the image of the corrupt CHK. Rubashkin has torn the Community into pieces has wreaked havoc and destruction on the Community. As for the CHK, it is still a corrupt enterprise with or without Brook.
i once was on the receiving end of a chesed done by r’yossi, and i’ve always felt saddened by the criticism heaped upon him. he will surely inherit gan eden, as he endured his gehinom here.
p.s. great pics as usual, webby.
p.p.s yasher koach to r’ shaya boymelgreen for maintaining r’ yossi’s pension!
how much is shaya paying for yossi to leave?
In all honesty
The whole thing is a big joke
He retired or he was laid off (as it says in the letter)?
What are they so happy? Smells something funny here!!!
Thank god this guy is finaly out. Way to go. Unfurtunatly coroption still goes on as usual.
so are eichler and bomelgreen on the vaad hakol (i don’t remember seeing them on the ballot) or part of the CH rabbonim (does bomelgreen even have smicha?)…
Were they there to pay off brook to finally stop “shield[ing] of the Rabbis”?
Why were they there?
Yasher Koach Moishe! Sperlin and Herzog created the CHK and put Brook in his job. Now you are taking control of the Vaad as you should have done 2 years ago, but this is a major step forward to erasing the missteps of fraud of the last Vaad after Gross was knocked out as Chair.
crown heights
hey were is shvay
Mazal Tov!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yosef Yitzchok K.
Isn’t this great news?
meir rhodes
great job moshe and shaya. how about buying me out next?
Yishaya Korn
I have maintained that people here in Crown Heights will always be negative no matter what (and these comments only show it more). I have always heard people say that if Rubashikin really wants to set everything straight he should fire R. Yossi Brook, now when he did get fired (the letter said that “we are firing his due to his injuries impeding on his ability to perform his duties”) I see people here saying things like “it’s still corrupt” etc.
Either way Yossi I would like to thank you for all your hard work and all you have done for us “Aleh VeHatzliach” and I hope to see the CHK only grow from here.
P.S. people stop being so negative and malicious, it’s time for an attitude change!
Someone who works in the community.
People seem to forget that this amazing man has a family. An ayshes chayil for a wife, wonderful kinder, k”ah einliklach, siblings and nieces and nephews.
It doesn’t matter what the politics are, ahavas yisroel is above all.
They are mensches, and have raised mensches. They treat everybody with respect – ALWAYS.
I have had the pleasure of dealing with Yossi and his family, and they are always pleasant. I have met people with less menschlichkeit, eidelkeit, and ahavas yisroel.
Thank you for all your hard work, Rabbi Brook!
Boymelgreen Promises and never delivers
Boymelgreen Promises and never delivers anyhow. About time he gave some money to a worthy cause. I guess like rubashkin, this is just another publicity stunt.
Maybe it says that he is fired on the letter so he can collect unemployment
Go on!
Keep bashing Rabonim, Askonim etc..
When your child C’V goes off the derech, remember how you spoke of people in leadership.
Your kid doesn’t appreciate yiddishkiet the way you do, his father is always bashing Rabonim, Askonim etc.. He’ll through out the baby with the bath water.
Morons get a life!
p.s. I’m a “linkeh,” “Anti”. (No, no didn’t put the piece back.)
This bashing is stupid. It’ll only cause children to laugh at EVERYTHING!
Webby ,
Can you post the entire Tzach list in alphabetical order. This way we can start from A and bash every last person in the community until Z. All the commentators seem to feel it is the purpose of your site – why not make it easier for them and do it in an orginized fashion and this way no one will feel slighted that they missed their own bashfest.
A Concerned Member of the Community
could everyone leave everyone alone and stop judging and leave shaya and rubashkin and whoever else alone you judge way too mcuh and #2 how do u klnow brook didnt put hard work into watvr he was maybe try to be in his place i dont think u would e any better
to acmc
good one
by the way brook was FIRED, he didnt resign. so next time when you put on the news, try to put on the correct news and not the twisted way
Yoishev Hashchuna
I have to say dealing with Yossi Brook hasn’t been as bad as everyone said it would be he is actualy a decent guy he has a lot of practical knowhow I for one will be sorry to see him go.
scoty g
first of all yossi brook is a very kind man and someone who helped rabbi marlow A”h till his last day. second os all he stands by the rabonim now and helps them in ways that nobody else can do!
third of all even if somebody does not like him he is leaving so there is no reason to say not nice things now.
how much of the community funds is going to pay him off
Toshov haschune
The question is why was he fired? Why wasn’t he given time to recuperate? If he’s good till Elul 24 he can be good later on. I think Brook did a good job and does not deserve this treatment. It’s obvious that there is a diferent reason why he was fired but for the public looks better this way but it raises many questions.
Thank you Rabbi Yossi!