Bais Rivkah Classes to Resume; Issues Unresolved
The parents of Bais Rivkah students of grades 1-3, whose teachers have been on strike since before Pesach due to lack of pay, have just been informed that school will resume tomorrow, Wednesday, on a modified schedule. Unfortunately, the problems underlying the strike have yet to be resolved.
The following is the full text of the letter received by the parents:
Dear Parents,
School will IYH resume tomorrow, Wednesday, 7 Iyar, May 3, for grades 1-3 with a modified schedule.
The day will begin for grades 1-3 at 10:00 am and dismissal will be at 2:30 pm. The day will be divided between Hebrew and English teachers and regular lunch will be served.
IMPORTANT DISMISSAL INFORMATION – Dismissal for all students of grades 1-3 will be on East New York Avenue at 2:30 pm. There will be no busing. Students who have permission to walk home alone will walk from that exit. Parent pickup both by car and in person will be at the East New York exit. Please be prompt as there will be no proper supervision after 2:35 pm.
Unfortunately, the situation which led to teachers leaving the classroom is still unresolved – just as before Pesach, teachers are owed almost half a year’s salary from last year and a growing number of checks from this year. The administration of our school remains paralyzed. We have turned to Rabbonim requesting their assistance and we urge parents to do everything they can. We leave the rest in the hands of Hashem.
We are hopeful that in the days and weeks ahead we will see our students, our daughters, flourishing again in the halls and classrooms of Bais Rivkah.
Wishing you much continued nachas.
Mrs. C.E. Feldman
Mrs. D. Brawer
The game continues
Don’t send your children to school tomorrow.
They need the girls in school on Wednesday and are just continuing to use the girls as tools.
Thursday, they will revert back to the same old game.
Why are the teachers giving in, all of a sudden?
I don’t trust them!
Moshe D. Cohen
The corruption continues.
Apparently you don’t care about your kids חינוך the board took care of it!.
Apparently you don’t care about your kids חינוך the board took care of it!.
In the know
They turned to Rabbonim (vaad rabonei lubavitch). The Rabbonim called the principals, the administration, the new bogus board and Rabbi Shemtov to a Din Torah.
The principals and the administration agreed to come, but the new bogus board and Rabbi Shemtov have ignored the Beis Din as of now (as per the letter from the Beis Din yesterday).
Moshe D. Cohen
Why have the Adminstrators not been removed by the new board.
The following need removal
A Shemtov
L Minkowicz
B Stock
An independent audit of the accounts is essential.
Then credibility can be restored.
49 yr in the hood
49 yr in the hood
Horrible schedule
So working mothers have to go to work late AND leave work early???? This is worse than the strike. At least start at The beginning of the school day or end at the end of the school day so they can take buses one way. How long do you think our bosses are going to put up with this?
Teachers that go back are fools, and will NEVER get their money. Hope they are looking for other work. They certainly are NOT respected as teachers, no matter their experience. Get a good lawyer to get back pay. The school should close until teachers get their 6 months of last year’s pay AND this year’s September to April. Gawd!! What a miserable institution!!
government test
they have no choice there is city testing going on pathetic why did they bother not going in the last two weeks if the issues where not taken care shame school should not open next year until everything is taken care off that why no striking
In Shock
This is all for standardized testing? Oh please – everyone keep your kids home tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Your little girl is being used as bait to catch big funding. Gevalt!
Don’t fall for the trap.
The kangeroo
And the bull…keeps piling up.
We are pawns in their game!! Please DO NOT send your daughters to school tomorrow! They are only opening it for the government tests, and it will be shut again as soon as the tests are done. NOTHING has been resolved yet. Our 3rd grade class is not sending our daughters. If our teachers are not getting paid, and they are not providing a full day of learning for our daughters, DO NOT SEND. Let them sign the contract today if they want our girls in to take the tests!
Don't be fooled
Government tests, they have to take it or no money for the thiefs to steal .
Change the locks get rid of the administration once and for all, they are liars , they don’t even know what is true and what is not.
Don’t go back what will they do? Arrest you? Stand with pride teachers be strong don’t fall , we support you.
Don’t give in, there is no money because they spend it. Minkowitz takes 50% of all grant money ….. so tell me is there an answer ?
This will continue until each and everyone is out.
Yossi A
If we don’t send our daughters to school, the state tests will csuse a government audit.
This is the last thing the administration needs.
the local district will do the rest. ..
administration suckers
Wishing you much continued nachas.
Mrs. C.E. Feldman
Mrs. D. Brawer
won't help
The school don’t have to submit the actual test papers, only the marks. They will just make them up and submit them
There are many job applicants for teaching positions in our school. Every teacher is replaceable by many qualified and youthful applicants.
so whats the problem
Go hire the qualified and youthful applicants who actually are naive enough to work where they won’t get paid.
Each year there are MANY applicants for jobs in BR. They know that they will likely not get paid, but are willing to take the job for many reasons. Some, because it makes them feel part of the community; some because they want o contribute to chinuch habonos; some to fill their days with something meaningful (instead of shopping and gossiping) etc. None of them apply because of the pay – to make money. There arebetter ways to make money. Anyone looking for money should look elsewhere!
Irreparable Damage
When the teachers are paid the money owed, they are made whole again. They return to work. But the students cannot be made whole again for the days the school was closed.
When the teachers get paid, and eventually they will, a significant amount must be DEDUCTED for each day that they damaged the students.
In fact, the longer they strike, the less they are owed!
We are deducting a significant amount from each teacher that is striking.
Future contracts of BR teachers WILL include a clause that they are FORBIDDEN to strike, like ALL ESSENTIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS!
Did you know that all essential service providers are forbidden to strike?
If you don’t know why, look at the students that are not in school. When you take a job that is an ESSENTIAL SERVICE, you ARE signing up that the job will be done NO MATTER WHAT!
Essential Service
When hiring a worker, you are undertaking to pay that worker on time.
If you do not pay the worker, your contract becomes null and void.
The word “strike” is a misnomer.
to Irreparable Damage
Either you are a fool or you think we are fools. Either way you DUMB.
Try enforcing “ESSENTIAL SERVICE” while you are breaking the LAW by not paying your ESSENTIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS.
The whole school is a farce. Look at the girls walking around in uniform – open buttons, skirts at or above the knee, knee socks – and this is in uniform! Look at all the OTD girls.
BR has destroyed these precious neshamos by the lack of proper chinuch and the lying and cheating behind the scenes.
When providers strike it is because they want an increase in salary not that they haven’t gotten paid.
“If you do not pay the worker, your contract becomes null and void.”
You must know because you use the fancy term “null and void”, NOT!
An ESSENTIAL WORKER must remain at her/her job even when the contract duration has ended. They cannot strike when there is a need to re-new/extend/re-negotiate the contract.
I taught you something you never knew and now you are thinking, “That doesn’t make sense”, right?
Evil Doers
Did any Rov give a Heter for the teachers to strike?
Frum Yidden ask a shaylah to a Rov before they do something, especially when it affects others. Did any Rov give a Heter for the teachers to strike?
A Kim
Do YOU work without pay???
Oh right you probably don’t work.
Evil Doers
Are you aware that a rebbe is forbidden to leave his students to strike? Oh, you never knew that! Welcome to the world of frum yidden and rules of Torah. The same MIGHT or MIGHT NOT apply too lady teachers (I am not a possek). Are you a possek that can decide this (when you know NOTHING about the subject)? Frun Yidden ask a shaylah. That is what a Rov is for. We don’t decide because of how we feel (is something kosher or is the taharas hamishpocha ok because it feels right?)
Em Ein Kemach, Ein Torah!
Anyone who tells the teachers to return to work-
If you cannot answer yes, which you surely can’t, you have no business telling anyone what to do!
Pirkei Avos is clear-Derech Eretz Kodmah Letorah.
Not paying teachers is geneivah, pure and simple.
How this sorry state of affairs went on for so long is beyond madness. If the Rebbe were alive, he would have insisted the teachers never miss a paycheck.
Chinuch Habonos
Chinuch Habonos is not “work” as in “job”. It is a calling.
Does a mashpia charge for his/her time? Is being a mashpai a “job” with a salary??
Does “working” at mivtzoyim pay a salary?
These are all callings. Do NOT expect payment for them!
Out of towner
This is so sad, look at all the Lashon hara being said!
Yeah the board has a lot to figure out, but all this slandering is sick!!
Where will slandering get you??
Maybe do something positive instead of being so negative and bashing everyone.
To Evil Doer
Ehh – Mr. Evil Doer, did you get a heter to violate a Lav d’Oraisa?
Which Rav told you it’s ok to not pay every teacher on time?
Two Wrongs Make It Right?
It is wrong not to pay teachers – but maybe there is no money so the wrong is unavoidable.
Teachers to strike is a serious decision against the PUBLIC and caused grave sin on multiple levels including bitul torah u’mitzvos.
Rabbeim are FORBIDDEN to strike according to Halacha (the rules which many of of try to follow even if our logic may not agree with it).
Do girls teachers have a right to strike according to Halacha (not the logic of the baal habos, but Torah rules)? – that is a shayla for a Rov, not the boych sevora of our logic!
Torah does not conform to logic (rather our logic needs to conform to Torah).
If the school is wrong (and that is a big IF – it assumes they CHOSE to do wrong willingly), can we retaliate with wanton sin?!
Is that the type of teachers that should be mechanech our kids – to ignore Torah? That if you are dealing with someone who did something wrong – all rues of Torah no longer apply!
Two Wrongs Make It Right?
Teachers to strike is a serious decision against the PUBLIC and caused grave sin on multiple levels including bitul torah u’mitzvos.
Rabbeim are FORBIDDEN to strike according to Halacha (the rules which many of of try to follow even if our logic may not agree with it).
Do girls teachers have a right to strike according to Halacha (not the logic of the baal habos, but Torah rules)? – that is a shayla for a Rov, not the boych sevora of our logic!
Torah does not conform to logic (rather our logic needs to conform to Torah).
If the school is wrong (and that is a big IF – it assumes they CHOSE to do wrong willingly), can we retaliate with wanton sin?!
And who is able for the emotional and financial damage caused to teachers.
Are u paying the interest on their credit card bills??
Moishe pipek
Judging from the comments on this medium by some people my symphaty has ebbed,I come to the sad conclusion that it is a ship of fools..
Check it out all u preachers
Today’s chitas
קדושים יט-פסוק יג
Evil Doers
Frum Yidden always ask a Rov if something is muttar or ossur. They don’t decide because it “makes sense” to them or with their own “logic”. It makes no difference if it “feels” right or wrong, they ask a Rov for the Halacha.
I hope the kashrus in your kitchen or the taharas hamishpocha is not decided by “logic”! I hope your shmiras shabbos is not governed by logic!
Yet actions of teachers that affects hundreds of students is outside the rules of Torah and simply decide by logic.
Nebech! Your “logic” probably left your kitchen treif and affected the tahara of your children. I ca’t imagine calling you “shomer shabbos” when you decide with logic or your feelings.
Is this the type of mechaneches you want for your children, one who decides Halacha based on emotions, logic , feelings?
Ask a Rov and then you have the “green light”. Whithout a Hetter, you are not acting as Frum Yidden always do.
Reply to Evil DOer
Actually, I did speak to my mashpia. And my mashpia told me not to send to school today. Because this whole thing is wrong.
You are assuming that no one spoke to their rov/mashpia.
Judging people is also wrong.
Did you ask your rov if you can judge people on I’d be shocked if he told you yes.
Evil Doers
It is thick minded to compare a PRIVATE person doing INDIVIDUAL acts that only affect the individual vs. a COMMUNAL person doing acts AGAINST THE TZIBUR that affects HUNDREDS of students and families.
Is that the “same” to you?
You did well to ask your “mashpia” about sending your kids to school. It would have been better to ask a Rov/Possek because not every “mashpia” is qualified to decide Halacha.
Here is the test: Do you ask your “mashpia” shaylos of tahas hamishpocha (stains)? If yes, then the “mashpia” is klikely qualified to answer Halacha, if no, then the “mashpia” is merely an ubiased “opinion” – but not the decider of halacha.
Moishe pipek
#33 is simply disgusting!Casting doubt on somebody and his family in name of “frumkeit” is beyond contempt.
Evil Doers
I (and hopefully you too) would not eat in a house that decides kashrus on their “feelings” – e.g. “this product feels like it doesn’t need a hechsher” or “this onion was cut with a milchig knife, what would be wrong if I use the other end of the onion for my chicken soup – that makes sense”.
Or someone who decides that this brown spot is okay and tohor.
Or someone who thinks it’s no big deal on shabbos to reconnect the part of the eyeglasses that fell out.
We have a Torah, we have Halacha and we have Rabbonim/Poskim to ask shaylas – even on issues that we didn’t think it would be a problem.
That is what Frum Yidden do.
Too bad you find that “disgusting”.
Citizen Berel
I am trying to fathom the nebulous haze that passes through your head when you contemplate this position.
How do you maintain distinct and intelligible thoughts entertaining the possibility that Halacha mandates a specific set of Jewish people to report to a building daily for no pay to teach other people’s children simply because they had once contracted to do so for payment.
This is a question for a mashpia.
What *is* a question for a rov is whether you can contract an employee to perform a duty when you have no reasonable expectation of being able to honor that contract.
Evil Doers
Citizen B – did you ever hear of people in klei kodesh that the Rebbe Rayatz and our Rebbe REFUSED to allow them to leave their positions NO MATTER THE HARDSHIPS they faced because there was no one to replace them??? THINK ABOUT IT and it may penetrate your cranium.
So bottom line. The teachers gave in and THERE IS NO HOPE.
I would suggest all teachers find jobs elsewhere.
I have heard that the Rebbe gave advice on Bais Rivkah years ago. Can someone enlighten us as to all of what the Rebbe has said about BR ?
this is serious.
its not a kiddush hashem,
its not fair to the kids
its not normal
something inside is not going right.
The kangeroo
#40 I don’t find that disgusting i find You disgusting.
Do Evil
Chinuch Habonos is not “work” as in “job”. It is a calling.
Does a mashpia charge for his/her time? Is being a mashpai a “job” with a salary??
Does “working” at mivtzoyim pay a salary?
These are all callings. Do NOT expect payment for them!
If you are looking for money – look elsewhere!
The kangeroo
#31 you wrong! all the poskim agree including the Lubavitcher Rebbe that you should get paid for teaching torah if that is your job.