Rabbonim Respond to R’ Wosner: Mix Out
Following the release of a letter by R’ Bentzion Wosner of Monsey/Beit Shemesh proclaiming that those who use the Crown Heights Eruv are not being Mechalel Shabbos, two Rabbonim have released harsh responses, castigating him for contradicting the ruling of the local Beis Din in their own jurisdiction.
The first letter was written by Rabbi Meir Weissmandl, Av Beis Din of Nitra Kehilah in Monsey:
[pdf-embedder url=”http://crownheights.info/assets/2016/07/עירוב-קראון-הייטס.pdf”]
The second letter was written by Leibel Zajac, director of Agudas Chasidei Chabad of Brazil:
My advice at this point (and I fully intend to follow it myself) is that the big guns are rolling onto the battlefied. Put your figurative pea-shooters away and get out of Dodge!
The bottom line is ....
Kibel es “HA’EMES” m’mI Sheomra
By the summer
He needs to mix out. That’s what happens when you want more than one cookie
Koch heteira adif.
Terribly disrespectful letter. Rabbi weismandels letter had class, this letter is chutzpah and a chilul lubavitch.
Whether he is right or wrong for mixing into c.h. eiruv doesn’t give you a right to publicly call him names on lubavitch stationary and cause a chilul lubavitch. He is a talmid chocham and deserves basic respect.
Perhaps he was involved in ensuring the kashrus of the eiruv and took it very personal that the CH Rabbonim called it chilul shabbos to use it. So he defended his eiruv. Maybe.
The Main Point of the Torah
Hillel Hazaken said that the whole Torah can be summed up in 1 verse: ואהבת לרעך כמוך. If all this eruv is doing is bringing such sinas chinum, which goes against the whole Torah, then there is no doubt that it’s not a Kosher eruv.
it very clearly says that the letter was written by leibel zaiontz, not zajac
funny that i have heard almost the exact same thing that R. Zaiontz is saying from the beis din of geyrus in my city, however when they say it they are referring to the area shluchim; and its considered lashon hara. however when a shliach says it about another rabbi, its a PROOF.
Reb Leibl Zajac for president. I enjoyed you letter tremendously
Leibel zaintz was thrown out as a shliach years ago and is a nasty person who has zero respect for any rov.
so, we have a few comments on rabbi zajac’s letter.
one guy writes 3 comments. all the same person.
in any event.
it is not a chilul lubavitch as the man is a non entity in the world, and no one cares about him.
in addition, the issue here is not just the fact that he mixed in, rather that he is a nobody to mix in.
if one does not believe rabbi zajac, let him ask any what they think of vosner.
in addition let him read what rav abramson wrote.
as for him being thrown out… well… he was thrown out by the same people who threw out a ton of legitimate shluchim, the current peoples in have no validity at all, and it is all corrupt as we all know.
sholom dov
Are you not ashamed to bring this type of abusive letter all the way from Brazil?
Busha and cherpa to publish such a lower than low letter
is he a valid rav? How could he be trusted when he crosses the line into hasagas gevul
Malach Hamaves
Classic, someone from Brazil telling someone from Monsey not to “Mix In”… Maybe we can go for a “heter meah rabonnim” here, whichever side gets to 100 first wins a piece of yerushalmi kugel, to be delivered on Shabbos in the eruv.