Spreading Mordechai Goldin’s Warmth

An 11th Grade student in Bnos Menachem writes about a project he class wants to share with everyone – “spreading the warmth – one person at a time” – and they were speaking about the warmth of R’ Mordechai Goldin OBM, everyone’s favorite bus driver and ‘ice cream man’.

Our 11th grade class in Bnos Menachem has a project that we want to share with everyone.

We are now distributing wristbands with a message: “Spread the Warmth — One Person at a Time.”

We are speaking about the warmth of R. Mordecai Goldin a”h.

Mordechai Goldin always put others before himself and found ways to make everyone he encountered feel special. He was totally genuine, and people felt it. His special kind of warmth drew people to him; and it was this warmth that gave so many a sense of great loss with his passing.

I knew R. Mordechai as my school bus driver, as everyone’s favorite “Ice Cream Man,” and later on, as my friend Tova’s father.

His kindness was manifest in everything he did. As a bus driver, he always played along with us. I mean, who else would be willing to be called “Mordechai the pizza pie” again and again? From his ice cream truck, he took notice of the kids who stood on the side without money and always gave them ice-cream for free…

These few encounters that I had with R. Mordechai, and the snippets of stories I heard about him, made a lasting impression on me. And if he was able to have such an impact on a relative stranger, I can only imagine what it must have been like to have really known R. Mordechai…

We, his daughter’s classmates and friends, are now handing out these bracelets with the sincere hope that they will remind people to spread the warmth of R. Mordechai Goldin and increase ahavas yisroel.

Ahavas yisroel comes with recognizing that as yidden, we are all a part of one whole. When we remember that we are truly and deeply connected, all that separates us becomes trivial and falls by the wayside. With this, we will be able to see others from a place of warmth, truth and sincerity, like R. Mordechai did.

May our efforts to achieve true ahavas yisroel bear fruit, and help bring about the coming of moshiach when we will be united with our loved ones and R. Mordechai Goldin be’soichom.

Friends are still trying to raise much needed funds for the Goldin family. You can donate by Clicking Here.


    • Great idea on a great idea

      It would be so nice if all the Lubavitcher camps would order these bracelets and really get the kids excited about having Ahavas Yisroel!

  • Wristbands

    These wristbands are being given out to dozens of camps around the U.S. and Canada. The idea is for the campers to take on a resolution in spreading warmth and kindness in their interactions with each other, and the wristbands are a reminder to keep to it.
    If you would like to give these out in your camp or for more. information please email: seemeevish@gmail.com