Lifeless Body of Homeless Man Discovered
The lifeless body of a homeless man was discovered Friday morning on Carroll Street, behind the ‘Dovid Malka’ kitchen and catering hall.
The body was discovered this morning by an employee. It appears the man was homeless and had made a living space for himself in that spot – unbeknownst to anyone at the establishment.
Emergency workers at the scene said it was obvious that the man had been dead for at least a few weeks. It is very likely that the man froze to death during the ‘polar vortex’ cold spell that gripped the city last month, during which temperatures dropped to almost zero degrees.
Update 15:22 EST – Police sources have confirmed that they do not suspect any foul play. The man was known to area residents to ‘partake heavily’ in alcohol. The man was not seen in a number of weeks, which lead someone to go and check on him – only to discover his lifeless body.
The body was taken to the medical examiner’s officer for an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death, which appears to be prolonged exposure to frigid temperatures. Police declined to release his name pending the notification of the next of kin.
Very Confused
First they write that they did not know that he was living back there, then in the update they write that they went to check on him since he has not been seen in days. Strange.
You’re confused because you can’t read. “Unbeknownst to anyone at the establishment” seems perfectly clear, and in no way implies that it was unknown to anyone else either.
Milhouse missed the issue:
“The body was discovered this morning by an employee.”
“The man was not seen in a number of weeks, which lead someone to go and check on him – only to discover his lifeless body.”
Reading these 2 sentences together: it was “an employee” who discovered the body after deciding “to go and check on him.”
Yet it was ““Unbeknownst to anyone at the establishment” that he was living there, INCLUDING the employee who discovered him after he went to check up on him?!
baruch daayan haames
To #2
המקום המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים n'eNow!
aaad mosaaai
the lesson here
we feed the poor but we don’t give them a home.
we tell them go get a job.
1. “The body was discovered this morning by an employee. ”
2. “The man was not seen in a number of weeks, which lead someone to go and check on him – only to discover his lifeless body.”
As such: The “someone” who went to check up was “an employee”.
3. “unbeknownst to anyone at the establishment.” that had made a living space for himself in that spot.
As such: if no one from the establishment knew he lived there, where did the employee who went to check up on him (and discovered the body) go to check up on him?
Cover up?
Is K saying that they knowingly left this fellow to sleep outdoors in the Arctic temperatures? That they contributed or at least failed to prevent his death? That they are now covering up their involvement? Please say what you mean! Say it!