Inspired by Successes, Lag Baomer Prayers for Shidduchim

Over a year ago an idea was born, for a nominal fee of $100 per name Devorah Benjamin of KSCVK took your name, or the name of your child, friend, or relative, and davened at the Ohel for a shidduch. The money went straight to KSCVK and it has been met with beautiful success.

It was so popular, that afterwards, she was called numerous times to do it again.

In fact, the demand is so strong, that hardly a day goes by when she is not asked multiple times about her next planned visit to the Ohel for this reason.

Lag B’omer is one of those auspicious times when one can ask for anything and “ver gehulfen” (get helped). With her financial obligations of post Shavuous weddings coming up, she decided that on Lag B’omer (Sunday) she will be going again to the Ohel to daven for a nominal donation of $100 per name and the money will go straight to her upcoming weddings.

Not only will she daven for you or your loved ones, you are helping in Hachnosas Kallah, a winning combination for sure. To take part in this please email or call (718) 774-4578. Please include the name of the children and their mothers names and payment information by Sunday Lag B’omer 2pm.

In this zchus may we be zocheh to the ultimate marriage of Hashem to us yidden with Moshiach NOW!


  • CM

    Earlier this year before Yud Daled Kislev KSCVK made the same appeal. I decided to make a donation in merit of a family member who was having difficulties in shiduchim. BH a few months later she became a Kallah! Thank you KSCVK for you holy work!

    • to CM

      how do you know it was because of this maybe it was because she lit candles on friday

      PS people get engaged every day

    • Milhouse

      Two problems:
      1. To which mitzvah is the money going?
      2. Why is your davening better than my own or someone else’s? What special zechusim do you have, similar to those we know about Devorah, that would make it a good idea for me to ask you to daven for me?

  • Yes it works!

    Last year I participated in the merit of my children and since then two of my children got engaged!!!!!!!

    • Milhouse

      In addition to that, you also have Devorah’s zechus on your side. The mitzvos that she does are worth quite a lot.

  • Details please

    “Lag B’omer is one of those auspicious times when one can ask for anything and “ver gehulfen” (get helped).”

    Did the Rebbe, or any of the nesi’im, say that somewhere? Please provide source.

  • iy"h

    I donated. nothing yet but I am still hopeful something will happen before Lag Bömer!

  • Yossel

    Devorah Benjamin does amazing work here in CH for weddings. Everyone should assist this most worthy charity fund!

  • CM

    #3. I am poster #2. i didnt say that the individuals zechusim didnt help or that my donation is what clinched it but perhaps the tzedoka given to KSCVK which does so much on behalf of chassanim and kallahs helped.