Volenteers Raise Over $7k for Sholom

In a few short days, the latest effort in the campaign for justice for Sholom Rubashkin has taken over the streets of Crown Heights. What began as a few posters and some volunteers has become a community cause.

Last night the Sholom Across America volunteers, who are all bochurim of Oholei Torah Eighth Grade (OTEG), were greeted with enthusiasm. Proudly wearing their Sholom Across America ID badges, they distributed an informational video and, despite many people not being home, collected close to $7,000.

Tonight the volunteers will once again be making their rounds through Crown Heights between 5 PM – 7 PM. People are urged to open their doors, contribute, and participate in this community-wide event in support of Sholom Rubashkin.

Due to a technical difficulty relating to the donate page on SholomAcrossAmerica.com, the website is currently down. It is however, expected to be up and running very soon, and will be providing you with all the newest campaign updates.