Fractured Zablo Issues Another Ruling

A clarification was just issued on the clarification from Motzai Shabbos, highlighting a divide within the Zablo. The recent departure of Rabbi Avrohom Rosenberg left the Zablo pitted against themselves, as is being announced with a new letter from Rabbi Boaz Jurkowitz, and cosigned by Rabbi Yosef Hecht.

Free Translation from

As a consequence of “clarification” that was unfortunately publicized on Motzoe Shabbos Shemini, which was written in my name as if I approved it via correspondence, I would like to state that:

1. The version that was publicized was without my consent, and therefore it should be clear that the above document has no authority as a decision of the zabl“o, and no one has permission to go to another Beis Din.

2. At the suggestion of one of the dayonim, I agreed in theory to making a statement in the name of the zabl”o, regarding the continuation of the Din Torah before us, but only after deliberating with all of the members of the zabl“o and through joint authorship. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and a one-sided version of the document was published that I and Horav Hecht rejected explicitly, but I digress.

3. In the psak din that was signed by Horav Avrohom Boruch Rosenberg shlita on 27 Teves in the name of the zabl”o, it was inserted in section 14 that there should be no continuation of the Din Torah via email and telephone conversations rather the only option was that the entire Beis Din should come to New York for a period of time and hear the oral arguments of the two sides in front of the entire zabl“o. This is what Rabbi Rosenberg was referring to in his correspondence of Taanis Ester, that he will no longer deal with arguments and complaints through email and the telephone, rather though [oral arguments in front of the whole zabl”o] once all of the members agree to travel to the US to continue any deliberations on this case, and that those deliberations should be with the entire zabl“o and in front of all sides.

4. In light of the above, it is obvious that there is no place at all to speak of turning to any other Beis Din, being that the two sides are bound through the shtar berurin that ”no other Beis Din in the world shall have authority to nullify or alter the psak din.“
5. The two sides should be aware that, clearly, the psak din of 27 Teves was written with the consent of the entire zabl”o, as has already been written by Horav Rosenberg shlita. It has since been affirmed also through the signature of Horav Kuperman shlita, who wrote also in the name of Horav Havlin shlita.

6. In section 10 of the above mentioned psak din, it was established that it is clear that Horav Yosef Yeshiaya Braun shlita was chosen appropriately, and the entire community is obligated to honor him. So too, all of the rabbonim of the community are obligated to include him, etc. And the two sides have already accepted upon themselves via the shtar berurin, “to obey the psak din without any exceptions or arguments, or any complaints at all.”

7. I hereby inform the two sides that if they choose to continue the deliberations of the Din Torah as specified above, I am prepared to go forward. However, I ask that they inform me of this in appropriate time in order that I should be able to free myself [from other matters], etc. Then, certainly, all of the members of the zabl”o, including Horav Rosenberg shlita, will be able to establish an appropriate time.


  • levi

    it shouldnt be a questions it should be a must to continue the din torah!! obviously the shvei camp will try to delay it and not continue the dn torah!! this was their plan all along to keep the machlokos going for as long as they can. to mix up the community and get control over the community council and the $$$!!!

  • dobid

    A – they went to a new bes din about matters that were not spoken about at the original din torah

    B – the people that went were not people who signed onto the shatr birurin!!

  • Time For Crown Heights To Wake Up!!!

    He is a Rov, He isn’t a Rov. He has Smicha, He doesn’t Have Smicha.

    How does it make any deference for any of us bottom line? Was there a Purim Seuda this year? How many people did the CHJCC help in the last ten mounts?

    We are so busy with Zaki’s and Co. non-sense. Instead of doing what he was elected to do, and that is to HELP OUT THE RESIDENTS of Crown Heights literally, Zaki’s buddied up with the same people we threw out in the last election. Zaki’s is continuing their steak of Machlokes. Finding distractions instead of doing what needs to be done.

    Not Osdobo, Schwie and or Bruan make any difference to any-body’s bottom line. They cant help anybody financially. They cant get food on your table or the table of those who need it. They cant find the unemployed a job. They cant help anybody with any legal or law matters. ALL they can do is collect a pay check.
    People its time to start directing the criticisms on ones that need to get it, That is Zaki Tamir and his crew. Take your heads out of the sand or stop rolling in the mud. Zaki Tamir and his friends are enjoying accumulative grants of up to TEN million dollars a year.

    You have broken windows at home? need to winterize your house? The Community Council Gets money for that. Your family or a neighbors is in distress about to fall apart? The Community Council gets money for that. Have a son or know a teen whose on drugs or alcohol and needs desperate help? The Community Council gets money for that. Cant find a job; need job training? Cant pay rent and need help? Became a victim and need emotional help? You guessed it, the Community Council gets money for that.

    The individuals who have been raving up the Machlokes all these years, and been telling you look over there, it’s Rubashkin, Shomrim, and Fisher. They tell you can’t eat this Hechsher or go to that Purim Seuda. Its this guy who stole it’s that guy whose making trouble. They find every distraction possible. They are the ones “Fighting for the Community” and fighting for “Achdus”. They tell you to look everywhere but at them.

    Residents of Crown Heights, it’s time to bring it to an end. Open your eyes and see what going on. 30 years they have been generating false controversy and fleeing with OUR money, money for every resident who might need it.
    Zaki Tamir got elected and just fell right in-line, right into their big picture of events and started doing all their biddings.

    Stop the Corruption Stop the Fraud!


    Between 2009* and current the CHJCC has received over 10 Million Dollars in government grants (thats a lot of “Green”), where has all that money gone, how was it spent?

    * A few short months after the Chanina Sperlin, Elie Poltorak, Zev Cadaner and Fishel Brownstein hijacked the CHJCC.

  • Did You Know...

    Did You Know… That the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc (CHJCC) received 10 million Dollars (that WIS is so far aware of) from governments grants between 2009 and current for the needy families of Crown Heights.

    Did You Know… that none of that money was used towards its true purpose and intent and was only used to fill private pockets.

    Did You Know… That while all this was happening (10 million missing), the thieves kept us quit distracted with stupidities like… Hijacked elections, Hostile takeovers, Shomrim Six Messira, Messira/Lawsuit of Rabonim, Mosdos, Gemachim and many private individuals. The best distractions was the whole Zablo Din Torah.

    Did You Know… That the Zablo Din Torah was a good investment for the thieves and Mossrim. They only had to dish out $150,000 of the millions they were stealing to keep us all distracted. I call that a darn good investment.

    Do you know where that money came from? From the 10 million of-course. (More of this to come).

    Did You Know… (Based on the above) That no matter the results of the Zablo Din Torah the thieves and Mossrim had already won. The checks (of millions) was already in their hand and resting nicely in their private bank accounts. (WIS will get back to this…Coming Up).

    Did You Know… that almost immediately after the Mosser and Ganef Chanina Sperlin was thrown out (by you) from the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. he went ahead and opened his own 501(c)(3), going by the name: Council of Jewish Organizations Ofcrown Heights.

    Did You Know… that Yosef B. Spielman also runs his own 501(c)(3), going by the name of: Vaad Hakol Crown Heights. (More about this scam coming up).

  • so confused

    Can someone please explain in words of one syllable what is going on? All this Beis Din-ese is confusing to average people like me. Where is this matter holding? Who is in charge? Are we having Braun thrust upon us even though he’s a fake, phoney & a fraud? What are all these Botei Din deciding?

  • friend

    CH does not need or want rabbonim. if anyone has a question or needs advise they go to any rav they want. Usually it is someone out of CH because they are real rabbonim. So who cares? The only problem is that the CC wants us to pay for these rabbonim. Why? We don’t need it, what are they doing for us? Stop this circus and let’s get on with our lives.

  • Zablo the Zablo

    All we need now for “true peace” is to have the Zablo go to a Zablo and have their issues worked out.

    I’ll tell you all whose not confused and frustrated about all this.

    Chanina Sperlin and family are happy about all this, the millions are still coming in from grant meant for Crown Heights needy.

    Zaki Tamir is happy about all this, he gets his cut of the millions.

    All those who ever stepped in to the CHJCC as a board member are all happy about this, they all get to do business as usual while Crown Heights continues to burn.

    Where is the 10 million the CHJCC has received in Grants in the past two years?

  • to # 5

    I won’t pay Maas Hakahal. I haven’t paid for over 20 years and I certainly won’t pay for any of these Rabbonim. When they act like real Rabbonim then I’ll think about paying.

  • Finding a Rov

    To #5:

    I agree 100% and i’ll add.

    At this point (so many years without a Beth Din and so many years without a proper Beth Din), which normal religious young man (with a family), does not have a proper Rov with whom he consults with Halacha questions and other matters?

    Is there someone out there waiting around exclusively for “The Crown Heights Beth Din”? I don’t think so.

    If you haven’t found a respectful Rov until this day, then the problem is not with the Rabbis, the problem is with you.

    The CH Beth Din was only cause for Trouble (Mesira and more), who needs it.

  • CHJCC Owns the Beth Din

    Bottom Line:

    The Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. owns the Bais Din, the CHJCC pays the Rabbis on the Beth Din, The Rabbis work for the CHJCC, its all corrupt, the whole thing is a fraud.

    We don’t need this! We don’t want this!

  • levi

    Why is it a “fractured zablo”? it seems like the majority of the Zabl”o has clearly ruled.

  • Wake up Yiden

    Who Needs this Shaya Broin ?
    The criminals who want to benefit from the largest fraud in New York City.
    What has this CHJCC Inc. done for anyone in Crown Heights?
    woopy doo there was a ZABLO what came from this ZABLO ?
    More fighting. Why? Maybe because mendy Gluchowsky is not the men of peace or maybe Poltrack, Huebner and company don’t want Peace. for sure this young Lawyer smart kid Poltrack could of make something from himself but elected to be Ranchman son in law and do everything “right” how many lawyers in The USA or the World are involved in lawsuits themselves in the first 5 years of their carrier ?
    i bet VERY FEW and this kid ELIE C. POLTRACK is so involved with lawsuits he cant even see straight.
    i suggest to mr broin to open his own bais din as did Gruber who left the CRC and made his own Bais Din Bussuness and helped Rozenberg in the ZABLO

  • HaKevess HaShachor MeiHarPaz

    Final proof that Braun is a Rov – because he is the Rov:

    “Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?” Donald Trump said.

    “Why should he have to?” Whoopi Goldberg fired back.

    “Because I have to and everybody else has to, Whoopi,” Trump retorted.

    “I’ve never heard any white president asked to be shown the birth certificate,” Whoopi countered. “When you become the president of the United States of America, you know that he’s American. I’m sorry.”

  • Realist

    Bobov-2 kehillos
    satmar-2 kehillos
    karlin-stolin-2 kehillos
    toldos Aron-2 kehilos
    Need more be said?

  • Bringing Down the House

    This Braun thing (not even going to call it an issue) is a distraction. Focus on the money. We are talking about this while the Mossrim (Chanina Sperlin and family, CHJCC and gang) have been robbing the community by the millions.

    The Money, the Money the Money, everything else is irrelevant, don’t fall for the trap. You take down the house and all this goes down with it. It’s the same people behind Braun who are robbing us blind. They want us, they need us distracted, Like throwing a stick and telling us to fetch like we are dogs. They had/have us talking/arguing about whether the Rebbe is Moshicha or not, Shmira Shomrim, Tzvatim 770, Osdoba Schwei and now Braun and Rosenberg, all IRRELEVANT!!!

  • psak

    After a psak is issued the parties must accept the results even if they have a complaint or question. Till the bais din decides on the question the psak stays. If any of the people involved does not accept the psak he has no right to demand to be listen by the beis din.

  • Emes

    To #6

    I’ll translate the beis-din’ese for you:

    The Beis Din (which is the Aibeshter’s system for deciding matters we are unsure of) made a psak that Rabbi Braun isn’t a fake, a phoney, a fraud, but is indeed an honest, learned and respectable Rov.

    Ask him some advice or a halacha,approach him with an open mind and you might actually gain a whole lot from him.

    I have for many years.

  • Novel Idea

    The only reason these mishugoyim still have any relevance is because they are still in control of 770 which gives them their “legitimacy”. Why don’t the normal people in CH band with Rabbi Krinsky in his effort to bring back 770 to normal stability. He has represented Lubavitch within and to the outside world with the utmost dignity since Gimmel Tammuz.
    The only hinderance to this happening is the fear that nothing will really be accomplished after winning 770 legally because they wont have enough local support to implement normalcy. Then let Shwei Osdaba and Broin squabble about who’s the Rov of Empire Shtiebel for all we care.

  • Rabbi Shwei and Rabbi Osdoba are related

    It was just discovered that Rabbi Shwei and rabbi Osdoba ARE RELATED!! They are DISQUALIFIED from sitting on the same Bais Din!!! It’s like having Avremal and Benny Friedman sitting as the Bais Din of Crown Heights joined by Lipa a s the third Rov. Now, that’s music to our ears!!

    The only legitimate Rov left is Braun – if he is a rov. If not, he can become Executive Director of CHCC (no need for smicha to get that position). But then what do we do with Sam Chanin? Nebech.

  • Rabbi Braun has Simcha!

    Now that Rabbi Braun has simcha which is the same as smicha, can we all be b’simcha? Simcha poretz geder – with simcha we can break all barriers, (as Shagalov took the simcha and was pretz geder).

  • One Flew over the Zablo Nest

    Rabbi Rosenberg resigned from the Zablo Din Torah. Wouldn’t this disqualify the entire Zablo as there are now 4 rabbis and a beis din has to have an odd number so there is no deadlock?

    I think R. Yurkowitz is trying to say that R. Rosenberg didn’t really really resign so they can keep this charade up. But then why didnt R. Rosenberg sign or be included in any of the so-called clarifications? He’s out and so is this zablo.