Vaad Hakohol All Agree On Hachtorah – R. Osdoba Still Opposes

In a meeting between the three elected members of the Vaad Hakohol, for the first time in several weeks, they unanimously agreed to go forward with the Installation Ceremony Sunday evening, and they together signed a declaration, called a “Ksav Harav”, accepting R. Yosef Braun’s election by a majority vote of the community.

Aside from the Vaad’s accepting R. Braun, they also accepted Rabbi Osdoba’s directive that they not sign a contract until Rosh Chodesh Adar.

At the meeting it was determined that there was only $50,000 actually raised in funds to pay the Rabonim, as well as that Shmuel Chanin was the one who paid for R. Braun’s airfare to come in for tonight’s event, and that Zev Cadaner was the one who paid to print out the posters announce tonight event.

At the meeting all the members of the Vaad voted and accepted a resolution to retain Shmuel Chanin’s professional services to provide fiscal management for the Vaad Hakohol.

Following this meeting Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba issued the following brief statement “My position regarding the Hachtorah remains the same, as it has no Halach basis as outlined in my letter to Zaki Tamir from Motzai Shabbos.”


  • Makes no sense al all

    What is the hachtorahg for if no one is sure that he will be rov – he himself must wait till adar for a contract – if it happens at all?

  • Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY

    You continue to miss the point and the real issue as far as a Rov for the Rebbe’s hoif (courtyard) is concerned.

    1. The Rebbe, in his clearest statement on today’s situation, said publicly that chassidim should take the queries (they are bringing to him) to chassidisheh Rabbonim. (He made them shluchim for his voice and opinion. Surrogates.)

    2. NO-ONE CLAIMS BRAUN HAD SMICHA BEFORE HE WAS MARRIED. The Tzinner “document” was somewhere around 07 (there are currently double-digit Broindelech KAH).

    3. For some 10 years Braun disobeyed the Rebbe. If he didn’t have big designs he would probably still have no attempt at smicha.

    There cannot be a Rov in this schunah who blatantly ignored (ignores – leaving Sydney? – who knows what else) the Rebbes Horaa.



    Anyone who [participates in this farce tonight, INCLUDING RABBI OSDOBA BY ACQUIESCING, will be included in my hazmana to the Din Tora in Beis Din Shel Maaloh. They will know all the names and the mother’s names.

    Be warned. I am not predicting the outcome, but be aware that you now go to this sham bemesiras nefesh. If you are a true chosid this would not hold you back.

    I am prepared to face 7 generations of the Neshama Klaliss in the Tziyur of 7 heiligeh gufim, and to be wrong.

    ARE YOU?

    Boruch Dayan HaEmess.

  • The Rebbes Beth Din?

    There a car driving around announcing the said Hachtorah, the announcement states something about the “Rebbes Beth Din”.

    I’m trying to recall if the Rebbe ever used this Beth Din to ask any Shalose/Questions and I don’t recall anything.

    What exactly makes it the “Rebbes Beth Din”?

  • To #2

    Actually the Rebbe used Rabbi Bogomilsky as a Rav on Chof Beis Shevat 5745 and sold his chometz to Rabbi Piekarski, the Rosh Hayeshiva in 770.


    Hackner I am surprised at. I really thought that he had scruples and that is precisely why I voted for him.

    Brownstein suprised me in the previous election, because he ran with such an obviously corrupt group. Today’s signing just confirms he really has nothing to offer in the way of independent thinking.

    Zaki too I am surprised at. I sincerely thought that he would show moral courage to stand up for what is right.

    Very, very, very dissapointed.

  • chanin is noigeah b-davar

    Mula Chanin is the one, per his fathers Zalman Chanin request to pay (their relative) R. Schwei his salary. Schwei supported Braun from the beginning so of course Mula will do what Schwei says is good for the community. Zaki used to use office space by Mula Chanin and now Mula is pulling Zaki’s strings which means the hachtoreh must happen b/c MULA CHANIN says so. That’s the deal

  • Respect the Rebbeh

    Evrything about this Broin smells 1) he shows us a paper and says it a copy of the original Semicheh – then we find out, its either forgery or at best a Hamlotzoh.. this means Broin is lying intentionally, (he knows the truth that Tzinner never tested him)…in other words Broin is a plain crook.
    2) even if he had Semiche he does NOT have any Shimush, he NEVER sat on any Din Torah. which is clearly against the Rebbes instruction on numerous farbreingens…also how will we be able to ask him anything when he didn’t have shimush..3) he abandons a position in Sydney, again clearly against the Rebbes instructions.
    Its a Bizoyon to take such a man as a Rov in the biggest Lubavitch community

  • Mendel

    Question is, why is Mula Chanin all the sudden getting involved in CH politics. You left the fold 15+ years ago, what do you want from it now?

  • money

    To: #9
    We have plenty of money to throw away. Even though many people in CH and around lost their jobs. We blow it on the stupid things in our community. Maybe we should walk in the footsteps of Satmar and Bobov. 2 rebbe’s, 2 communities.
    The same in CH. 2 communities. The mishichist and the non-mishichist. Each led by their own bais din.

  • Boruch

    When I voted for Yossi Hackner (even round one), it was because he said in his pre election interviews that Rabbi Schochet from L.A. is his rov (mashpia). I wonder if he consulted with Rabbi Schochet on this. If Rabbi Schochet has indeed instructed yossi hackner to vote for the ceremony to go forward, I am dust under Rabbi Schochet’s feet, so I’ll be silent. If on the contrary, he hadn’t consulted with Rabbi Schochet about this, than I feel totally let down by Yossi Hackner. Who is our voice now?

    We need moshiach, though we needed him quite badly beforehand as well.

  • stop making up stories!

    #7 – the chanin’s are related to schwei from montreal – not the one in crown heights

    #11 – once a lubavitcher – no matter where in yiddishkeit – always a lubavitcher

  • to #15

    the chanin’s pays schweis salaray, fact.
    “…no matter where in yiddishkeit- always a lubavitcher” Really? Only if you say yechi though and support otzar and NEVER kehos, right? What a scam. He has no shaiches to CH, stay the hell out! the only reason he would pay broin ticket salary vchulu is because it will make the “Schwei team” 2 against 1. Get a life

  • Uncle Mendel

    Why hasn’t anyone nominated Mrs. Mermelstein for some position in Crown Heights? I find her extremely qualified.

    There is a position at ARLANS waiting for her if she, or Fishel, want’s it.

  • Sam is not the man

    So by calling the man Shmuel we make him kosher? This man doesn’t keep shabbos, and lies to his mother about flying on shabbos. He doesn’t keep kosher (quite openly). His wife wears pants and doesn’t cover her hair. Aside from his work giving jobs to the disenfranchised of our community, what business does he have in our shechuna? He doesn’t even live here! His money makes him ok?

  • concerned resident

    no shimush, no smicha, left his “rabbonute” in australia (against the Rebbe’s directive), not waned here.
    why is he here? what is the rush for tonight and not wait until adar?
    does anyone besdies mendel hendel like him?

  • Chaim M. Rosenburg

    Dear Rabbi Kantor,
    As we in the shchuna know that you are an outspoken member of our community (& have no issue to publicly identify yourself), you should be prepared to also face the brunt of what you sow.
    From the outset, you did not like this because you were not in the running for the position of Rov-which you would have loved to be nominated for.
    Hence, we now have a situation where everyone agreed to have Rabbi Rosenberg be the “yachreiah beinayihem”, no one voiced any opposition to this before the elections. Now wit the elections behind us and a winner and mandate from the community there are those that will do e/t in their power to find something wrong. Lets face it, there are winners and there are losers. To save face why dont the losers lose gracefuly and follow the practice of elections for public office, that the losers concededs defeat by wishing the winner all the best?

  • Chaim M. Rosenburg

    Dear Rabbi Kantor,
    As we in the shchuna know that you are an outspoken member of our community (& have no issue to publicly identify yourself), you should be prepared to also face the brunt of what you sow.
    From the outset, you did not like this because you were not in the running for the position of Rov-which you would have loved to be nominated for.
    Hence, we now have a situation where everyone agreed to have Rabbi Rosenberg be the “yachreiah beinayihem”, no one voiced any opposition to this before the elections. Now wit the elections behind us and a winner and mandate from the community there are those that will do e/t in their power to find something wrong. Lets face it, there are winners and there are losers. To save face why dont the losers lose gracefuly and follow the practice of elections for public office, that the losers concededs defeat by wishing the winner all the best?

  • Avrahom Gilman

    We want the resignation of all 3 members of the Vaad for going against Rav Osdaba. Rov Osdaba was the only one appointed with the Rebbe’s approval. Rav Rosenberg did not ask that they make it right away. Why are they doing it? Simple, to prevent the outcome when we find out we were fooled. Then the Vaad will say it is too late. We already crowned him. Ask the Vaad who is behind the push to do it right away and you will know who is who in Crown heights

  • anonymous

    These comments here are a disaster. Worse than anything is that regardless of your feelings on this topic, you should be more concerned about talking negatively and slandering another Jew in public .

  • Lesimcha Ma Zu Aoise

    I would like to understand what’s happening?

    We had 2 Rabbonim, Horav Ozdoba and Harav Shvey. But they were Shney kesuvim hamakchishim zhe es zhe. So the Shchunah became divided into two.

    So there was a din Torah and one of the main things of the Psak was that in order to rebuild the Beis Din there should be elections for a 3rd Rav. And the third ones job is to be the kosuv hashlishi that will be machrea between them.

    However Horav Ozdoba refuses to sit together with Horav Broun for the various reasons that he wrote.

    So how is Rabbi Braun being the Kosuv Hashlishi going to rebuild the Bais Din?

    In other words the community is still divided in two!! So what did we gain with Rabbi Braun??

    Please somebody EXPLAIN!! Am I missing something??

  • Rabbi?

    Voters did not know he has no smecha. Forget about Dayonis or Shimush. This is messed up.

  • New Rov

    The main binding document between the kehila and a rov is the ksav rabonus that was signed, read and given today to Rabbi Braun. The finacial contract is just the details of what was signed in the ksav rabonus. Rabbi Braun is the new Rov in the schechuna no matter a contract is signed or not.

  • Milhouse

    Sheker remains sheker, and fraud remains fraud. A fraudulent process cannot produce an honest result, or a result any decent person can respect. He is not the rov, and no phoney “ksav rabbonus” can make him so.

  • To # 3

    I was thinking the same thing. I heard the car going around blaring something about “the Rebbe’s Bais Din”. Can someone please explain that, how is this the Rebbe’s bais din?

    (please think it over before responding, just because it’s the “Rebbe’s Shchunah” doesn’t mean that everything that goes on here is ‘approved’ by the Rebbe…..)