In an email last night from Rabbi Rosenberg only two candidates have been confirmed to run in the elections for Rabonus.

Only Two Rabbonim Confirmed in Rabonim Elections

In an email last night from Rabbi Rosenberg only two candidates have been confirmed to run in the elections for Rabonus.

According to Rabbi Rosenberg the only two candidates that are qualified to run is Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky and Rabbi Nisan Mangel. Rabbi Emanuel Chabib has been disqualified.


  • need for all new 3 rabonnim

    I hope that Rabbi Mangel runs otherwise we will run into the same problem of last election for Rov when Rabbi Osdoba permitted the election for Rabbi Schwei to take place although he was the only candidate, and that is why we are in tnis mess now.

  • frustrated

    I think it says alot about a shchuna with such a large amount of people and only 2 candidates and one reportedly doesn’t even want to run.

  • Chaim

    It is well-known that The Rebbe told Rabbi Mangel not to be involved in Rabbonus. He will probably not run because of this.

  • To Chaim #7


    ‘Well-known’ is a pashkvil lenguage do you have proof?

    I spoke to him i while ago about this and he said never happened.

    When you say things in the name of the Rebbe you have to be extra carefull.

  • Wants to run

    Any candidate that WANTS to run is something wrong with him.

    Rabbonim are not politicions!

  • Anonymous

    I recall Rabbi Mangel stating unequivocally that the Rebbe instructed him never to get involved in politics (it’s on video).