Photos: Mayor Bloomberg Visits Drizins Sukkah

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Two sides of town, two candidates. Mayor Michal Bloomberg played guest in the Sukkah of Sholom Ber Drizin, while mayoral hopeful Bill Thompson dropped in at Crown Heights’s in-reach center Aliyah and later the dancing of Simchas Beis Hashueva.


  • No longer confused!!!

    “Pictures are worth a thousand words” so Yankel Spritizer is leading this mafia…excellent to know; now it all makes sense!!!

  • Waiting for my ride....

    1) Uch. u guyses fal fir him? heez only vissiting cos he secritly wantz ur vote! heez just a politishin!

    2) GOOOOOO MIKEYYYYYYYYYYYY! We love you, love you, love you!

    3) Why is Benjaminson’s Sperlin in the Sukkah of Drizin on a Poltorak Simonetti Schwei? Who gave who the right…to give Chevron without a fight…AGAINST OUR HOLY TORAH AND YIDDISHKEIT???

    4) It is undeniably and unequivocally evident from the imagery presented in the above internet real estate–and should you deem it necessary, you may corroborate how utterly impossible it would be to deny or equiv my following factual hypothesis based solely on an a single plethora of imaginative opinions–that Tznius has to stop.

    Brought to you by The Four Sons of Crown Heights Commenting.

  • mendel levin

    wow the soine yisroel simonetti so blown up .
    shame on any jew who is sitting close to that fat ……….

  • Moving right along...

    Yet another meeting of overinflated egos, windbags and useless empty suits all working together for the benefit of our wonderful community…

  • antimesira

    “Dave wrote:
    Go vaad hakohol! You guys are doing a great job”

    With all do respect Mr.Dave.
    Name one thing, give one example of anything they actually did.
    Give one example of one accomplishment that they did.

    [not counting the court cases and Mesiras ;)]

  • Association?

    I can’t figure out why a person like S.B.Drizin supports these gangsters and thugs, can anybody fill be in? What his deal? what does he get from them in return (for his money).
    Its understood why they need him, but what does he need them?

  • The Faces Of Evil

    You shall not come in the way of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil.
    Avoid it, do not pass through it; turn away from it and pass.
    For they will not sleep if they do not commit evil, and their sleep will be robbed away if they do not cause stumbling.
    For they eat the bread of wickedness, and they drink the wine of violence.
    But the way of the righteous is like the light of dawn; it shines ever brighter until the day is perfect.
    The way of the wicked is like pitch darkness; they do not know on what they stumble.
    (Mishlei Chapter 4 Verses 14-20)

  • concern

    Dearest Mr. Mayor Mike Bloomberg your tackticks are not going to work in this corrupted community. If you have not realized by now, this community unfortunately is divided. You choose to run with Shwei that means Osdaba’s people will not vote for you. This neighborhood is full of jealous people who will do anything and everything to destroy anyone in their way. The utmost unfortunate part is that you are standing by their side and shaming yourself. You are wasting your time. But if you can bring a change to our community personally we will gladly stand behind you.

  • Crown Heights Resident

    Does anyone find it astonishing that Drizin’s sukkah is nicer than most of the apartments that Lubavitchers are living in? Honestly, his sukkah is a palace compared to my apartment.


    Same BS as before, only no pool & the Fischer folks are back in. As always Mayor Mike plays the fool & gives. The CHJCC ARE the fools and do nothing except sue and sue and sue and …


    Chanina is so lacking in class! He used to sniff around Bill Thompson likes spaniel. Now when Thompson needs him, he disses him. The doesn’t even have fundemental good manners. Sperlin does not represent me. Nor does the the other slum lord.

  • dallsjew

    Association? wrote:
    I can’t figure out why a person like S.B.Drizin supports these gangsters and thugs, can anybody fill be in? What his deal? what does he get from them in return (for his money).
    Its understood why they need him, but what does he need them?
    could not have said better! ;/ A broch indeed!

  • BigBen

    Mike is giving us the finger (in first picture) and all the useless TL’ers are there to receive it.
    I’m voting for Thompson.

  • voices will be silenced

    It’s already happening…
    power will be seized and voices will be silenced. God help us all!

    These people are trouble!

  • What he needs is..

    Association? wrote:
    I can’t figure out why a person like S.B.Drizin supports these gangsters and thugs, can anybody fill be in? What his deal? what does he get from them in return (for his money).
    Its understood why they need him, but what does he need them?

    He needs attention, and the leckers are the ones to give it (leckers including people, and websites.).

  • He works!

    Why should someone comment on how SB sukkah is nicer than their apt!!!!

    He worked for it!!!! He is entitled to enjoy his fruits of labor, one shldnt be jealous!

  • mendy

    Can someone bring Fisher in to counter the money that Drizin is spending to buy support?
    I would take Fisher any day over these clowns.We are being sold down the river for a pittance.
    If Bloomie wins then These guys will be safe ofr another 4 years. But if Thomson wins— they will have bet on the wrong side.

  • vote

    I dont like blumberg
    but thompson is pobably MUCH worse just like dinkins.

    With blumberg we only had minor problems, and he gave no money to our mosdos (Guliany gave millions to tzivos Hashem and other mosdos)
    But remember Dinkins – be carefull

  • One good deed

    Even though they are corrupt Theifs and Mosrim eating everyones money,


    Whats wrong with joining a meal with bloomberg, there are so many benifits to the community.

  • What The World Needs Now

    5th picture down…(on left)…such a handsome Chairman of the Board. Only good things should come from this event!

  • antimesira

    one good deed wrote:
    “Whats wrong with joining a meal with bloomberg, there are so many benifits to the community”.

    name one, give one example!

  • makes me want to barf

    Anyone know what this meeting was about? If he sticks around these backward mosrim long enough, his last name may change to “doomberg”.

    Someone commented before about guliani giving money to the community and bloomberg not giving money… let me tell you not only did he not give the community money, he raped the community of it’s money with all the “new” parking rules that you won’t find anywhere else in the world! (of course if you’re a mosser and find yourself in the above pictures – then you would probably get away with it..)

    what a corrupt sick jungle – B”H I live far from there.