For the Vaad the following were voted in: 719 - Fishel Brownstein, 639 - Chanina Sperlin, 594 - Elie Poltorak, 513 - Zev Cadaner. The following were not voted in: 421 - Yaacov Rogalsky, 416 - Yossel Mochkin, 311 - Mendel Shagalov, 282 - Yossi Keller, 220 - Zaki Tamir, 208 - Avraham Bialestock.

The Crown Heights Election Results

For the Vaad the following were voted in: 719 – Fishel Brownstein, 639 – Chanina Sperlin, 594 – Elie Poltorak, 513 – Zev Cadaner. The following were not voted in: 421 – Yaacov Rogalsky, 416 – Yossel Mochkin, 311 – Mendel Shagalov, 282 – Yossi Keller, 220 – Zaki Tamir, 208 – Avraham Bialestock.

Results for Gabboim are as follows: 687 – Zalman Lipskier, 595 – Mordechai Chein, 565 – Uriel Niasoff, 535 – Yosef Boruch Spielman. The following were not voted in: 321 – Gershon Chaimson.

A total of 924 turned out to vote.


  • Observer

    Mazal tov!!!!! Bring peace to Crown Heights and give the Rebbe nachas!!!

  • comparing with election for rabonim

    there were 926 voters with 19 protest ballots (making it 907 supporting election) which was conducted over 3 days with absentee ballots. Source:

  • out of towner

    Can you people please explain to me how in he**’s name Chanina was voted back in? What is wrong with you Crown Heightsers???

  • friend

    I guess chanina is stuck there for life. please mr poltorak for our children sake, the 1st thing you should do, is to dress like a chossid that kids have to look up to.
    thanks and good luck
    we know you have the power to change this place for the better

  • Mazal Tov!

    B”H The rosh hakohol – Mr. Fishel Bronstien seems like a man with his head screwed on straight

  • Great!

    I don’t know about you but I think this group has the ability to do allot of good for us

  • Small Turnout

    That’s it?! That is all the people that voted!?!

    Baruch HaShem, people listened to Rav Osdoba. We are lucky to have him.

  • counts?

    Mazal Tov. Now get a good lawyer because June 3rd it may not count.





  • ch resident

    i think it was a very good thing and bh it worked out for the best

  • Sholom


    People are writing negative things against Rabbi Osdoba!
    Did everyone forget that the Rebbe made the original Badatz and they were all equally holy? Is there a new generation here that just doesn’t remember??

    Bigger question: Rabbi Groner surely remembers, so how is that he went to vote when Rabbo Osdoba forbade it (and I hear that Rabbi Heller forbade it to!).

    And even if you will say that “it seems” that they may Chas Vsholom be wrong, yet its two against one, and what’s more, the Rebbe said then that we must listen to the Rabbonim even if we don’t understand what they say (“even if they say that day is night and night is day.”).

    So what’s going on here???

  • Victory for Democracy

    Elections 5769, this Sunday UNITED the entire C.H. with a record voter turnout, united in the message they sent, to the current incumbent dictatorship, that we want change and we will no longer stand for anyone who tries to intimidate us, not to vote.

    Sundays Election was actually a REFERENDUM if the community has any respect at all whatsoever, for the Fake Rabbonim who “WARNED” and “FORBADE” the community to vote.

    The maximum voter turnout that any C.H. election, ever gets is about 1200 Voters. This Sundays Election received 924 votes.

    Considering that this Sunday was memorial Weekend when many are out of town, and also considering that there was a very extreme and massive effort by the incumbent dictatorship, trying to intimidate us all, against free elections and to forbid elections in Crown Heights – the fact that in spite of all that, we still got 924 out of a hypothetical maximum turnout of 1200, is the most incredible, landslide victory for Democracy over Dictatorship, in C.H.

    It doesn’t matter who won the election. Because the REAL WINNERS of Sundays election is the entire Crown Heights community who all voted IN DEFIANCE of the Fake Badataz order which “Forbade them to Vote”.

    It’s about time now, that the fake Badatz figures it out, that the community does not respect their Fake Beis Din with 3 unelected Fake Rabbonim because the entire community voted against their direct explicit “WARNINGS” and direct orders not to vote.

    In the end the courts will certainly confirm this election as valid.

    But even until such time, while the opposition can keep on squirming and playing games in court and keep on living in denial, hoping that the courts would listen to their unjustified challenge, it doesn’t really matter what the courts will say because one thing is for sure an that is that:

    924 Voters out of 1200 Voters sent a clear message to Rabbi Osdoba that they voted even though they had a direct order from his supposed Beis Din (which is composed of 3 fake unelected Rabbonim) which ordered them to NOT TO DARE to vote.

    Rabbi Osdoba made the mistake to DARE US to vote.

    924 out of 1200 voters took up Rabbi Osdoba on his “I DARE YOU to vote”

    We the community WON against communism in C.H.

    This Sunday is a victory for the entire FREE WORLD who refuse to be bossed around by an unelected dictatorship in C.H.

  • in towner

    out of towner maybe if you lived here you would understand why he has been voted in…

  • To Mr. Sholom

    You want to express an opinon it’s ain zach, But don’t go around spamming all the websites with ur same comment

  • To MR. Turnout

    How many people voted last elections? (The one that Osdoba supported?) I”ll answer the question for you. There were 907 qualifying votes. And elections in 05 had how many? (This was without any Rabbonim assuring voting – plus it wasn’t memorial day weekend) A total of 1210. So sorry my friend but this aint no small turnout

  • Dear Mr. Pure Poetry

    Your Capital Letters and Nivul Peh definately don’t help convince us of your opinion!

  • out of towner

    To in towner,

    All I see (from afar) is that crime is going up there, Jews are being ticketed non-stop while your neighbors get to do as they please, and the quality of life is going down the drain. Yet Chanina seems to do nothing but place his tuchus in every photo op available. Again, I fail to understand why he was voted back in; perhaps you can explain it to me.

  • mm

    This election was really saw the people speaking. There was no pressure TO vote, no favors being called to pull you into the voting booth, like by the rabbonim elections. It took only one day to bring out over 80% of the average electorate of Crown Heights to render a resounding call to those who are listening, (and to those who are not). This was a referendum on what the man on the street thinks about Moshe Rubashkin’s mandate, (a mandate which was over at least a year and a half ago.)

    From the field of the candidates, look who the people on the street chose; For Vaad Hakohol, a professional accountant, R. Fishel Brownstein (CPA), because the people want open books, transparency and honesty, a professional politician, R. Chanin Sperlin HaKohen, because you need one politician, (and one is enough), a feisty young lawyer R. Elie Poltorak (spell his name right next time, who helped resusitate the elections at the last moment, because peope want competence and diligence and they don’t mind if he is wet behind the ears; and finally a hard working businessman R. Zev Cadaner (a printer who wakes up each morning at before 4 am to learn before heading to work), who is also an askan betzorchie tzibur. What a team! Now that you know what the people want, you better deliver and don’t let us down!

    This election showed how fed up the people are. How much disgust there is for the status quo. Do you hear, those of you who changed the locks and poured precious community resources into law firms to fight the elections tooth and nail?

    Did you see how people yound and old, and in between, walked into the voting booths while trembling in their hearts from the fear of kepeidah. The kepeidah of the warnings and the imagined curses you included in your missives to the good peope of Crown Heights who want nothing more than to be able to honor their rabbonim (both of them) ahd maintain them high in their esteem and their children’s.

    These poor people were afraid to invoke the wrath and curses for stepping over the line you drew in the sand. But still, the vast majority decided they could not take any more of this and with trembling and sweat, walked in to the booth and voted. Do you hear! Open your eyes, unplug your ears, listen to the loud cry of, ENOUGH, echoing thru our community. Step aside, your sun has set the day is done for you. Find some other way to help this community, becasuse if you don’t, as the Rebbe said, ”revach vehatzolo“ will still come, but from elsewhere.

    And I want to say to our dear friends who did not vote. Who now askingly look at us, ”how could you? how could you vote, in this election when one who was called one of the ‘abirim’ tells you not to???“ Did you forget why we vote at all? Did they ever vote in Lubavitch of old, in Rostov? Did they vote for the n’siim in the midbor? Is there a din in Shulchon Oruch to vote? NO! NO! NO! We vote ONLY for one reason; The Rebbe said so! That is why. Yet the Rebbe did not say which candidate to vote for, but that we should all vote.

    It was also the Rebbe who called them ”abirim,” and that we should follow their guidance and listen to their rulings.
    But it was also the Rebbe who told them to stay out of elections! Even when they attempted to disqualify those who had fought the same elections!

    The same Rebbe who make the rabbonim into the princes of Crown Heights, told them to mix out of the elections.

    It was a huge dilemma, but the answer is there, it took mesiras nefesh, but it had to be done. Most whoever votes, voted. By voting, we didn’t vote AGAINST anybody, we voted for the Rebbe.

    Moshiach Now!

  • Dear Mr. out of Towner

    G-d help us!

    I agree with out of towner…and I live here!

    Now let’s sit back & watch the war on Kingston as these buffoons try to get into the CHJCC offices. We’ll have the media, helicopters, cops, everyone & once again, it will be a terrible Chillul Hashem.

    Of course, most people out there won’t see it that way. For them, it’s pure entertainment & they’ll be too busy laughing at us. Nothing new there, is there.

    I predict the first decree these morons will put out is that every home MUST display a yellow flag…or else!

  • Reality

    As a person who has been watching all these years (especially) the last 15 years, I laugh at all of you.

    Next season:
    This new group brakes up!
    Another machlokes!
    Who will be fighting with who?
    Who will masser on who?
    Who will be going to jail?

    All this coming up!
    Remember: no commercial brakes!

    By the way; the show is terible (need a new writer).

    Anyway got to go to work and take care of my family, all this has nothing to do with reality

  • 77.0% percent voted!

    Amazing if you calculate by percentage of 1200(the number who voted in past election) by the number who voted 924. It comes out to 77%

  • Sruly

    Rubashkin will spend every last frankfurter and chicken wing to pay a lawyer to keep these chaps out of office. The roller roaster ride isn’t over yet, folks. And why didn’t Mayor Bloomberg come out to visit ol’Sperlin, the most powerful Jew in Lubavitch?

  • Candaner

    How can Zev Candaner be in the vaad. henis a head of a moisad. so now all the money will go to the school’s he is in charge of

  • fraud.

    zaki tamir resigned. i don’t know how accurate your amounts are.

  • anonymis

    how many voted two and three times. Where there any controls?They want transparency who paid for it all, how much did all the publishing cost?Is it strange is anyonr in chargr of a mosod?

  • next on the ballot

    How is Chanina handling NOT being voted in as rosh? is he going to try to do the same thing he has tried before…to push the rosh out so he can be? Is the new rosh strong enough to stand up to Chanina and his mommys money?

  • Mendy

    Next step is to remove Rabbi Osdoba from any kind of leadership. This vote totally repudiates. Sperlin and Polterik will move to give Rabbi Groner a greater role and take on Merkos as they consolidate all power among worldwide Anash.

  • R shmuel livitin

    not lets have elections for rabbonim. i think we need new rabbonim. a rav who cares about the community not politics or self interest. why is it that all machlokes has a rav in middle all the time.!

  • the truth

    the reason chanina is in is to keep hiking the price of rent. i am getting married now and dont know how i wil pay my rent when because of the sperlin family the reni in ch is a whopping $1200 for a small farkakte 1 bedroom apt. with roaches and mice.

    i hope tha poltrack will bring some truth to our comunity. and kedanr bahevaes

    and remember bronstein that you got the most votes and so that is for you so do as you wish cause that is what we suport and the people that are going to tell you what to do.

    as of the rabbanim they should go to a bis din out of the comunity to work this out. osdaba has to know that this is not a family business where evrey one of his kids are working for. and that he caused enoutgh of a chilul hashem for us all and now it is time for him to do what is right and behave. and not klisten to his kids tha tare out thre just for MONEY and KOVOD.

  • Meir


    I was always under the impression that the disagreement among the Rabbonim was the main cause of the disenfranchisement of our children.After reading ‘a victory for democracy’ among others, I came to the conclusion that it is people such as these who breed disrespect and disalusionment. Agree with him or not , but to speak about a Rav so derogatorily is a scandel.Probably this person has no respect for himself as well.

  • chiam

    i personaly know people that voted 3 yes THREE times. thats called honest allections?!?!?!?! so im not so sure about 926 npeople coming to vote.

  • dovid

    from the first election to the 2 from vaad it was 9 years due to machlokes so dont tell me the rebbe wanted every 3 years and taht what the rebbe wanted.
    in igros kodesh volume 25 page 106 the rebbe wrote to the rav of kefar chabad not to make elections due to machlokes.. read it!!!

  • Good luck

    To the one who wrote “the only solution is a complete and radical overhaul of the leadership structure”

    To paraphrase an old quote:
    You try to be a leader when in CH everybody thinks their a leader.

  • Moshe Haber

    Mr. “Victory for Democracy” is delusional. What record turnout!? The average number of voters in the last 4 va’ad elections was over 1100. Take your thorazine and calm down.

  • interesting

    its interesting to note that by the ‘fake’ elections of the 3 rabanim there was also about 900 votes and at athat time they screamed that its not even 50 percent of the community (and going back even further rabbi schwei’s election had about the same results too but there they said the vote was good) so its interesting how now its a massive ‘victory’ that they got approx 900 votes (which we are not sure if there actually is that much real votes)

  • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone

    If the community institutions will now be run with full accountability and transperancy the change of guard will have been an excellent outcome
    Further we immediately need to address problems facing our youth,the poor, tznius and why we do not have the same government support that you find in Williamsburg, Boro Park, Flatbush, Monsey, Lakewood and Monroe.
    I hope the Rabbonim of the CHBD will now deem it appropriate to sit down and clear up their differences so that all the member of the community will have the confidence to turn to them in times of need and necessity.
    If they are unable to put their house in order within a reasonable time f they should all step down and an election should be called to install a new and credible Beis Din.
    Let us hope that the Rebbe will draw much Chassidishe Naches from his community institutions.

  • Nachman

    Brownstein is a puppet of that Buffon “Rabbi” Mangel, who thinks he is a Rebbe…. Nebach.

  • RABONIM: What is this whole Cry

    to my knowledge, one of the Rabbonim took it OUT of the hands of Rabbonim and brought it to COURT. so now lets let Dina D’malchusa rule. you cant have it both ways – not agree to go to an impartial din tora (either a mutually agreed upon standing Bais Din, and if this is not possible then do what all Jews do – and the Rebbe encouraged it many times (see igros) do a ZABL“O. and then when you dont get your way go to court and scream RABBONIM.. if its Rabbonim – Let Rabbi Osdobo and Rabbi Schwey go to a Zabl”o (or mutually agreed upon Bais Din if it’s agreeable to BOTH of them) and fight out ALL of their ‘big issues’. if this is not done, and one side goes to secular Court! (without trying to go to a din tora (between Rabbi’s Osdobo and Schwey) then let the COURTS decide, and it has NOTHING to do with the Rabbonim.

    Let us, the people that both Rabbonim were elected to serve US, DEMAND that both Rabbonim agree to go to a Din Tora immediately!!! I don’t care who wins, if the result is that (the zabl“o concluded that) Rabbi’s Zirkind, Segal and Reitport are confirmed to be equal members of the Bais Din then so be it – I and many other will gladly except them, and if its determined that the case is not so – so be it. THIS IS THE JEWISH WAY OF RESOLVING DISAGREEMENTS!!!!!! obviously, if you speak to one of the ‘sides’ they will prove you how al-pi-TORAH they are 100% right on the issues – but isn’t this the case in almost ALL disputes? (each side is a NOGEA BEDOVOR and therefore should not issue any piskey dinim on these issues – and let OUTSIDE mutually agreed upon rabbonim (bais din or zabl”o) make the determinations and piskey dimim…

    Moshiach Now!!!

  • Shalom Al Pi Torah!!!

    I truly hope that the result of the court case – that the judge will ask that a Zabl“o be held to determine who is the real Badat”z (just Rabbi’s Osdobo, Heller and Schwey or also the 3 new ones) and therefore empowered by Torah and the Bylaws to arbitrate and rule (piskey din) in questions and disagreements that arise among the Vaad Hakohol and Netzigim etc. – this would be a very bellyfull outcome – with a clear deadline 2-3 months to produce a Psak din from a Zabl“o.

    Let the will of Torah! prevail – as it is determined what the will of Tora is, ”outside” Rabbonim that were agreed upon mutually as prescribed by Torah and as is the practice off all ‘erliche yiden’

  • Nachman

    Not because we have internet the serious Lav of rechilus and Loshan Hora and Moitzi Shem Ra goes out of the window.

    Specifically against the Rabonim Harav Osdaba Harav Shvai Harav Mangel and against the Vaad Hakohol Chanina Who did a lot for the community and in general for any person.

    Maybe its time for some censoring. If you have a question you can ask the Rov of your choice and they will guide you al pi torah.

  • new in town?

    You must be new in town. This has already been done! a group attempting to de-legitimize the vaad hakohol etc. did just that. they went to court and claimed that the elections were illegal since woman cant vote -the result was a court ordered referendum that confirmed the rules as they stand today and therefore Court Approved.

    If you have any problem with the elected officials – the best way is to present candidates that YOU feel are good for the community – and go campaign amongst your so-called disenfranchised and disgruntled friends to come out en mass (as YOU claim that you are the majority of the community) and elect YOUR candidate – this is the way democracy works. the way to get what you want is to get your so-called majority (I don’t believe this so-called majority exists at all – i direct you to examine the number of voters in past elections and this number is no small (or minority) number at all of ‘usual’ participants of similar elections) and elect your candidates as apposed and just spewing hatred.

    to the best of my knowledge announcements have been placed in all shulls for over 3 months stating there will be elections or Rosh Chodesh Sivan and that anyone that wants can run (as per the bylaws) and NOBODY was rejected from being a candidate!!!

  • Nachman

    The web does not negate the shulchan aruch.
    Beware os slander Loshan Hora Rechilus and Moitzie Shem Ra.

    Whether its a ordinary Person more so one from the Vaad Hakohol Like Fishel Bronstein Or Chanina Sperlin who did much for the community and specificaly a Rov whether it is Horav Osdobe or Horav Shvei or Horav Nissen Mangel.

    Those who did slander others do yourself a Favor and apologise.

  • Anon

    Limakeh Mitzrayim Bivchoreyhem…Ki Liolom Chasdoh…
    I wish both sides a hearty Didan Notzoch, and I hope you all take your fight in to the woods so that CH can start to become functional again…

  • Misherobu harotzchim golso sanhadrin

    Misherobu harotzchim golso sanhadrin
    there was a time that sanhedrin deemd not effective
    so thy just left town.
    now rav osdobo and his chachomin left town and gave the
    supreeme court the right to rule. and the jewish judge
    said no election but the goy who has no bechira chofshis
    and has to do as god directed . said yes elections
    whats the problem now ?

  • Offended by writer calling self Candaner


    Dear ”Candaner“:

    Where do you get the chutzpah to stand in accusation, thinking you can predict the future like this??? Where do you get such a hateful mentality?

    Why aren’t you accusing all of the other winners, IN ADVANCE, of their (supposed by you) devious plans to make ”all the money” go to whatever other organizations or mosdos they are also connected to??? And just which candidates DON’T have any other mosdos, businesses, etc. in their lives???

    Why are you singling out this gentleman, about whom you have absolutely no basis for making such horrific predictions?

    Do you have a chip on your shoulder about the moisad said winner is associated with? Do you feel threatened that there are more mosdos here than there used to be?

    Or maybe you are just jealous that said winner obviously has more ehrlichkeit and mentschlichkeit than you’ll ever have?

    Channel your venom into your davening and your learning, l’shem shamayim!!!

  • Shame on Lubavtch

    if any of you Lubavitchers questioned if the Rebbe is alive or not until now, rest assured that you have killed him now

  • take me out of the ballgame

    Take me out of elections
    Take me away from Politics
    Buy me a plane ticket to Fiji (and from there I will sit back and relax and eat the popcorn and soda that you’ll buy me with the plane ticket)
    I don’t care if I never come back

    Go root root root for your home team
    If they don’t win it’s a shame
    for it’s one, 2, 3 strikes your out of the
    Power struggle game

  • me

    to “Dear Mr. Out of towner”- won’t it be awesome if everyone has yellow flags? then CH will finally have some color to it! it will be like living in a yellow submarine

  • CH mother

    Q: Why were women not permitted to vote? My husband was out of town Sunday. But, anyways, am I not also a resident of CH and recipient of CHJCC services?