BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — just received word from Brooklyn Supreme Court that a judge granted the temporary restraining order (TRO), barring the election from taking place. This comes after the election candidates were served with a court order last night. The judge granted the restraining order till June 3rd, when a hearing will be held.

Judge Grants Restraining Order – Elections Canceled

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — just received word from Brooklyn Supreme Court that a judge granted the temporary restraining order (TRO), barring the election from taking place. This comes after the election candidates were served with a court order last night. The judge granted the restraining order till June 3rd, when a hearing will be held.

One of the candidates said, “ I am outraged at the so called Beis Din for squelching the communities voice.” He went on to say that they are considering an appeal tomorrow and they are confident that they are going to win on the merits on June 3rd.

Stay tuned to as this story develops.

Related Election Articles

Zaki Tamir Announces His Resignation from the Elections
Op-Ed: Why We All Need To Vote
Op-Ed: A Letter to my Supporters
Election Candidates Served with Psak Din and Court Order
Rabbi Osdoba Clarifies his Position on the Elections, Rabbi Schwei Responds as Elections Draw Closer


  • Toishev Hashchuna

    Judge Jacobson signed the Temporary Restraining Order which temporally stops elections after a heated hearing today. She adjourned the case to June 3rd when it will be heard before J. Ambrosio. Eli Polterak may put in papers to speed up this date.

    The Community Counsel’s Lawyers (although there is an issue who they really represent) say they are enforcing an arbitration awarded by Crown Heights Bais Din which called people come to them due to a dispute within the CHJCC. They claim that according to the bylaws, all disputes must be settled in the Bais Din. Therefore all participants in the election must go to the Bais Din before elections since there is a current dispute. They have Judge Ambrosio’s prior order of 2 years ago previously enforcing this Psak.

    Polterak representing himself, Levi Hubner representing CHJCC (very confusing since two lawyers on opposite sides claim to be representing CHJCC) Noson Kopel, representing the gaboim (and a lady lawyer) all argued that: 1) the Psak is a sham, 2)$30,000 went into these elections, 3) There is thousands of dollars in CHJCC funds being stolen by the Director who is refusing to open the books 4) The next time Elections can be held would be after the high holidays since all are going away on vacation 5) no one agreed to be bound by this resent pisak arbitration, 6)Crown Heights Bais Din is Split 6) There is no certified interpretation of this psak 7) There is a Psak by another rabbi of CH Bais Din Ordering elections to go forward…etc.

    Yosel Muchkin tried to be heard along with all other pro-se candidates but the judge said she heard enough.

    The Judge still held that the elections be temporally stayed until the resolution of the hearing on June 3rd before Judge Ambrosio.

    This seems to be only the beginning.

  • Lubavutch

    This fight is good for Lubavitch. When the Farmers are pre-occupied with fighting amongst themselves, they will no longer make trouble and touch the Rebbe’s holy Mossdos (Aguch, Merkaz, Machane, Kehos, etc.).

  • Poltrak,Kraus please save us...from them

    Poltrak, Kraus et al. are a bunch of Wackos and Baalei Machlokes… look what kind of Hillul HaShem he cause on ROSH HASHANA… uch em vey.

  • Fed up

    This community is such a joke already. I’m embarrassed to be a part of it sometimes and I am just thankful that my non-frum family doesn’t see this website.

  • Renegade

    A more correct headline would be “Elections postponed” or “Elections On Hold”. So far the elections were not cancelled…

  • a neighborhood resident

    It’s a no win situation when you have a so called RAv backed by a Mafia a group who pulled the wool over many people’s eyes helping to convince Many that he should be installed as a Rav by referendum & not a real election. Shortly after wards they began their so far successful campaign to divide & conquer. If Rav Osdoba would give out a Psak that 12 pm is the middle of the day Then Schwei & his cohorts would come out with their PSak that no 12 pm is midnight This is a fact. He uses Others to disrupt the daily functionings in this neighborhood taking Rabbonim iNcluding Rav Osdoba to Din Torahs making sur they obtain dmaging rulings etc.Thier is a way to make proper elections & end the confusion of who is the NTzigim etc. But I guarantee Shcwei would never allow it since there is a chance his cohorts , operatives would be voted out legally & that they can never accept!

  • Noson A. Kopel

    Correction to Toishev Hashchuna above:

    Noson Kopel did not represent the Gaboim, Noson Kopel represented two of the candidates for gaboim, who wish the elections to go forward as soon as possible. Otherwise the report is basically accurate. The hearing ended after 5 PM. The Judge clearly did not want to hear much detailed discussion. Her approach seemed to be “Let’s postpone this and leave it for another day”.

    ALSO, I object to the title of this article “Elections Canceled”. It should be “Elections Temporarily Postponed”

    Noson A. Kopel, Esq.


    The rebbe stated clearly that a Rov must do things al pi din and must be able to answer meiheichon dantuni. Rabbi Osdoba deserves to be impeached and there is no doubt in my mind that the Rebbe agrees with that too. Hes made a mockery of the Torah, he is a machzik bemachloikes. He has a niduy on him for going to secular courts in a family matter. The Rabonim who issued the niduy, were Rabonim that Rabbi Osdoba chose and accepted, and they have ruled that Rabbi Ozdoba is posul forerver from serving as a Rov, EVEN after the niduy has been removed. The man is a pathological liar. In his so called psak din to the candidates, he has the audacity to write, that after hearing BOTH sides, and after CAREFULLY DEBATING the issue, he has reached the conclusion to issue such a psak. What an outrage! Everyone knows that the defendants made it clear to him, that he can not try this case, because of his personal bias, and therefore request a din tora bezablo. He completely ignores that, and issues a psakl din which becomes the basis for a court case against the community to block the elections.
    If you really want to know what the rebbes opinion is, in the times of this current machloikes between the Rabonim, you only need to listen to the tape of purim farbrengen 5747 and you will be amazed how the Rebbe is a tru Novi beyisroel. i urge everyone to listen to that tape.

  • What is really going on?

    I am sure that Rabbi Osdoba also agrees that we need elections every few years. However there are priorities & Rabbi Osdoba wants unity before elections. Rabbi Shwei did not recognize the last legitimate elections for rabbanim as a result he does not hold of the concept of having a majority in the Bais Din that we can follow. What Rabbi Osdoba wants is for Rabbi Shwei to recognize previous elections before new elections happen, I feel that is unlikely for Rabbi Shwei to agree to recognize his opponents. I think the solution would be for all the Rabbanim to agree for the sake of shalom & a unified Bais Din, to have a reelection for all the Rabbanim that were elected in the last two elections which would include Rabbi Shwei’s name on the ballot as people in the community were also against him as the only candidate in his election, since the Bais Din only requires 3 rabbanim & since Rabbi Heller does not participate in Dinei Torah so you should only be able to vote for two of the candidates on the ballot, which would bring the Rabbanim in the Bais Din to 3 Rabbanim with Rabbi Osdoba. Once our Bais Din is unified I am sure Rabbi Osdoba would be very happy to immediately have elections for the Vaad Hakohol & Gabo’im.

  • True Demoracy True Peace

    Thank G-d we didn’t have another contested election. Let’s have every shul appoint a Netzig in an open fashion and all of them have to sit in one room and vote in leadership and then move forward. Both Rabbonim want a Din Torah about the election of the three Rabbonim. Let it happen. Everyone agrees we need elections. let’s have elections every can run and vote for.

  • sam

    It looks that the only solution to our community is to make new election for one rov only.
    The old rabonim will be able to put their name as candidate too, and lets see what the kohol wants.

  • a pusheter yid

    keep it simple, for the rabbomin to make elections there needs to be a majority of the rabonim to schedule elections.

    simple, we need atleast 2 rabonim to agree to make elections.

  • To a pusheter yid

    It is NOT up to the Rabonim. Read what the Rebbe wrote about that…

    You don’t know the history of elections in Crown Heights.

  • Zoo Keeper

    To me this sounds more like a three way egg throwing fight with more parties invloved than arab countries in the middle east. only the Obama administration would be able to encorage five way peace talks and make everybody happy.

    I have more important things to do than follow scores.

  • stuck in ch

    sick people in a sick neigheberhood with stupid rabanim you get whaty you desereve