At 10:30 this morning one of the candidates running for the Elections in the Vaad Hakohol announced his resignation citing the Psak Din, which we reported on early this morning.
His announcement stated: “With much disappointment I regret to inform you that last night (5/19/09) I received a Psak Din (dated 5/18/09) prohibiting my involvment with the upcoming elections. The Psak labels the election as Illegal. Considering that Unity and Humility must (at times) come before freedom, I beg the apology of all the people that supported me and all the caring hearts that yearned swift change. I hereby announce my resignation from candidacy to the CHJCC.”
Zaki Tamir Announces His Resignation from the Elections, Citing Psak Din
At 10:30 this morning one of the candidates running for the Elections in the Vaad Hakohol announced his resignation citing the Psak Din, which we reported on early this morning.
His announcement stated: “With much disappointment I regret to inform you that last night (5/19/09) I received a Psak Din (dated 5/18/09) prohibiting my involvment with the upcoming elections. The Psak labels the election as Illegal. Considering that Unity and Humility must (at times) come before freedom, I beg the apology of all the people that supported me and all the caring hearts that yearned swift change. I hereby announce my resignation from candidacy to the CHJCC.”
On his campaign blog Zaki wrote: “We as a People have forever survived upon the premise that the rule of law must govern. That is to say whether or not a person agrees with the law or not. Torah l’Moshe M’Sinai dictates that when the Bet Din speaks the folk must comply. Absent this very basic premise, our society would be left in a form of anarchy. How can one expect one’s child to learn respect while carrying the burden of contempt-of-court (Bet Din). During the past few weeks I have been involved with on-going communication with the Bet Din. I learnt that some Rabbonim were opposed to the elections. Because of my love for this town, its people, and its holiness, I continued to press forward notwithstanding the suggestions given to me by the opposing Rabbonim. But now the Bet Din has spoken, and has served me with their ruling on the matter, I regretfully submitt myself to their ruling.”
Thanks for helping the criminals holding back the elections. I was going to vote for you.
who really gives
let them all go no one on the list is any good
I am not sure if he did the right thing by resigning but we need an election now, no more excuses. because Zaki has shown respect for both Rabbonim maybe he should arrange the elections.
What a shame that this is what the community is coming to. communism died in most of the world EXCEPT in lubavitch. In Crown Hights and by Shlucim…. very sad we have ‘kings’ and ‘dictators’…
Well said Zaki “Unity and humility” 2 keys that is much in need. About time someone to a stance of Kabolas ol rather than fight the leadership.
I wish you much success in all your endeavors and hope G-d will rewards you generously for your conviction!
Its a shame, I think he really could have helped our community. Hes also a standup guy for steping down!!
What a shame that this is what the community is coming to. communism died in most of the world EXCEPT in lubavitch. In Crown Hights and by Shlucim…. very sad we have ‘kings’ and ‘dictators’…
BH, This is good news. esp. cuz he didnt have a full beard.
This is GREAT
I see some people say: this is great – finally we may have shalom, let all the candidates step down…. WHO do you think YOU are fooling, let all of the ‘regular’ people step aside and let the DICTATORS take charge without any opposition – this way we will have TRUE shalom (the way the Rebbe wants it? I don’t think so. the Rebbe ALWAYS wanted that the will of the PEOPLE should rule…)
this whole situation is a tragedy
Moshiach Now!!!
here in Kan Tziva thing are run as a dictatorship. every rov is a KING – can mix into whatever he wants, doesn’t need to listen to both sides BEFORE formulating an opinion (and especially a PSAK DIN).
And most importantly, it seems like in our holy shcuna Rabbomin can PASKEN FOR THEMSELVES meaning that if there is an issue which DIRECTLY involves HIM (either his kovod, money, kids etc.) HE AND ONLY HE has the right to render Piskey Dinim regarding these matters and Chas V’Shalom to go to a neutral Beis Din – out of Crown Hihgts – that has nothing to do with the local politics and isn’t paid off by one of the sides.
Yes, we are living in a dictatorship unfortunately – there is ABSOLUTELY NO rule of law regarding these areas…
Resignation from justice equalls another win for al-Qaida.
Resigning from Planet Earth
If he is so naive, and can’t take the heat, he should resign from being an attorney, altogether.
Thank you
Thank you for standing up for what is right, if not popular. Keyn yirboo. The election should be postponed until all can agree on it.
Just Another Lawyer.
Big talk. Big wimp. Never understood what was going on anyhow.
Nu Nu!
It’s ta’ke a lose, but we must persevere.
too bad, zaki would have done an outstanding job!
Vizurach Hashemesh, Uvah Hashemesh…………….although we are loosing out on your service, you have inspired us with your true integrity and commitment to achdus, kavod hatorah, and life in this community.
Vote for Hendle
the remaining candidates were spotted Wednesday afternoon holding a secret meeting with Rabbi Mendy Hendel.
Mendy Hendle, behind every machlokes, behind every mesira, Yankle Spritzer #2.
Tamir shows great respect for his community and Rabbi’s. It is people like him that we need in office. It is hard to understand a system that punishes its candidates for listening to his Rabbonim and rewards those who disregard their ruling.
and nuch he is a competent and successful guy. he take would have made a difference.
Pinchos Woolstone
I am a relative newcomer to the community of Crown Heights; I have no knowledge of the history of the Beis Din or the Vaad Hakol.Further I do not know the individuals concerned.
I do however see a very divided community which must be causing tremendous agmas nefesh to the Rebbe.
Much has been written about the division between the different Rabbonim and their inability to operate in unison.This has let to a division between Balei Batim over the issue of the correctness of the proposed coming election for the Vaad.
Whatever happens it seems that the machlokos will continue.
Is it possible that a Beis Din Zablo be held to decide those issues which are dividing the Rabbonim; which then can be followed by an open election for the Vaad Hakol held under the direction of an independent and outside electoral organization.
Honesty or HYPOCRISY?
On Sunday, Tamir said publicly that as long as Rabbi Schwei and Rabbi Osdoba don’t both sign the same united letter, it’s meaningless and not binding.
Now he actions represent a total contradiction of everything Tamir said publicly REPEATEDLY for about 2 hours at the public meeting.
It’s HYPOCRITICAL on Tamir’s part.
A candidate that can’t spell?
“involvment” = involvement
“whether or not a person agrees with the law or not” – the words “or not” at the end are redundant.
“on-going” = ongoing
“submitt” = submit
Maybe it’s better he resigned. Just kidding, I don’t know the guy from Adam!
Toishev Hashchuna
Judge Jacobson signed the Temporary Restraining Order which temporally stops elections after a heated hearing today. She adjourned the case to June 3rd when it will be heard before J. Ambrosio. Eli Polterak may put in papers to speed up this date.
The Community Counsel’s Lawyers (although there is an issue who they really represent) say they are enforcing an arbitration awarded by Crown Heights Bais Din which called people come to them due to a dispute within the CHJCC. They claim that according to the bylaws, all disputes must be settled in the Bais Din. Therefore all participants in the election must go to the Bais Din before elections since there is a current dispute. They have Judge Ambrosio’s prior order of 2 years ago previously enforcing this Psak.
Polterak representing himself, Levi Hubner representing CHJCC (very confusing since two lawyers on opposite sides claim to be representing CHJCC) Noson Kopel, representing the gaboim (and a lady lawyer) all argued that: 1) the Psak is a sham, 2)$30,000 went into these elections, 3) There is thousands of dollars in CHJCC funds being stolen by the Director who is refusing to open the books 4) The next time Elections can be held would be after the high holidays since all are going away on vacation 5) no one agreed to be bound by this resent pisak arbitration, 6)Crown Heights Bais Din is Split 6) There is no certified interpretation of this psak 7) There is a Psak by another rabbi of CH Bais Din Ordering elections to go forward…etc.
Yosel Muchkin tried to be heard along with all other pro-se candidates but the judge said she heard enough.
The Judge still held that the elections be temporally stayed until the resolution of the hearing on June 3rd before Judge Ambrosio.
This seems to be only the beginning.
Kabbalas Ol
Finally someone has Kabbalas Ol in CH. Everyone complaining about how there is a dictatorship, can u imagine how strict Rabbonim in Europe, Middle East etc. throughout Jewish history have been? Stop the hefker-keit! Listen to your Beis Din! Rav Osdoba is man of dignity, knowledge and care.
To bad Zaki was the best guy to look at.
Reply to Mendy wrote:
BH, This is good news. esp. cuz he didnt have a full beard.
Screw You! Who needs a beard when you are a mentch and have good neshama.
Look at all them lay leaders will their FULL white beards and all…..who looks worse now?
I would rather my kids respect an ehrlich person without a beard that someone with a full one who they know that’s full of it.
Beards are so yesterday’s problems in Crown Heights.
Let’s face the real problems…
How many kids don’t daven (forget about with a minyan, just Davening period!) don’t have a shiur etc…
How many kids do Drugs, alcohol etc…
It’s amazing how some people will beat up on someone else
He did what his conscious told him to do-whether one agrees with it or not.I am sure he gave it a lot of thought and I am even surer that he was confused about what to do-who is’nt.
Save the bad mouthing for one’svery own yetzer hora and nefesh b’hamis
Afraid of What Could Happen CH V
It pains to say this…but unfortunately if the Aibishter decides He wants ”achdus“ in this community, He must deploy those how hate us (kushim, etc.) to smack us in the face to remind us of our priorities.
With all due respect to all the Rabbonim, who are respected mostly by everyone, it is up to them to get TOGETHER and stop fighting, and not stopping the distribution of stupid letters bashing each other, and all the other ”leaders” of this so-called community.
The leaders must take responsibility if Hashem decides, Chas V’Chalila, to unite this community by force.
Hayom Yom Lessons for Wednesday,May 20, 2009 – Iyar 26, 5769
The command “You shall rebuke” is preceded by the words “YOU SHALL NOT HATE YOUR BROTHER,” for this is a precondition for the rebuke. The Torah continues, “…and you shall not ascribe sin to him,” for if the rebuke was ineffectual, YOU are certainly the one responsible, for yours were not words coming from the heart.
Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Ben Chaim
They probably wrote Tamirs resignation letter for him. But don’t bother asking him, he will deny it. He was pushed against the wall. His law license on the line, they said. They fight elections. They fight the man on the street. The man on the street wants to do what the Rebbe wants. What do they want? I don’t know but they are not like the man on the street. Today they went to court. No Din Torah, no Zablo, no arbitration. They just went to court. And who gave the heter? He is also nogeah. They clearly go agains the Rebbe.
So tomorrow in the street, in shul, in the mikvah, how will we look at these people in the eye? Who will say to them, “Shame on you.”?
Is there no one in this entire town that has the seichel and the zchus avos to be able to respond to this kind of mafia tactics? Where are the Rabbonim to cry ‘Foul!’. Where are ziknei anash, what about respectable people, the tuvei ha Ir? So many self styled Rabbi’s in this town who seem so holy and wise and are ready to give wise counsel to the man on the street, to sit on his din torah, where are they now?
Ha Ihr Shushan Navochoh!
What is Really Going On?
I am sure that Rabbi Osdoba also agrees that we need elections every few years. However there are priorities & Rabbi Osdoba wants unity before elections. Rabbi Shwei did not recognize the last legitimate elections for rabbanim as a result he does not hold of the concept of having a majority in the Bais Din that we can follow. What Rabbi Osdoba wants is for Rabbi Shwei to recognize previous elections before new elections happen, I feel that is unlikely for Rabbi Shwei to agree to recognize his opponents. I think the solution would be for all the Rabbanim to agree for the sake of shalom & a unified Bais Din, to have a reelection for all the Rabbanim that were elected in the last two elections which would include Rabbi Shwei’s name on the ballot as people in the community were also against him as the only candidate in his election, since the Bais Din only requires 3 rabbanim & since Rabbi Heller does not participate in Dinei Torah so you should only be able to vote for two of the candidates on the ballot, which would bring the Rabbanim in the Bais Din to 3 Rabbanim with Rabbi Osdoba. Once our Bais Din is unified I am sure Rabbi Osdoba would be very happy to immediately have elections for the Vaad Hakohol & Gabo’im.
A move like this shows that you are one of the good candidates. Hope to see you in a leadership role, if not now then later…
Tamir I thought you were smarter. You listening and supporting a false beis din psak and at the same time you going against a psak from Rabbi Schwei and, most important, clear directives and the will of the Rebbe.
lets have charlie for prez! no machlokes then… ill vote for him!
Henny (Hoffinger) Chanina
I truthfully have no idea of all the details of what is going on and all the ramifications involoved. But I do want to say one thing:
Kol Hakavod to such humility and courage both at the same time! Such a candidate exemplifies utter honesty. You are a candidate in the eyes of Hashem-which is the highest level possible! Yashar Koach and Hashem should grant you and your family much hatzlacha in all!!
I heard him speak at the candidates presentation/debate and he was by far the best speaker with the best ideas. I was thinking about voting for him alone. I am disappointed.
I-m afreid too
I am also afraid about what could happen.
History repeats itslef. In times of pain our differences disapear. When danger threatens, arabs ally with Jews. When we are hit in the face by local inner city deprived youth we will all be marching in unity behind police baricades “no justice no peace” and we will be lead by all of them as one.
For those who want you could look up the sicha that expains what it was percicely that Moshe was afraid of when he said Achein Noida Hadavar,” but i forgot which sicha it was.
Lots of trageties befell the jewish poeple, yet we still seem to have the evil in our midst. yYu guys all got to shape up.