CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — In a new development all the candidates for Vaad Hakohol and Gaboim, as well as the disputed members of the Netzigim; were served with a notice to appear in Supreme Court tomorrow afternoon, for a hearing on a motion by the current Vaad to block the elections.
Election Candidates Served with Psak Din and Court Order
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — In a new development all the candidates for Vaad Hakohol and Gaboim, as well as the disputed members of the Netzigim; were served with a notice to appear in Supreme Court tomorrow afternoon, for a hearing on a motion by the current Vaad to block the elections.
The letters were served by hand in an envelope from the Beis Din, containing a Psak Din signed by Rabbis Osdoba and Segal stating that the original Psak from the 3rd of Shvat 5768 regarding elections still stands. The letter further states that the current elections are illegal and the recipient of the order must appear in court.
Additionally there was a letter from Tenenbaum and Berger LLP, the law firm representing the current Vaad and Netzigim, ordering the appearance on a hearing for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) on the matter of elections.
According to one of the candidates, they will all be making an appearance on their own behalf’s and fight the motion, additionally they believe that the judge will rule in their favor and allow the elections to proceed.
NOTICE: in the previous version of this article we incorrectly stated that the psak din said that the candidates must appear before the courts. All the psak din stated is that they and the elections are in violation of there psak and they must withdraw and resign immediately. Also the letter of the psak has been updated as well.

thank g-d not in CH
Eli poloerak is in my opinion a very brilliant lawyer.. I studied law and have known him many years.. good luck at that end. It all boils down to “who are the rabbanim?!?”
More and more machlokes..
wow this is a new twist.
vaad hkohol is suing chanina ?
chanina is part of vaad hakohol and he is suing himself ?
I guess that means Zaki Tamir will not be running as he said if any of the Rabonim ask him not to run he will oblige.
Stop the nonsense!
Elections now!
Let’s oust the Rabbi Osdoba!
He creates Machlokos!
Watsa Upp
Osdaba at war with the community. Osdaba at war with the Rebbe. Now his true colors show!
very fishy.....
Something very fishing going on over here….
1. in the article you mention that in the BD’s letter it says “and the recipient of the order must appear in court.” – the intention is to BD not to court. There’s no actual calling of the BD to the goyishe court (so what if it was in the same envelope?)
2. The English and the Hebrew letters are two totally different letters.
3. Rabbi Osdobo’s is in english… I wonder why? dosent he know hebrew? is it for the court???)
4. Why didn’t Rabbi Osdobo sign the hebrew letter? (maybe he “just wosen’t around”? or maybe he dosent want to chap the busha when %75 of the community will come to vote?)
Why is Rabbi Osdoba not signed on the so-called P’sak? Seems like Segal is behind all of this. He is fighting for his life because he knows that he’s not legit and that any normal va’ad that didn’t need him to cover for its crimes would send him flying. We should send them a message by all coming out to vote!
Stop telling us about the machlokes in Crown Heights. We have enough,heartache with sick people, children that are going off the way,etc. Unfortunately it is not in my power to stop these so called leaders to fight, but at least do not report it in your news, it does not do any good to anyone.
David Berger Strikes Again
Wow, the attorney’s name is David Berger. How ironic.
this whole thing is disgusting!! WHo gives someone the right to go to arkaos!!
A Netzig
this is a good devlopment finaly both sides will have to lisen to someone (the courts) and put this to rest. afterward the robonim sould go to court to get their disagreement is solved.
the gloves come off…
I’m an outsider; I don’t live in Crown Heights and the community where I live could hardly be called a community. I know you have problems, but you should realize that this is what comes with the bracha of living in a real community. Of course there are disputes, and serious ones, and where I live we don’t have those problems. We also don’t have decent schools for our children. Purim and Shabbos look like any other day of the week once I step outside. Simchas Torah ends at 9:30. Would you trade with me?
Did the Beis Din give permission to go to goyishe courts???
They are playing with CHILUL HASHEM, as stated in first Rashi of parsha Mishpatim.
Have they exhausted all avenues of settling the matter with an unbiased beis din from a different schechuna as the din is that if the matter is pertaining to your city YOU MAY NOT be a beis din for this matter???
It all started when the original Badatz and Vaad Hakahol when out against Rabbi Hodakov, Rabbi Krinsky and the Rebbe’s key institutions: Merkos, Machne, Agudas.
That was the beginning of the downfall of the new atmosphere that the Rebbe hoped for when he urged the elections for Rabbonim and Vaad Hakohel.
Then they turned on him.
This is the result: the glorious Badatz is in ruins, and one Vaad Hakohel after the other is embedded with corruption, politics and machlokes.
Another court case!
By who?
The same people who took innocent Jews and spilled their blood,
Now they are killing each other.
Who will win?
Who will they be fighting with once this is over?
ch resident
this all started when rabbi schvei waselected, rabbi osdobo and heller should stay because they are there from when the rebbe elected them and we should make new elections for rabbonim and start over
Machne Menachem
“They brought false witnesses including Joseph Spielman, Yaakov Herzog, and Yisroel Sandhaus, who all testified falsely against us in court! Spielman testified that his van had been burned and he believed it was Hershkop who did it. This testimony persuaded the judge to reopen the bank account for them and issue a restraining order against us, forbidding us to come in contact with the plaintiffs or with the camp.”
Taken from:
How many kids need to be lost before we all stop fighting?
Toishov Attorney
TRO’s are usualy granted until a full blown motion can be heard with all sides putting in papers and being represented. I am sure it says in the bylaws that if there is a problem it should be handeled in bais din, which is what a normal judge would say in the end. I hope not too much of our yiddishe gelt will be lost on this. It will be interesting to see who will sit on this bais din to decied the fait of chabad. At the time this is over Moishe Rubashkin should be out of prision to take it to the next leval. Zaki Tamir was smart to get out. This not good for anyone.
Someone Else
How is it that in all of Boro Park, Flatbush, Manhattan, Monsey, and New Jersey there is not one Beis Din that both parties can agree to take the case to? Maybe there is a Beis Din is Eretz Yisrael that both sides can agree to? I am sure a Beis Din run by Sephardim would not be a problem since they are neither Chasidim nor Misnagdim.
nothing but a bunch of clowns
a bunch of clowns running for VH
a bunch of clowns deciding whether or not people are allowed to run
a bunch of clowns suing eachother
and whoever is voting for anyone is nothing but a clown.
To Mendel
Kids? Oh them, they’re all gone. Is it not clear that we don’t care about them? Well there’s more coming and maybe then you’ll understand.
Now back to destroying…
living in ch since the 40-s
This is the solution:
Build a wall in the middle of Crown Heights – it should probably cut through 770 and the Kingston Ave mikvah – this side goes East, this side goes West – no crossing the sides except for weddings, lchaims, brisim etc. shvei can be the king of the west and osdaba the king of the east (or visa versa) each can have their own vaad hakol, their own netzigim, their own hashgacha, their own minhagim etc etc… maybe we can even open a third party i think that would help out the machloikes in the neighborhood….
things were more simple in the 1940’s
If the Badatz will due Teshuva by: Revoking there Pask to make elections in 770 for Gaboyim against the Rebbe; To ask Mechila from the Rebbe by giving permision to go to court against Merkos because “Bli Shum Pikpuk” the Rebbe took money (R’L) for Merkos from the ULY illegialy, etc etc etc.
After all this there will be peace – otherwise they dug their own grave
A TRO or Ikul can be taken without a heter BD as per the teshuva from reb moshe ZAL
Osodoba-nikes Make Machlokes
If Osdoba kept his little silly Machlokes to himself there would be no machlokes in the streets of CH today.
Let the people decide and let the Ra-Bonim keep fighting but LEAVE THE COMMUNITY ALONE.
If the Ra-Bonim want to fight, let them have fun.
But we the community have a fundamental right to vote and we will not let a 3 ring circus of ra-bonim, try to stop elections.
Let the people decide and the people want elections and to do away with “both sides” of these RA-Bonim.
if we get rid of hendel, krous and the kronies around schvie we would have peace between all the rabonim and peach in the comunity HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!
rebbe zal
Does anyone have the original letter from Rabbi Osdaba stating that Rabbi Schwei election would be contingent on accepting Rabbis Raitport and Segel as Dayonim Please please post it.????????????
raboisei Lets do tshuva
hah hah hah
Things were more simple before Gimmel Tammuz. These people (& I include the Rabbonim) would never have dared pull these stunts before then. Now they have the attitude that there’s no one to supervise & they can do whatever they want, including going to court & beshmutzing anyone who doesn’t agreee with them
EVERYONE should resign: the current Vaad, the Rabbonim, everyone. Time for new blood & new responses to the many problems that plague the Rebbe’s Schechunah.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are yelled at that we don’t have achdus. And rabbi schwei & Rabbi Osdoba do??? HAH! What a joke.
Why Em
What I dont understand is one very simple thing.
If we all agree that according to the bi laws there msut be elections every 3 years, and 3 years (and more) has passed.
Then why is there any objection to new elections?
If there is an objection, then when would they LIKE to hold elections?
Isn’t it odd that one group doesn’t want ANY elections EVER and another wants to just continue what was always being done?
The Chutzpah to write such open lies , to blame Rabbi Ozdoba in bringing Machlokes in the community is absolutely outrageous, EVERYONE knows that there was NEVER a fight in the BADATS of Marlow Ozdoba Heller, ALL the fights started when Rabbi Yankel Shwey was ellected, he wrote at least 8 dirty letters against Rabbi Ozdoba, He broke the Beth Din, the respect of Rabbonim, the Kashrus, in brief he broke the community in 2 fighting groups He is the biggest Baal Machlokes.
I vote for Mochkin he is the funiest most insane person i have ever seen…. Him and chanina will be heavely sedated most of there time in office
Chutzpah Yasgei
rabbi asdobo fan posted this comment in the previous article and i quote it with some additions again!
To all those foolish people out there writing against our Morah de`asroh rabbi Azdoboh:
know that he was here for 23 years ( alot longer then rabbi shvei. and that the rebbe spoke about him together with the other two rabbonim rabbi heller and rabbi marlow A“H, and quite a few times the rebbe spoke that you should specifically respect rabbi Azdoboh shlitah. in my eyes after that there are no cheshbonos that apply!(see shabbos parshah sichos, Shlach TOV SHIN MEM VOV and chayei sarah tov shin nun)
i will add: when moshiach comes and asks me: why did you respect horav asdobo? i will simply reply:“ because Rebbe, you told me to! but if the rebbe asks you why didn’t you respect horav asdobo, what will you people say?!
whoever writes against rabbi azdoboh is having a huge CHUTZPAH and RISHUS to be Mevazeh a Talmid chochom and is starting up with what the rebbe said! to quote exactly what the rebbe said, whoever says that a rov shoul do Teshuvah ( this was reffering to rabbi asdobo – find out the history) its a chutzpah hachi gedolah!!
and yess although a rov has Bchirah and all that.. the rebbe knew that! yet the rebbe is saying that its none of the balabostehs beeswax, even if you with your simple mind thinks that the rov did something wrong! :P
please dont say not to bring the rebbe in this because its the most foolish thing to say. its like saying :”dont bring the Abishter in this
and whoever says that rabbi Azdoboh CH”V destroyed our community? just look a bit deeper and youll see who really destroyed our community… i wont say B/C its lashon hara :)
remember theres a din vecheshbon, better do teshuvah now b4 its too late! and just to add the animosity that those who want ellections display, just proves the intentions of the ellections
goes by all rules!
everyone is saying that in the by-laws its a rule that every three years theres elections… well guess what? its also a rule in the by-laws that the beis din approve of it , no? (Rabbi shwei is one rov, if he is one. Not a B”D) so go by one rule but not the other.
common sense please! not emotions
Give the Schunah back to Fischer.
At least we will have more housing than he already is providinf (for friends and foe alike)!
mr chutzpa yasgei
You have things a little bit reversed here. The Rebbe is a person of Shulchon Oruch. You are dreaming if you think he got the backing of the Rebbe to do what he likes. The rebbe stated clearly that a Rov must do things al pi din and must be able to answer meiheichon dantuni. Rabbi Osdoba deserves to be impeached and there is no doubt in my mind that the Rebbe agrees with that too. Hes made a mockery of the Torah, he is a machzik bemachloikes. He has a niduy on him for going to secular courts in a family matter. The Rabonim who issued the niduy, were Rabonim that Rabbi Osdoba chose and accepted, and they have ruled that Rabbi Ozdoba is posul forerver from serving as a Rov, EVEN after the niduy has been removed. The man is a pathological liar. In his so called psak din to the candidates, he has the audacity to write, that after hearing BOTH sides, and after CAREFULLY DEBATING the issue, he has reached the conclusion to issue such a psak. What an outrage! Everyone knows that the defendants made it clear to him, that he can not try this case, because of his personal bias, and therefore request a din tora bezablo. He completely ignores that, and issues a psakl din which becomes the basis for a court case against the community to block the elections.
If you really want to know what the rebbes opinion is, in the times of this current machloikes between the Rabonim, you only need to listen to the tape of purim farbrengen 5747 and you will be amazed how the Rebbe is a tru Novi beyisroel. i urge everyone to listen to that tape.
if you notice all the machloikes started with shwai. the guy is a hate munger, and insults the rebbe, starting with not making a machaa on rosh hashana when poltrack was ytelling iin the rebbe’s shul [which according to the mishgnonistim, nothing changed and the rebbe was actually in shul, they made a shvil for him] yet shwai sat quiet under his talis. Also, the rebbe told Osdebe that he will be the rabbonim untill mashiach comes. When osdebe wanted to make the elections for segal and zirkind, there was a problem, all os a sudden there are elections, perhaps the people around shwai are the ones making him say and do hatefull things, but the man is a nobody, he should go back to teaching in uly. further more, the current gabboim, were not invited to or giventhe courtesy to put in thier balleds. the whole thing is a farce.
I agree the level of incompitence at the vaad is out of control, and if elections is the way to go, it should be done with a full concencus of all the rabbomin, osdebe, segal, zirkind, and shwai.
and purhaps as a referendum to be included that if people think machlokes intensified since shwai got elected, and if we should say its a mekach tous, and he should be unseated.
a refuah shlaima for crown heights.
Crown Heights for Dummies
From what I understand it all started when a group of rebels found the perfect Rav: someone who is so temimusdik and quite naive. So he was all worked up to the point that he became a perfect pawn for the manipulating mass of typical CH resident jelous egos who have difficulty tolerating a two decades plus of true leadership. They found the right man, cause he sure did teach us and lead us in the ways of disrespect, disorder and free for all.
ATTENTION hah hah hah :
“EVERYONE should resign: the current Vaad, the Rabbonim, everyone. Time for new blood & new responses to the many problems that plague the Rebbe’s Schechunah.”