CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Shabbos morning at around 9:30, Hatzalah was called to the scene of a motor vehicle accident on Empire Boulevard and Albany Avenue. It is unclear who called or why, but Hatzalah responded and treated two drivers both of whom were not Jewish.

Hatzalah Called and Responds to Accident Shabbos Morning

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Shabbos morning at around 9:30, Hatzalah was called to the scene of a motor vehicle accident on Empire Boulevard and Albany Avenue. It is unclear who called or why, but Hatzalah responded and treated two drivers both of whom were not Jewish.

A minivan and a small SUV collided mid-intersection, sending one of the cars up onto the sidewalk.

None of the drivers suffered any serious injuries. One driver did complained of back pains, while the other refused medical attention altogether.

Two members of Hatzalah responded to the scene. Upon arriving, they saw that FDNY EMS was already at work on the scene. The Hatzalah members cancelled their ambulance and gave assistance.

Editors Note: Readers please comment with care, as this is a sensitive topic.


  • me myself and i

    I hear goyim are calling hatzala now… or r they

    or is it just those very very caring jews…

    you know the ones that hear or see a accident and just call hatzalah…

    don’t look twise call that extra second is life threatening so doesn’t matter…

    call… call… keep calling…

    its not like u have to drop everything and run and help.

    oh hatzala raffle is here.
    make sure u purchase a ticket for everytime u call for your self, and 2 tickets for everytime you see a accident and just call…

  • yechiel

    im sure whoever called did it by mistake, but we must be careful when calling hatzalah not to waste their time and even more when its on shabbos

  • Grateful to Hatzalah

    It’s not for us to pasken on whether they were “allowed” to do what they did. They were called (by someone Jewish obviously, who must have thought there were Jews injured, maybe on the sidewalk) & they responded, as they always do. Once there already, they helped. All I can say is without Hatzalah, there are people in this community who would be dead. They are true heroes….ALWAYS!!

  • Shmuli

    To quote the editor:

    “Editors Note: Readers please comment with care, as this is a sensitive topic.”

    I can’t agree with you more. You should put up that note more often!

  • Chani

    A few years back, I was in Duane Reade in Boro Park, when an older Italian man fell over. The manager of the store, an obvious non Jew came over to see what was going on, and told a worker there to call Hatzolah! This is commong practice he said, because people know that Hatzolah is always there immediately.
    I really feel strongly though, that chilul shabbos should be reserved for when there is a pikuach nefesh involving a Jew, as that is the halacha.

  • oy vavoy

    oy…hashem should help them…we can pray for any righteous gentile…

  • BP yid

    I know many goyim who know Hatzala’s number and have it on speed dial ( those with children/live close to jewish neighborhoods..etc)
    It is a kiddush HaShem.

  • Well said Shmuli

    Couldn’t agree more with Shmuli. Let’s remember to be sensitive to each other, especially when it comes to Ben Adom Lechaveroh!!

  • mt

    is one allowed to break shabbos for a nonjew?
    i know, kidush hashem
    but still, chilul shabbos for a goy!

  • Member of hatzoloh out of NY

    You are not supposed to break Shabbos for a nonjew. However, when you get a call you do not know untill you are there that it is a non jew, That is why the members cancelled the ambulance. secondly once on scene you should try to do nothing or at least the littlest possible if there are other emts there, however not to make a conflict and chillul hashem it is hard to be there and asked for help by the non jewish ambulance and do nothing. There a lot of things that we as Hatzoloh do that the regular person does not understand concerning halachos.

  • shmuly

    well once hatzolah was called they leagaly have to go the rabbonim who paskin the hatzola shailos pemit them to go first of all mabe its a not frum yid involved you will be suprised how many times hatzolah came to calls and saw a person who looked totaly non jewish and then found out that the person is jewish so they go to any call that they get

  • ShtamALubab

    Years ago a Fireman mentioned to me when his son was hit by a car he asked hatzola be called right away (this was in an area covered by hatzolo) which they did and handled everything quickly and efficently. Look EMS is great but perhaps he knew like many that Hatzolo does respond very quickly and the personal are very high adept and connected to many facilites…whatever it is I do admit although it may be uncomforable but Shabbos too they do respond regardless – in truth it could be one of ours driving on shabbos which is unfortunately not as rare as it used to be :(

  • sydneysider

    I am not from crown heights, though from my recolection of the riots back in ’91, hatzalah was critized for they didn’t treat non-jews.
    Now i can see there side of the arguement.. though when your own are rioting and killing jews you shouldn’t expect any good will in return…it seems to me that they were crying wolf much like the arabs do now, they kill us and then cry out to the world that we are not giving them humaitarian aid…dose this make any sense to you?
    Now i am no racsit, i think there are some very nice black people just as a whole they curse at us behind our backs, beat up our children and then when they get hurt..lets call hatzalah for hatzalah can’t afford to make the same mistake they did in ’91.
    Just some food for thought..if the black community in crown heights and its surrounding neighbourhoods had an hatzlalah like system what would happen if we were to call them???

  • exactly

    For all of you who “feel strongly” that Pikuach Nefesh on Shabbos is only reserbed for a yid, or should:
    Your feelings don’t matter when TORAH LAW says EVEN for a GOY

    If u have a strong urge for Chazer, ull eat it?
    What’s with the racsism in the jewish community. People are people. Shabbos is beyind time but sometimes ui gotto live with the times.

  • To mt:

    To mt: Hatzolah most probably has a rav who paskens their shailos. They deserve our support.

  • VERY IMPORTANT Please take a Moment

    Alter Rebbes Shulchan Aruch

    Chapter 329 2: In life threatening situations we don’t go after majority, needles to say if there were 9 Goyim and 1 Yid standing in a courtyard and a barrier fell on one of them and we don’t know if he was a Yid or Goy… we (discard Shabbos laws and) dig the wall off him…

    Chapter 329 3: If a barrier fell on someone, a doubt he is alive or dead, a doubt he is even there or not, even if he were there a doubt a Yid or Goy we (discard Shabbos laws and) dig the wall off him, even though there are lots of doubt, since the Torah Says “and you shoul live in them” that we should not be able to come in any aspect to the death of a Yid….

    Chapter 328 14: Whoever rushes to break Shabbos laws in something that involves danger this is praised…

    Chapter 328 2: someone who has a life threatening illness it’s a Mitzva to break Shabbos… someone who askes is a murderer, someone who is asked is inappropriate because he should have lectured in public that it is allowed…

    In this case an accident (I saw)
    1- 9:45am – 15 minutes before Shacharis on Shabbos,
    2- A street pole was hit down.
    3 – A car skidded on the sidewalk Albany ave. for a half of block (in front of virtuel)

    -Might be enough of a reason to call Hatzala.

    Please make sure to look yourself in Shulchan Aruch and be careful before writing otherwise.

  • äìëåú ô÷åç ðôù áùáú

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    ñé’ ùëç ñòéó éã: ëì äæøéæ ìçìì ùáú áãáø ùéù áå ñëðä äøé æä îùåáç…

    ñé’ ùëè ñòéó á’: àéï äåìëéï áôé÷åç ðôù àçø äøåá àö”ì àí äéå è’ ðëøéí åéùøàì àçã òåîãéí áçöø åðôìä îôåìú òì à’ îäí áàåúä çöø åàéï éãåò àí éùøàì äåà àí ðëøé ùîô÷çéï òìéå àú äâì…

    ñé’ ùëè ñòéó â’: îé ùðôìä òìéå îôåìú ñô÷ òåãðå çé ñô÷ ëáø îú ñô÷ äåà ùí ñô÷ àéðå ùí àôé’ àú“ì ùäåà ùí ñô÷ éùøàì ñô÷ ðëøé îô÷çéï òìéå àò”ô ùéù áå ëîä ñôé÷åú ùäøé àîøä úåøä åçé áäí ùìà éåëì ìáà áùåí òðéï ìéãé îéúú éùøàì ò”é ùîéøú äîöåú…

    éù ìëì à’ ììîåã áòöîå áôðéí àú ëì ääìëä

  • Millhouse

    Mr “exactly” of 05/10/09 – 15:35 –

    The problem is that you are wrong. TORAH LAW says the exact opposite of what you think it does. Now reread your own comment, and apply it to yourself. Every word of what you wrote is true, except the halacha, which you got backwards.

    Once hatzalah is on the scene, though, they have to do whatever is necessary; as the hatzalah member commented above, it’s complicated, and they are guided by rabbonim, so nobody should criticize them.

  • parent

    Well maybe who ever called hatzalh thought that maybe someone was traped on the side walk from what i understand from my son who walked there to go to yeshiva ohali torah saw the accedent and he said that there was a car on the side walk.

  • Shmuli

    It’s funny how everyone who doesn’t know Halacha is posting. Looks like Millhouse and Hatzoloh member knows what they’re talking about, but I don’t think anyone else does.

    To Very Important: It’s great to quote shulchan oruch, but make sure you’re quoting the right thing. Also, the fact that you are quoting Shulchan Oruch proves that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Ask a Rov and you’ll find out why!

  • To Shmuli

    Is there anything wrong with quoting some Shulchan Aruch?
    Just Open on yourself. look at the Simonim that were posted.
    Shulchan Aruch was meant to LEARN yourself.

  • wittness

    Quarter to 10 we heard a bunch of loud bangs, we saw a car on the sidewalk in middle of Albany ave!
    It took about 1 minute for fdny. maybe because they broke down the emergency red police/fire pole!

  • Simply Put

    I really don’t believe G-d cares as much as everyone thinks. Humans make things far too complicated. Do good by one another and do the best you can. A mitzvah is a mitzvah.

  • Shmuli

    To: To Shmuli

    There’s nothing wrong with quoting Shulchan Oruch – unless you are quoting the wrong siman or se’if. In such a case it is definitely wrong.

    Take your own advice! Open up the Shulchan Oruch and look at the simonim that weren’t quoted!

  • to Shmuli

    I think there were quoted CLEAR HALACHOS what to do in such situations. Go find me otherwise. (these are Hilchos Pikuach Nefesh).
    Before telling poeple not to call Hatzala, or telling them to call Hatzala – MAKE SURE YOU KNOW

  • Simply putz

    To: Simply Put:

    I also really don’t beleive in G-d.

    I am a reform Jew.

    Why keep Halacha? I do good deeds so I am a good Jew (i gave out water bottles to palestinians in Gaza (pikuach nefesh) and donated money to plant trees in Antartica ( make the world a better place). A mitzvah is a mitzvah!

  • please censor

    excuse me
    i think “simply put’ and the reform dont belong on this website.
    please take away their comments and dont allow more of these, casting shadows on HAshem yisboreich
    of course god cares! every little thing! a 1 year old putting one small penny in a pushka is a HUGE thing for hashem!

  • to reform jew

    PALESTINIANS in gaza????????????
    u mean you are a good arab. palestinians are the enemy. do you mean jews?

  • Putz

    I knew I’d come across misunderstood.

    I am chas vshalam a reform or a koifer.

    I was making fun.

    I wanted to point out the difference between performing a mitzva by saving a life and doing a nice thing by helping poeple. Halacha sets clear rules for when to be michalel shabbos and when not to. so we cant say that “G-d doesn’t care as much as everyone thinks”. If halacha sais that saving a goy is a mitzvah, then its a mitzvah, but if halacha doesn’t say that its a mitzvah then its not a mitzvah. its just a nice thing. and we dont break the laws of shabbos for nice things.

  • mt

    “but if halacha doesn’t say that its a mitzvah then its not a mitzvah. its just a nice thing. and we dont break the laws of shabbos for nice things.”

    do you know enough shulchan aruch to be able to pasken that?
    or are you just stam saying
    “and we dont break shabbos for nice things” do you bichlal have authority to say that?

  • to simply put

    to simply put:
    Yes god cares about every tiny little thing, like a small girl, nothing compared to huge people or things, lighting a candle on friday evening. Yes. god cares.
    and you should always keep that in mind