VICIOUS MESIRA: Blood Libel Lands Shomrim Member 12 Hours in Prison
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Binyomin Lifshitz, a volunteer in Shomrim and the publisher and editor of was arrested early yesterday as he and 6 other Shomrim members made an appearance in court following the incident where Shomrim were ambushed and attacked inside 749 Eastern Parkway.
5 months ago, Shomrim were called to 749 Eastern Pkwy because of a dispute over a bed, 3 Shomrim members who responded were ambushed and assaulted in the room by over 20 ‘tzfati’ bochurim and were forced to call for backup and police assistance. Click Here for that story.
Elements of the Shmira leadership along with their lawyer Levi ‘Paul’ Hubner set out on a mission that Motzoai Shabbos, and viciously masserd on as many as 9 Shomrim members, and incurring the arrest of 7 of them along with one member of Anash.
More in the Extended Article.
Shmira members took the ‘tzvati’ bochurim in the Shmira car to the hospital, after Hatzalah refused to treat them because the Bochurim didn’t have any injuries and Hatzalah didn’t want to get involved. At the hospital they had doctor’s reports made and from there Shmira ferried them to the 77th precinct to make police reports against Shomrim members.
Yesterday, when Binyomin Lifshitz stepped out of the courtroom, he walked into two men who asked for identification without identifying themselves as police officers, he later learned that they were Detectives Mencire and Doe, but he recognized them from his dealings with police as a member of Shomrim, they then placed him in handcuffs and drove him back to the 71st Precinct.
The stated reason for the arrest was a ‘violation of an order of protection’, which is granted to a witness in an ongoing trial, Moshe Gurfinkel walked into the police station on Motzoai Shabbos together with Paul Hubner and made a police report alleging that Binyomin Lifshitz along with a group of his friends walked passed and said “you snitch, were gonna get you”, a claim which he vehemently denies.
While being held in the precinct many influential people got involved and tried to help the case along and get Binyomin Lifshitz out quicker, during which time the police called in Gurfinkel in order to substantiate his story and give him an opportunity to recant, which he did not. Instead as he walked by the cell Binyomin Lifshitz was being held in, dressed in a hat and jacket along with the little yellow pin on his jacket, he smiled ear to ear and laughed.
“We are dealing with pathetic group of people who will stop at nothing to try and destroy the Shomrim and this community, to the point that they go and make these libelous mesiros without any permission for a Rov, that’s besides the fact that these claims are totally fabricated just to make our work for the community harder for us” said one of the Shomrim coordinators.
After being ‘processed’ Mr. Lifshitz was transferred to Central Booking where after a short stay he appeared before a judge who had him released.
the fact is
levi hubner is a low life and is a chillul hashem in all his business dealings.
its not a wonder that such a low life like hubner would be involved in such a blood libel, he is a known wife and child abuser. he has the din of a rodaif. he is also a thief. he took money from clients and did not do anything for them. he was disbarred, and should not be practicing law.
a 749 resident
for all those who say that this site and these shomrim are bad people
you should know im a resident of 749 and i also hang out in 1414 and i was at this story back in a day when a freind called shomrim for help.
and i was also in 749 when onather bocher called SHMIRA for help…
i find that this site verses others has almost 300% more acuracy to its stories then the others as well as i feel that if i where in need of help based on both parties and have seen how they opperate i would be calling SHMORIM.
so much i mean these statements that i would even say my name but due to the fact i know it will be more then just my bed that i would be fighting for…
i will have to hope you just belive me.
if you need a proof that my fellow roomates and dormates are not all there go inisontly at 11:00 am sunday into the main entrance of 770 and look at the size of the 2 bocherim who are standing at both the front and the inside door, and ask them what they are doing there…
this is sick, binyomin we love u and we will get them out of our community for once and for all. can you please write all the names of these viscious anmails and have them put in charem immediatley. any other suggestions? these people are namails and they have to be dealt that way, they only know one langugue. friends of chabad, of binyomin, of shomirim, please step up to help NOW
huebener = natzi
is this the paul huebener that his son was arrested upstate for drug dealing ?
he is a very dengarus person and there is shailos if he is jewish .
the raabis did not want to take a din torah with him becouse he is a gvar alam.
but we need to check his identity somw belive his mother is a a goy.
and a moiser has a din roidef.
shocked at hubner thought u were a good
This is great news i did not know it was so simple
Hubner: can you arrainge a order of protection for all the bocherim in 1414 and 749, this will be great i can move along my life as i wish and anytime i feel like getting some one locked up ill just call you in to the 71 and well have fun…
i cant belive it once i get a order of protection i can just lie and do what i want….
also can i get order of protection to a crown heights resident while im an illegal allian
My dad who is a Bal Tshuvah and respected business man for years has a hat and jacket and little yellow pin… I’m not really sure what your point is by pointing that out in your story. Obviously this is not a msohiach related fight but a fight between a bunch of egotistic teenage + boys. I suggest you guys figure something out before embarrassing yourselves further. That applies to both groups.
Tfatim HaBayta
Dear Binyomin,
As a member of Anash of CH i would like to offer you words of Chizuk and courage. Keep on doing the great work youare doing in protecting the community and exposing vicious outlaws amongst us.
May CH be rid of the Tzfati element which is destroying Chabad, CH, and brings on am ajor Chillul Lubavitch and most of all is simply destroying and desecrating the Rebbe.
Whether you wear a pin, have huge letters on your yarmulka, or just a plain laydigeier, know this:
A day will come (whether its when Moshiach comes, or after 120) that you will have to account for yourself in front of the One Above, and dont know of much defenses when it comes to destroying the Rebbe’s name.
It is one thing for you to be a low life your self, but who in G-d’s name gives you the right to take the Rebbe down with you.
‘Vchol Karnei Reshoim Agadeia’…
A Member of CH who is hurt and has had enough of the Tzfati element in CH
why the need for motzi shem ra????
When I was in camp, we would sing this song during color war, its message is relevant:
All this name calling from whichever side it’s coming from, regardless of the true facts of the real story is just spreadeing more baseless sinas chinum, and not helping the community any, and definetely is not in the ratzon of the Rebbe.
So most of all, before we go off venting, in any direction, let’s remember to do the Rebbe’s ratzon first!!!
Do an act of kindness, especially to those that we are not prone to act kindly to, and help bring down the 3rd bais hamikdosh, may it be speedily in our days.
P.S. noone deserves to be bad mouthed on the net, keep your personal opinions to yourselves and don’t spread loshon hara and rechilus unnessecarily. because then you become that sort of “lowlife” too!!!!
to “the fact is wrote”:
I don’t know how personally you really know Levi Hubner, but even if you know him enough, because you were his roommate in his yeshiva days (which I doubt is the case) you still don’t have the right to spread loshon hara about him. If you’d really be a chassid of the Rebbe, and following the
Rebbe’s directives from all his Sichos and Maamorim, you’d know how to handle your animosity towards Levi in a more aidel and chassideshe way.
Go learn your Maamorim, instead of speaking loshon hora, it will ceartianly help bring down the third bais hamikdosh much quicker then what you did by writing what you wrote here on the comments!!!!
Goyishe Blood
Levi Hubner is a half goy (if not full)
wish we could all just get along
whats with all the lashon hara? when did it become okey to slander another jew?
Destruction from within!!!
Move out of Crown Heights!!! this place is turning into hell on earth…
MeHarsayich U’Machrivayich Mi’Meiayich Yetzeiu!!!
Stop the Nonsense!
So to all those beautiful souls that say this doesn’t belong here, IT DOES! People in this community should know what kind of people we are dealing with and how they will stop at nothing to destroy us!
Throw them out of our schools and out of our Shuls!
Is this the same Moshe Gurfinkel that beat up Yitzy Vail in 770? And then beat up his younger brother Mendy Vail by the Moshiach Seudah in 770 this Pesach?
I must say, this guy is busy, making mesiros on Shomrim then beating up the Vail’s, and then threatening the family that they will get killed if they press charges?
So let’s all defend him, that moiser, together with Hubner that moiser.
meir rhodes
i’m sitting here in bat ayin listening to choppers travel back and forth over my house on the way to gaza. we’re all waiting for moshiach ot ot and you crazies are involved in what? for g-d sakes chevra, what you do in c.h effects us here on the my good friend shimshon AH would say“stop the bull sssssssssssssssss boys”
Joe, the article says “Instead as he walked by the cell Binyomin Lifshitz was being held in, dressed in a hat and jacket along with the little yellow pin on his jacket, he smiled ear to ear and laughed.”
I think the point the article was bringing out is that this moiser was dressed the way he was and behaved the way he did.
you guys,
its very rude, you’re going and insulting people saying how they embarrassed other people and in the meantime you’re embarrassing them!
if you want to write something make sure theres no lashan harah in it PLEASE!
Thank You,
a member of the shomrim fan club
to the parents of the boy/boys who massered, aren’t you ashamed of your child/children? to the boy/s – have you no shame? keep it in the family and work it out like adults instead of vicious children. this is the reason why the cops don’t do anything for us, why they laugh at us. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this. grow up and get it together!
Why does everyone think that’s it’s ok to start screaming “ahavas yisroel and Lashon horah” to reveal elements of the community that are destroying it.
The halachah is, that in a case of there being a to’eles, e.g. getting people aware of situations that could be hurtful to them, is not Loshon horoh, it is a community service.
Your ahavas yisroel to not deal with some lowlife is causing hundreds of people to be abused and the Rebbe’s name to be besmirched.
We need to get rid of them and practice ahavas yisroel from a distance.
We are backing you up, listen make sure to get your name cleared legaly when this is all finished you dont want to be legaly labeld a criminal beacouse of some stupid isrealy.
Enough with these people
Hubner is a known child abuser. And about wife abuse, confirm it with his wife. The stories will make your hair stand on end.
Sister of Shomrim
What are the pro-shmira, and shmira members, going to gain…? putting SHOMRIM MEMBERS in jail? Will they gain respect? definitely not! Will they have people running to THEM for help…? I think not.
Me? I will run away from them! This is pure insanity.
Thank You Shomrim, your great protectors. I hope that YOU will be able to continue, without so many interuptions!
to all “nice” guys around crown heights .
the psak din in rambam is moiridim veain maalin. if you see a moiser like paul huebener close to a lake you have to push him in and if you see him Drowning in an Ocean you are not allowd to pick him up.
and to all yefai hanefesh amongs us.
do you remember the story of shaul hamelech and the givoinim ?
the story here is that a jew was in tfisa in jail . and the chiyuv of pidyon shvuim is on every jew . come a men and his lewyer to the police station and have the Oppertunity . to free a jew from jail and what happend here this moiser low life SHR”Y gurfinkel is happy smiling to leave a jew more hours in jail.
and his rosho lawyer with him.
and now any person who is melamed zchus on this reshoim name huebener and gurfinkel . the rabonim of crown heights should check if thy are jews .
a jew is rachmonim and by goyim there are chasidi umos haoylam .
but huebener is a goy rosho shain komohu.
him and his family should be driven out of crown heights like the GIVOYNIM .
there is no mechila to a roidef .
and to you paul huebener GOD is BIGER than YOU and will protect his children the JEWS
rabbi mayer rhodes
take the terorist Huebener to gaza please please plaesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
the fact is
thats the pronlem with people, take your heads out of the sand, learning a ma’amar or sicha is not going to help.
this is a guy who makes a chilull hashem on a daily basis. its about time he is exposed, and the public told the truth.
a ch member
TO why the need for motzi shem ra???? wrote:
you must not live in ch so shut up
to all you little children
This a very nice way for adults to act, and also a very good way to teach your children to act. I think for your children’s sake, grow up; and grow up fast!
A fellow Jew
with lag b’omer fast approaching we should all review our relationships and dealings with our fellow jews. instead of focusing on the negative of each person, let us appreciate the good of each person and put aside our differences. at the end of the day ahavas yisroel is the key. we must look out for each other and not chas v’sholam the opposite!
boruch ben Tzvi(A H)haKohaine hoffinger
Sad and tearful.
If only we would realize what Moshiach means all would instantly do Teshuva for all the wonder, health, holiness and beauty Moshiach will bring.
What in the world!!!!?!?! e/o massering on e/o else and of course e/o thinks they got somewhere doing it!! i guess common sense is not so common after all. good luck looking for your senses everybody.
binyomin keep it up!!
i really love your site and what you do,
i support you all the way!
dont give up!
Okay every one needs to chill for a few momentos!
So everyone take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.Now this whole story is one crazy mishagas. We all have to work together and then we will find a plan. But no one needs to say Chas Vashalon Lashin Harah. All of you saying things about Paul Hubener, if you have something to say ,say it to yourself. I mean my kids are all reading his and they all need to read these bad words?!
What does the PIN have todo with it?!
Dear Benjamin,
My heart goes out to you. I know how horrible you must feel to sit in the can for even just a little bit. You feel like a criminal having your mug shot and fingerprints taken. It’s not comfortable. Especially, when you know that you did nothing wrong to deserve this and certainly weren’t anticipating such horrible treatment…..
With all the above in consideration, I feel for you and totally sympathize with you and your felllow colleagues.
HOWEVER, I don’t understand why you had to ruin your sorry story with adding irrelevant details, of the “pin” that he was bearing. That matter just shows that you have your own agenda and are discriminating against another, victimizing them.
That puts you into question.
I commend and thank you for your great work and protection of the community. But please don’t write details that condemn a whole populace of fine individuals to support your cause. It doesn’t. It makes you sound like the victimizer and them like the victim. Keep your story to the point. Tell us what is relevant and keep the hate and discrimination aside. You will be more believable and respected for when you tell jst the truth without adding any uneccesary stuff.
Thank you.
An admirer of you, your website and your wonderful organization.
Keep up the good work!
Someone should have brought Binyomin a Dvar Malchuse (so he can say Chetase and learn a mammer with a sicho) so then maybe when he comes out he will give a big hug to the people that locked him up–wait a minute-then they will lock him up again.
In fact we should arrange with the Shmira/Misira or any Mosher that before they go Masher on a fellow Jew that they should make sure he has a Dvar Malchuse.
disgusting. we’re all jews. why fight with each other???
c.h. parent
i am a res. of c.h. and cant bear this anymore the shvartzes attacking us and the nutjob tzfatim putting our security in jail – seriously i am ready to go out beat up, massur deport all these guys isnt it enough already? yudel won 770 lets root out the weeds and start fresh already!!
mendy w.
levi hubner yemach shemoh will pay for his crimes against the community
Please leave Hatzalah out of this. If only the child-run shira and shomrim would consist of such upstanding dignified members of the community you wouldn’t be in such dirt.
doody ahronov
meir rhodes I miss you please come back to visit crown heights.
god help
thank god i dont live in ch with all of these low life people (im reffering to the hubner guy)but ive got 1 thing to say good luck to everyone that lives out there and especially some of my best friends THIS HAS GOTTEN TO BE TAKEN CARE OF!!!
to all those people who are nice to the cruel: get out of your box : when you stand before a judge he doesn’t talk about loshon hora, he doesnt talk about the laws of roidef and massering, he talks about guilty and not guilty, he talks jail or no jail, these people are sick, boys named rotem, shatz,brownstien, garfunkel, men like huebener, stern, prager, and skoblo and their mice they use to do their dirty work, if we lived in a normal community with proper leadership they would have been excomunicated long ago, they are all proven ganuvim and moissrem, they feed off it, its their lives, they are in the station house for hours each day, they are on the phone for hours each day working to lock people up, you could and will be next, they know tactics like beatings, burning cars, and threatening doesnt work for them anymore because they can get locked up, so they got smart and just get you locked up, its pretty simple, you walk into the pricint, and you state you were attacked and beaten by so and so , if your real dedicated you can injure yourself, even minor bruises, scrapes or making your skin look red helps, so and so gets arrested. simple, have a good day, find $5000 and a good lawyer.
“when you stand before a judge he doesn’t talk about loshon hora, he doesnt talk about the laws of roidef and massering, he talks about guilty and not guilty, he talks jail or no jail,”
Strong words,
Taken to heart!
770 eastern parkway, brawl breaks out, tzfatim mishicist with their black hats and jackets and yes yellow pins, throw sedurim, chumashim, and benches (the proof is on video and pictures) that breaks a shliachs leg, so is the fact that he was wearing a pin irrelevent? i think not! many bochurim in 749 were in 770 also, they did the same massering then,they even had false witnesses,and edited video, but thank g-d their victims cases were all dismissed without any charges, there is a g-d in this world and he knows justice, justice will prevail.
You know me Vx2
I would have come to visit you ben you should have sent a message out to the oilam!! We support you and your cause!!
What does the PIN have todo with it?!
Every thing!
It’s who they are, one way or the other.
Some thing is wrong in there head.
If tomorrow a group of people come to CH and park them selves in 770 and they wear cats on there heads, would you not say that some thing is wrong with them?
A few years ago a group of people came to 770 (who knows were they came from and were there going) start new crazy things etc…Yes there is some thing missing in there heads and yes they have no soul.
Yes, all of them.
The fact that the Shmira-misira and the Tzvatim-rachtzonim find comfort in one another is proof that they are retarded. Find me one Pin wearing person that will “TRULY” condom there actions then I will admit that maybe I’m mistaken and your right.
wrote wrote wrote
Ahhhh, i’m debating whether i should even bother writing something. oh what the heck, here goes:
Dear everyone: the people that say to have ahavas yisroel mean well, and the others that speak negatively about the israeli 770 hijackers and shmira etc, are also right on the ball.
By The way, i know some guys that joined shmirah not too long ago (a month or two) and have recently given back thier Radio’s. they say they didn’t realize what type of BS they were getting into, etc.
As for the “Tzfati hijackers”, i say leave it be. seriously, how long has it been since they invaded earth? and they are still here. they are not going anywhere until thier mothership directs them somewhere else.
as one person stated in his comment, they are with no soul. let it be. just don’t stand in thier way of thier pathetic “Shviel” and what not, and you should be ok.
In any event, well, as i said before, the hell with it. i’m not even sure why i bothered leaving a comment. doubt anyone besided the editor will get to read this since it’s approx Comment #50 if not more.
i say to hell with CH, I cannot wait to move out of this sad neighborhood.
good night everyone.
Scotty beam me up
Shmuel B.
Chanina is the leader of Anash in Lubavitch Crown heights. He can call the Mayor Bloomberg, see him at any time. Chanina, please talk to the Mayor and make them all realize we need more ahavas yisroel and less of Hynes and Vega.
EMES will come out. Those who make decisions without having done their Chitas (and live by its chochma and kedusha) will learn eventually. *sigh*
Just don’t be weird and start throwing out more/extra ugliness to all this.
Its just about people who really have alot of issues to work out and its happening at the expense of Chabad and Jews etc.
Everyone remember to keep your dignity so that each of you be spared and be able to still do Torah & Mitzvos which is what keeps us upholding Am Yisroel!
There is a reason many people hate to come to CH and this is it. The fighting is beyond disgusting.
How many of these Tzfatim are legal in the US?
If only they used their chizuk for something of value like learning and bringing Moshiach instead of fighting the community and causing trouble.
Binyamin, we are davening for you in Eretz HaKodesh and for the community to overcome this problem.
Keep strong
a woman
Mrs. Huebner is married to her husband and would probably find it an embarrassment to say what you are about her relationship with her husband. If she is being abused by her husband, you are abusing her even more by shaming her in public.
reading what Shmuel B. wrote (05/15/08 – 00:04):
that “Chanina is the leader of Anash in Lubavitch Crown heights.” I nearly fell off my chair laughing. But true, he was the leader of having his ear to the floor above the Rebbe’s office when the Rebbe was discussing the seforim case, prompting the rebbe to stop discussing the case because there were unfriendly “ears” listening in.
Eli S.
Chanina was appointed as head of Chabad-Lubavitch International Government Relations by Harav Laibel Groner Shlita.
Once all of Chabad states that he is the leader, he will use his amazing speaking and personality quilities to make this community a better place.
Until then, he will use his strong connections to get good photos with politicians.
what has happend to crown heights? this hell hole is getting even crazier!
Another woman
To “a woman”:
As the wife of an abuser, it is embarassing and torture when the community is too embarassed to admit a man does these things–and step up and help a woman in this position.
A woman being abused would only feel embarassed if she lives in a community who ignores it or turns it on her to be her fault. Oh wait! That explains most Lubavitch communities, especially CH, quite well! I speak from my own experiences in my small Lubavitch community. It was the MO in the community who came forward to help me whereas the Lubavitchers thought it was better for the kids for me to stay in it, and why would I do such a horrible thing like ask for a divorce? Wait! What about the horrible things he’s done/does to me? Why do we think that living with those things is better when studies and even rabbonim will admit it’s not?
If she’s truly being abused, speaking up is saving her and her children (if she has) from the sick cycle that destroys lives whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, and if anything, cv”s prevents Moshiach from coming sooner.
We speak of ahavas israel as why we can’t stand up to the thugs in our communities. Wait! What about all of us victims? What about the ahavas yisroel of protecting each other and having safe communities to live in?
It’s too much chessed. Not enough gevurah.
no one
you may have different views of the story but that gives no one a right to mock and pinpoint a person and curse him out the way you have allowed people to do it is against the torah it is against all morals and how can you let people call him a nazi or a non jew? i know you wont post this this is a message to you you are the bad person here im sure you got people on his side trying to post but you are just like CNN you are being prejudice to one side either show both sides of the story or none and dont let people publically mock someone
Help !!
You should all be ashamed of yourselfs. It’s embarassing how chabad talk and act these days! The Rebbe would not be proud! Chabad needs to learn how to have ACHDUS.
All i can say is : We need Moshiach now!!!
I am not commenting good,bad or otherwise about Levy Hubener as some of the comments made are motzee shem ra & at best loshon hora.
However those who are saying Mr. Hubener is not a Jew are lying.
As a former friend of his I know his backround & know that his mother Jewish thus making him Jewish.
His father was/is a Goy,however that does nopt effect his status & being his mom is a Jew so is he beyond the shadow of a doubt
shy girl
I dont usually comment, but I would just like to say two small things. First of all, the whole issue with pin, maybe some people take the whole “mishachist” issue drastically, but there are some very upright and outstanding individuals who also wear those pins. I mean, it may be a description in this story, but it shouldn’t be used to condemn anyone, since some exceptional people where the yellow pins as well, with pride.
Second of all, Binyomin, you should know that around the world you have tonz of fans!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Keep up the great work……..
embarrassed 2 b considered a part of you
and you call yourselves LUBAVITCHERS!?!?!?!?!?
you should all be ashamed of yourselves as to go sooo low and call a fellow jew, a NAZI!! this is why there are sooo many problems! there is too much sinas chinum going around! if the Rebbe was around would you act like this, or would you be too ashamed to act like GOYIM! and ask yourselves this “How pathetically low can I go?”
good shabbos to you all and try to stop acting like a bunch of babies/teenagers, and GROW UP!