The Weekly Comic – Parshas Pinchas

<%popup(Parasha Comics/pinchos-lrg.jpg|800|860|Click Here to enlarge the comic!)%>

“G-d spoke to Moses, saying: Tzelofchod’s daughters speak well.” (Numbers 27: 6-7)


  • berkeley feminist

    yeah! women, you gotta stick up for your rights!
    plus, i like the duck’s hat ;) does he have a name?

  • fellow berkeleyite

    Levi keep ’em coming! Theyre great reminders for me of the weeks parsha!Very creative!

  • suprised in mahattan

    wow!!! this is amazing! i’m so happy such work is being done in the jewish world. it’s like a mix between “bizzaro” and “the far side” comics. keep up the good work!:)