The Weekly Comic – Parshas Famous Cows!

<%popup(Parasha Comics/Chukas-lrg.jpg|800|805|Click Here to enlarge this comic!)%>



    Is that you imagine the Shor Habor that will be by Moshiach Seuadah wll look like?

  • very pessimistic

    omg ha ha the first comment is already negative, wow people i think we can like… break a world record

  • hungry and can-t wait

    yeah! well maybe hot with that face but its gotta be big and juicy… :)

  • duby

    that picture was so creative !!!
    I didnt notice the artist’s name ? – does he wish to remain anonymous ?

    its great that youre constantly adding new dimensions to the website to keep it exciting!

  • Anonymous


    The comic is signed by the artist (or comic) on the bottom right with an “LW” which stands for “Levi Welton”.

  • levi

    Hey Everyone,

    Thank you all for commenting.
    I want you all to know that I read your comments every week and they’re great!


  • Critic

    I think it’s degrading to be posting such comics on such a great website, comics that have the impression that a elementary school student drew the picture just dont look nice period and are plain doumb!
    Don’t tell me I’m being negative, i’m giving an honest TRUE opinion not BS.
    Wann’a see a nice comic even Rabbi Riddle’s look more creative…
    Sorry dont mean to hurt anyones feelings, but that comic is just so poorly drawn and just plain immature and stupid.
    May we merit better comics! M.N!

  • avi

    Keep ’em coming!!!! Levi i always get a great laugh when i see your comics…i think i’m gonna go get a red bull…

  • the defense

    to “critic” – and when was the last time you saw an elementary student draw something like this?
    not being negative? giving a TRUE opinion?
    this isnt the first time this comic strip has been critiqued – by this time, i think we can tell the difference between feedback/positive criticism and negativity.
    personally – i always enjoy this comic. the ideas are original, memorable, and the artwork is fresh and colorful.
    so there!

  • Teacher of children

    Thanks for your wondeful childlike cows of the Torah. It is this simple, view of the world that we forget as adults and this is what comics are best at showing- how are our perceptions really never change. Keep up the creative work.

  • Rabbi in California

    Where’s the hechsher on the Shor Habor?! And the Seudas Shabbos meat was great!

  • cgi

    Adoreable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up! Humor adds a special flavor to yidishkeit!

  • Menucha from Berkeley

    to critic
    i dont want to bash you or anything like that ,but your head is just probably going to be stuck in the sand forever!!!! may g-d help you as soon as He can! Gosh, cant anyone ever please an old sourpuss like you?Come on,if you get to know levi,he is really such a nice guy,why would he ever have bad intentions while thinking up a parsha comic?his family and my family are extemeley close,they live a few blocks away from us in berkeley.believe me “critic”, i know levi better than you do.By the way,you try drawing this,
    okay?If you even attempted to draw this,it would look like a preschool drawing!Also,the only reason you were critiquing him was b/c 1.You are one bored person,2.You have low self esteem, so you are putting other people down to try to build yourself up.

  • noi hershkovich

    menucha from berkeley

    i would just like to say
    that you have an awesome power to stand up to people and i hope you rub off on me some day


    this are awesome
    have a new website to come look at