The Weekly Comic! Parshas Bamidbar

<%popup(Parasha Comics/Bamidbar-1-3-lrg.jpg|800|793|Click Here to enlarge the comic!)%>

1-3: From twenty years old and upwards, all who are fit to go out to the army in Israel, you shall count them by their legions you and Aaron.

Once again we would like to encourage all readers to voice their opinion on this weeks comic by using the Comment System!


  • i like it!

    very cute! i like how the source was added this week, good job!

  • secretary

    very original. i still think its great, every thursday morning i see the parsha comic and i love it! it gives ppl who normally might not have the time a chance to learn a bit of the parsha.

  • otnick

    The chasam Sofer has some interesting explanations about the exact numbers of each tribe. Check it out!

  • Yankees and Mets

    Hey, check out the Yankees and Mets Baseball colors, pretty funny!

    Keep up these amazing comics!

  • ss

    wow, thank G-d we don’t argue over such things today – we now have one less argument.

  • berkeley buchur

    nice levi, the “weekly parsha comic” has truly stood the test of time. from close to 50 negative comments to the top of! I see in your futre……..Stardom in hollywood!!!

  • interested

    very nice to see you continually post toichen, with alittle humour too!

  • a fan from the west

    Clever!!! brings the partah ‘to life’.
    Now I have to go back and ‘check it out’, does Asher really have more than Binyomin.
    The facial expressions, body language and the colors=great

  • Rabbi in California

    Size matters! (b“gashmius u” b ruchnius, but bigger is not always better) but good educational challenge

  • keep up the good stuf

    coming to correct not to critisize.
    the meaning of the pasuk in the second year after the yiden left mitzrayim means iyar of 2449 (not 2450) as the year started in nissan. they left in nissan of 2448 so the second year sterted nissan 2449.

  • to: yankees and mets

    Those aren’t yankees and mets colors – they are yankees and boston red sox colors!

  • out of scholl

    thanks to you, we can now all get our weekly dose of parsha learning

  • Shlomo Rothstein

    This comic is the reason i love keep them coming

  • Ploi Knee

    peaks my interest- just at a glance! much easier to look at a funny comic than lots of words! this puts everything into perspective…wonder what tribe i was from.. :)

  • loving it

    thank you so much for the possuk in english. i love the comic. keep it up.