The Weekly Comic – Lag BaOmer!

In continuation of out new section, The Parsha Comic, we bring you this (slightly belated) comic about Lag BaOmer. Our thanks to Levi Welton and Zalmy Hecht for this comic.

Our last comic received lots of amazing response, and we are welcoming readers to once again comment and discuss this comic in our comments!

In the extended article you can view the complete comic along with the option to enlarge it even more!


  • secretary

    That was absolutely wonderful and such beautiful art too! Great job!

  • very nice

    although, the hand writing was a bit tough to read. And the very bottom gets chopped off when you blow it up.

  • Good one!!

    Ha HA HA HA HA……. That pickle guy is a riot!! Keep up the good work!

  • G-d-s wrath

    that guy in the second to last picture looks like the artist! Levi keep up the good work man! ( and keep on fearing g-d’s wrath!!)

  • m4chassidic humor

    Very artistic and educational. 10 points! Keep up the good work. Comics like these can help bring chassidus to our children. Keep them coming!

  • Moshe G

    This is real quality. I remember when this comic “premiered” back in the day in Montreal….

  • Observer!

    Good G-D! This is great, man; who ever u are this stuff is amazing; its art, originality, and entertainment. You’ve got to keep this coming.

  • waste of talent

    lame, very lame.

    levi you have amazing talent. I saw a lot of your stuff and i think it’s great stuff.

    why are degrading yourself to making this lame boring stuff just to satisfy some boring, narrow-minded, head-in-the-sand crown heightsers?

  • stickler

    The bottom is of hte enlarged image is not visible, plus if you click an a differant window, you loose the enlarged image

  • FYI

    webby: as someone said earlier – very bottom gets chopped off when you enlarge the image.

  • Anonymous

    Sorry everybody, I fixed the problem with the image getting cut off. Should work fine now.

  • Zeldy

    Very nice. I didn’t like the comment from one of the characters “I thought they were sages and not kung-fu killers”. That is too rough for a chassidishe audience (or is SHOULD be too grob!).
    The letters could be more readable. Good work but keep the TONE chassidish, like,
    meaning “sweet”.

    (I like satire cartoons too.)

  • A montrealer wrote:

    This is great!!! Especially for the kids!!! what a nice

  • surprised

    i was working in tzivos hashem for the parade about a week ago and i saw this exact comic

  • think b4 u write

    to ‘waste of talent’:

    first of all:
    its not a waaste of talent its using his talent rightfully

    his talent is in teaching 4yr olds a sicha that my teacher just took 2and a half hours to teach us and we are all over fifteen can u possiablly do it?

  • Shmo

    What exactly is a “fulfillment of talent” other than doing these comics? Jewish, art, G-d it’s all one.

    Waste of Talent, you are a lamer and your breath probably smells like gorgonzola cheese.

    Levi you rock!!!!! Big ups to Zalmy too…

  • ashirah

    look in the right corner for the guy eating pickle.
    great work! looking forward to seeing more…

  • really good art

    that is great art levi great job!
    the pickle guy is hallirious.keep up the great work!
    P.S we miss you ashira