<%popup(20080724-Haftorah-Matos-800.jpg|800|655|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
Click Here for the English Text of the Haftorah
The Weekly Comic! – Haftora Parshas Matos!
<%popup(20080724-Haftorah-Matos-800.jpg|800|655|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
berkeley gal
HAAAHAHAAAHA! i love this one! esp. the look on the kid’s face ;)
us again #7
A “Magen-David”, on the Becher???
Why does the boy have such long hair?
(I know that it is the three weeks and all, but it is only the beginning of it!!!)
Is there a special point in making a “squiggle” line, for what the father’s quote, or something?
What is with the black “Tzitzis”???
I think the wine is “Yayin-Nesech”, by now!!!
funny :-)
you have done it again…;) this is awesome! i love the girl’s expression…! and to us again #7: do you really have to psycho-analyze every aspect of a cute Parshah comic??? C’mon, I’m sure you have better things to do than critique this adorable and enlightening comic…
thanks levi!
Professor Notice
Are these fortue cookies?
us again #7
to “mashpia wrote”:
“do you really have to psycho-analyze every aspect of a cute Parshah comic??? C’mon, I’m sure you have better things to do than ‘critique’ this adorable and enlightening comic…”
why do u say critique??????
im just saying that its funny and u should notice how much work went into this.