<%popup(20080620-Haftorah-Comic-Korach-Lrg.jpg|800|647|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
Click here for the Weekly Parsha Comic from last year
Click Here for the English Text of the Haftorah
The Weekly Comic! – Haftora Parshas Korach!
<%popup(20080620-Haftorah-Comic-Korach-Lrg.jpg|800|647|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
Zvi from Montreal
Very cute, as usual.
me again #3
Funny that Samuel was the only prepared for the rain (see the hood on his head!)
Is the man in the purple/pink shirt happy, sad or scared?
awesome!! they should totally have a water fight!!!! lol
berkeley gal
i’m with the dude in the pink!
let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!