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The Weekly Comic! – Parshas Emor!

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  • m.s.

    wow, that is funny! too bad we have to see the duck in a devastated situation! ha ha !!!!!

  • e.

    This reminds me of the joke:
    “There was once a guy who decided that he would eat one slice of chicken the first night of Omer, 2 on the second, and so on. On the forty 2nd night, he forgot to eat the 42 slices on chicken, so he ate it the next day without a Brocha” (-blessing).

    by the way are we ever going to see duck again, if not, i’d like to take part in this meal to.

  • e.

    To what??:

    In this week’s Parsha one of the things that we talk about, is the Omer, (besides the fact that we are now counting the omer every night/day)

    So if someone asks you what today’s Omer is, you are not supposed to say (if it was the 2nd day) which one we count that night (in our case -2), only you supposed to say what the last night was (in our case -1),[so that you are not “yotzei” with this – without saying the bracha].

  • anon

    when someone asks you about sfirah “what do i count” you say last night was…..