<%popup(20080403-Tazria-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|654|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%> The Weekly Comic! – Parshas Tazria! <%popup(20080403-Tazria-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|654|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
what does that have to do with it really cute….love it! …but what does it have to do with the parsha?
ok duck, as long as your happy
love baruch levy
man you do it a gen levy
That is so cute!
i have to say its realy cuit
Ha Ha!
Welton your funny!
awesome are you really that lazy?
what does that have to do with it
really cute….love it! …but what does it have to do with the parsha?
where is Berkly gal?? im surprised she hasnt posted yet!!!