<%popup(20080327-Shemini-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|651|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>

The Weekly Comic! – Parshas Shemini!

<%popup(20080327-Shemini-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|651|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>


  • berkeley gal

    oh man………. ;)
    you’re gonna get yelled at for this one, no matter how funny it really is… even with the “likkutei sichos” line to make up for it!

    oh – and i’m glad to see duckie back!!

  • ERG

    To “confused” :
    check out Rashi.

    good one duck !!!!!

    CHI EDIT the comments system does not support hebrew.

  • D. Chossid

    Very respectful.

    We are talking about two tzaddikim who became so holy that they couldn’t live anymore.

  • Mushki G.

    this is soo nice!!!!
    the simple posuk is that they died because they were drunk like rashi says but the rebbe explains it differently that they died becasue they were too holy…just like this comic is tryig to say.
    its cool how this comic is teaching chassidus to our children.

  • Yanky

    To “D.Chossid”

    You only leave “negative comments”.
    PROOF: the last two comics you didnt find anything wrong with them so you didnt comment.

    Maybe you should try commenting on what you DO like besides for what you dont like and that way you can bring some “positivity” over here.

  • Reality Rabbi

    This is really miftsoyim, not really for the Crown Heights community/This is for people who live in galus and need to see the lighter side of learning and actually thinking oabout the parsha events in terms of the world situation.
    p.s. the colors are great

  • mashpia

    to curious: the talented, creative, amazing, guy who makes the comic is Levi Welton.
    This ones gr8!! unfortunately, berkeley gals right ….;)