<%popup(20080212-Tetzaveh-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|691|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic)%>

The Weekly Comic!

<%popup(20080212-Tetzaveh-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|691|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic)%>


  • what..?

    What happened to the parsha comic?

    and the comics should be based on something that we can learn a lesson from


    why the negativity it is very funy one week it is fine not to be on the parsha
    “un far alle lamdonim” this is a sad parsha moshes name wasint siad etc.

    any wey the one was very very very very very FUNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Deep in the South

    Oh I see what this is. It’s the idea of bitul (based on absolutely nothng“) and connectng the Mishkon which is the ”uborn xhild” of the Beis Hamikdash with the future Geulah in our times, whch is the era of cell-phones, but going beyond that…

  • D. Chossid

    All I could see from this comic is a violation of Kibbud Aim made funny, and an unborn child talking with chutzpa to it’s mother. A total lack of hakoras hatov made funny.

    Oy, these comics are not funny, not proper, don’t teach anything, and are just plain boring.

  • levik

    its based on many Sichot that explain the Tochen of this parsha which is BItul of the yidin trough Moshe

  • to D. Chossid

    levi works really hard on these comics and u have no right to go bashing it up keep your comments to yourself and spare us

  • mashpia

    all yo deranged people who are “D.Chossid, ???, what…?”, If you are that big of Tzaddikim then get off the “shmutzik computer”, the way you call it! If you think these enlightening and amazing comics are “tochen-less” then why are you wasting your time reading them? Is it doing you any good to write comments consisting solely of BS? Does it make you feel good to put down others and constantly bash peoples work? Please go back to your learning and don’t forget to give your Rosh a message from me that he should teach you the concept of Loving Your Fellow Jew and Live and Let live. The concepts are endless….Go bash bad people, not good ones.