Photos: An Illunimating Chanuka for Bangalore, India

Bangalore’s Chabad House, under the auspicies of Rabbi Tzvi and Noa Rivkin, was blessed with many and varied activites during the days of Chanuka:

The Shluchim celebrated their son Menachem Mendel’s Upshernish; There was a menorah lighting every night for the lonely and for visiting businessmen, a Chanukah day camp for the children, and a Grand Communal Chanukah Party.

The Shluchim would like to thank the Rohr family for their gracious and generous help, as well as to Reb Moshe Kotlarsky and his son Mendy for the success of their activities throughout the year.

One Comment

  • shlucha

    kol hakavod!! amazing pictures! the ones with the children are the best! keep up your great work and keeping the rebbe proud!
    your fellow shluchim