Chanukah at the Edge of the World!

In the city of Bariloche, Argentina, Chabad’s southernmost outpost on earth, Chanukah is celebrated with a special energy and light.

Every day of Chanukah there was a public Menorah lighting for hundreds of Israeli travelers, with dancing, singing and Sufganiot.

This year, for the first time, representatives of the Argentinian government and of the city of Bariloche participated in the public Menorah lighting. Thus, the events caused a great Kiddush Hashem, and the miracle of Chanukah was publicized in the Argentinian media: Television, newspapers and websites.

Adittionally, the Israeli hostels were visited every night by 2 bochurim, Levi Gadsi and Zushe Neimark, who brought the Menorahs and Chanukah treats along with them.

The Shluchim, Rabbi Boaz and Fraidel Klein, express their greatest thanks to Reb Moshe Kotlarsky, who is dedicated with all his heart and soul to caring for the Rebbe’s Shluchim, and to the head Shliach of Argentina Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, who helped make it all happen.


  • Milhouse

    PS: Dunedin is the southernmost Jewish community in the world, but it does not yet have a Chabad House or a permanent shliach. Someone is trying to move there but he has had trouble getting a visa.

  • amazing!

    Wow! look how many Jewish people (israelis) are in such a remote place. Only Chabad would think of putting a Shliach there and service the needs of our Jewish Bretheren. Kudos to Chabad for all the amazing work you do!