Chnuakah in Wilkes-Barre, PA

Thursday evening, the 2nd night of Chanukah (Dec. 2nd), a crowd of over 100 people gathered on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre, for the annual Bais Menachem Menorah lighting. The atmosphere was made very festive by a live musical performance of the Bais Menachem Band.

Hot latkes, hot applesauce, fresh doughnuts and hot drinks were served to warm the body. The lively spirits and joyous dancing were more than enough to warm the soul. The children really got a treat when they were given light-up menorah necklaces to wear.

Words of welcome were offered by Rabbi Dovid Brownstein, followed by several Torah passages
recited responsively by some of the gathered children. Rabbi Zvi Perlman encouraged the crowd to celebrate the lights of Chanukah joyously while keeping the welfare of our brothers and sisters in Israel, who have been affected by the fires in the Holy Land, in our hearts and prayers.

We were once again honored by the presence of State Representative Phyllis Mundy, who shared her warm greetings and spoke about the message of light and hope. Rep. Mundy was honored with lighting the Shamash candle for the Menorah. The Menorah was lit by longtime friends of Bais Menachem Atty. Richard Goldberg, Max Marcus and Dr. Richard Grossman.

The students of the Yeshivah then treated the crowd with more lively festive music and lead everyone in joyous dancing which carried on for over an hour! Children, parents and friends all danced with much fun and joy.