Moment of Silence Becomes Law in Kentucky

by Tzemach Feller –

A bill to enact a Moment of Silence in Kentucky passed with a bipartisan majority in both houses of legislature. The new law establishes “a moment of silence or reflection” in all public schools, “encouraging parents and guardians to provide guidance” to their children as to how to utilize the moment of contemplation.

Championed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe as a non-sectarian way to instill moral and ethical education, the Moment of Silence is law in dozens of states. In Kentucky, the initiative was promoted by Chabad Rabbi Avrohom Litvin and other Kentucky Chabad reps, as well as Rabbi Avraham Frank, who has brought the program to numerous schools in New York.

The law stipulates that “The policy shall prohibit district personnel from providing instruction to any student regarding the nature of any reflection that a student may engage in during the moment of silence or reflection” and that it “shall require notification be sent to parents or guardians … encouraging parents and guardians to provide guidance to their pupils regarding the moment of silence or reflection” — both elements that the Rebbe emphasized in promoting the Moment of Silence. More about the Moment of Silence:

The bill also enacts a provision for Released Time — allowing students to be excused for an hour each week for a “moral instruction offering.” Thousands of Jewish public school students have benefited from Released Time programs offered by Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters since 1940. Now, Kentucky is poised to take a step in enhancing moral and ethical education throughout the state.

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