Hundreds of Young Shluchim Celebrate Milestone Sefer Hamitzvos Achievements

The global Yaldei Hashluchim community is celebrating the culmination of months of dedicated Sefer Hamitzvos learning with the MyShliach Chidon retreat. Across Europe and America, hundreds of young boys and girls—many living in remote areas and investing extra effort to study on their own—finally met in person to forge friendships and celebrate their hard-earned Torah knowledge.

Over 575 participants took part in this year’s Chidon Sefer Hamitzvos, a joint project of Tzivos Hashem and MyShliach at Merkos 302. Impressively, most of these Yaldei Hashluchim passed their tests, earning an invitation to a two-day getaway.

“For young Shluchim growing up in remote locations, preparing for the Chidon without the usual supportive environment requires an entirely different level of commitment,” says Rabbi Chaim Hillel Azimov, Director of Chabad of Northern Cyprus, whose daughter Rosie earned a Chidon trophy this year. “That’s why seeing nearly half the trophies go to Shluchim’s children is so moving. We traveled over 5,000 miles for her to attend the retreat, and it was absolutely worth it. We’re beyond proud of her and deeply grateful to her MyShliach Chavrusa for guiding her every step of the way.”

The American girls’ retreat concluded last Thursday night with a meaningful visit to the Ohel, while the boys’ trip kicked off this week. Throughout the year, participants delved into the Rambam’s Sefer Hamitzvos via child-friendly textbooks and weekly Zoom classes. Many prepared for the tests independently, investing hours of personal study to master the material.

Nearly 100 young Shluchos enjoyed a whirlwind two-day program packed with ice skating, a visit to the American Dream mall, ninja course fun, dancing, and a kumzitz. The highlight for many was gathering at the Ohel to share their accomplishments with the Rebbe, followed by a concluding ceremony and banquet.

“Learning Torah with such dedication from a young age deserves to be celebrated,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “We hope the time spent with their pairs and comprehensive knowledge gained through the program empowers the young Shluchos to continue their unique Shlichusin with success and joy.”

Directed by Mrs. Rivka Wolff and a team of counselors, the retreat built on past successes, leaving participants eager to continue learning and stay connected with other Yaldei Hashluchim. Although the Chidon program has wrapped up for now, MyShliach’s extensive lineup of activities—designed to accommodate even the most remote Makom Hashlichus—remains accessible year-round.

“The retreat ensures that young Shluchim never feel isolated,” explains Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, Director of MyShliach at Merkos 302. “By giving them a chance to bond with peers and celebrate their achievements, we strengthen their sense of community and energize them to keep growing in their studies and their Shlichus.”

MyShliach Chidon Girls’ Retreat was made possible by

Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302
Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, Director of MyShliach at Merkos 302
Rabbi Moishy Shapiro, MyShliach Chidon Coordinator

MyShliach Chidon Staff
On-Site Director: Blumi Marosov
Head Counselors: Mussie Notik, Freida Paltiel
Kloli: Gitty Lishner
Shterna Amar, Nechama Dina Rotenberg, Rivka Fried, Mushka Levine, Charna Turk, Esty Labkowski, Daniella Illayov, Chaya Mushka Labkowski

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