YTTL Queens Yeshiva Celebrates “L’Dovka Boi” Mivtza

In an electrifying Mivtza Hachana for Yud Shvat – “L’Dovka Boi” Mivtza, the Bochurim of YTTL Queens Yeshiva reached remarkable achievements! The inspiring initiative was led by Hatomim Hashliach Meir Jabra and R’ Dovber Feldman, guided by the leadership of Menahel Rabbi Yossef Hakohen Hendel. Throughout the Mivtza, Bochurim intensified their Limud Torah, mastering Dafim of Gemora, Basi L’gani Baal Peh, and maintaining Sedorim rigorously.

Participants chose from three tracks – Zahav, Kesef, and Nechoshes [gold, silver and copper] – and collected “diamonds” by summarizing Sichos and participating in panels.

A grand celebration honored the Tmimim’s outstanding accomplishments, with many earning sets of Shas, Sifrei Maamorim, Sichos, and Rambam. Special gratitude goes to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Baruch for arranging the Seforim.

The highlight of the event was the raffle for the Kesef track, featuring two rare and precious items: a dollar from the Rebbe’s holy hand and a “Mapa” used by the Rebbe for Netilas Yodayim. Special appreciation goes to Rabbi Yoel Belinitzki for his instrumental role in organizing this event.
Zochim BaGoral were:

Hatmimim Zevi Wallach, Shnz Scharf, Shnz Silberstein, and Mendy Sheleg.

In a heartwarming surprise, Vaad Member Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz presented Hatomim Hashliach Meir Jabra with a plaque featuring a dollar from Rebbe’s holy hand, with a heartfelt Brocha expressing the gratitude of all for his profound impact on the yeshiva and his unwavering dedication.

As a grand finale, all Tmimim who successfully completed their tracks will be treated to an exhilarating bowling and snow tubing trip, capping off an unforgettable “L’Dovka Boi” Mivtza.

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