International Siyum HaRambam Announces Raffle Winners

The International Rambam Celebration Committee is excited to announce the winners of the three raffles for a dollar of the Rebbe.

Each winner received a dollar that was received from the Rebbe’s holy hand.

1. The winner of the raffle for those who took upon themselves to learn Rambam or strengthen
their learning of Rambam is Yosef Shapiro from Morristown, New Jersey.

This dollar was gifted by R’ Lipa Lieberman.

2. The winner of the raffle for those who contributed $36 or more to the Siyum HaRambam is
R’ Mechel Muller.

The dollar was gifted L’Iluy Nishmas Harav Hachasid R’ Shmuel Menachem Mendel Ben Harav Hachasid R’ Schneur Zalman Z”L.

3. The winner of the raffle for those who helped ensure the Siyum was held ‘B’rov Am is Esther Teitelbaum.

This dollar was gifted in loving memory of Harav Mordechai ben Harav Shlomo, A”H.

Mazal Tov to all the winners! May you continue to see brachos in everything you do.

The International Rambam Celebration Committee extends a heartfelt thank you to the Crown Heights community and to all those who came from near and far and made the effort to attend and participate in the Siyum, making it the special, historic, and grand event that it was.

The unbelievable turnout created a tremendous Kiddush Hashem and surely brought great nachas to the Rebbe.

The Committee would also like to thank all those who contributed towards the Siyum, fulfilling the Rebbe’s request that this Siyum be held in a grand and splendid manner.

We look forward to seeing you all next year at the 45th Siyum HaRambam, in Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach now!

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