Mechina Oholei Torah Concludes Inspiring “Lechatchila Ariber” Mivtza
In the true spirit of Lechatchila Ariber, the Talmidim of Mechina Oholei Torah recently completed an extraordinary eight-week Mivtza, dedicated in loving memory of Hatomim Shmuel Karnovsky A”H. With a renewed sense of hisorerus and commitment, the Bochurim elevated themselves in limmud haTorah, avodas Hashem, and hiskashrus to the Rebbe throughout the duration of the program.
From the very start, the avodah was evident. Bochurim took upon themselves hiddurim in seder hayeshiva, with a focus on punctuality and diligence. Special Hashkeim sessions twice a week saw boys arriving early to yeshiva, preparing themselves for Yud Shevat through in-depth study of the Maamar Bosi Legani, all while enjoying delicious Mezonos.
But the Mivtza did not stop at learning alone. The Talmidim accepted upon themselves various hachlatos tovos, engaging in hiskashrus in both gashmiyus and ruchniyus. Each bochur worked on strengthening his seder limmud, refining his hanhagos in class, and excelling in tests, in addition to taking on the following missions: Going to the Mikvah each morning, learning Chitas and Rambam daily, going on Mivtzoim, participating in Seder Sichos beyond the regular schedule, enhancing Pirush Hamilos in Tefillah, completing additional bonus challenges.
The bochurim who successfully rose to the occasion were rewarded with a spectacular two-day grand trip, a well-earned culmination of their mesirus nefesh for growth in limmud haTorah.
The Bochurim stayed in the beautiful Villa Roma Resort, where the Talmidim enjoyed an incredible range of activities, including snow tubing, sports, and a game room. The Bochurim also enjoyed farbrengens, uplifting shiurim, and an interactive Beis Hamikdash VR experience. Nights were filled with the warmth of achdus, as they sang and danced around a bonfire, walked together under the night sky, and strengthened their friendships in an atmosphere infused with Chassidisher chayus.
A tremendous Yasher Koach goes to the Mechanchim of Mechina Oholei Torah, who continuously guide and uplift each Talmid with unwavering ahavas Yisroel. May the inspiration of this Mivtza continue to illuminate the path ahead, leading to ever greater heights in Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chassodim, and ultimately, the coming of Moshiach teikef umiyad mammosh!