Paris Anash Join For Grand Siyum HaRambam Organized by Beth Loubavitch

The community gathered in large numbers to celebrate the Rambam Siyum, an event brilliantly organized by Beth Loubavitch presided over by Rav Mendel Azimov. This exceptional evening honored 75 years of the Rebbe’s leadership as well as the importance of the Rambam’s monumental work.

Poignant videos retracing the Rebbe’s legacy were broadcast, stirring emotion and inspiration among the participants.

On this occasion, a new book by the Rambam translated into French was presented under the direction of Rav Binyamin Apelbaum, marking a valuable step forward in the study and dissemination of the Rambam’s teachings.

The evening was punctuated by captivating music, with performances by the famous Hasidic singer Mendy Gabay accompanied by Acher Touitou and his sidekick Chalom Fraenkel.

The event reached its peak with the conclusion of the Siyoum by Rav Avraham Barouh Pevzner and a Pilpoul (Talmudic analysis) in depth by Rav Kalmenson, director of the Yeshiva of Brunoy.

A special intervention by Rav Shlomo Azoulay, director and head of the institutions of Levallois-Perret, reinforced the importance of this event, emphasizing the central role of study and the dissemination of knowledge in Jewish life.

The atmosphere was both solemn and joyful, mixing respect, study and fervor, in a remarkable unity. This Sioum will remain engraved as a strong moment of transmission and commitment to Torah and Hasidut.

Photos by Mordehai Lubecki

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