When The Rebbe Pushes Us To Go Beyond Our Limits
by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon – Cincinnati, OH
When we are bochurim in Yeshiva, we like to be entertained by the Farbrengens that we attend. We tend to become bored quickly if the mashpia repeats a story or a thought that he shared in a previous Farbrengens. Having spent many years in Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, as a talmid and a Shliach, I would easily recognize some of the famous “Farbrengen tracks” of Rabbi Akiva Wagner A”H.
When we get older and have to deal with new realities of life, we begin to appreciate the stories and lessons that we heard so many times as those are the only ones (at least by me..) that actually stayed in our minds and hearts as they were ingrained and drilled in by our Mashpia. I had one of those moments recently and I would like to share it with the public as the lesson is important to all.
My shlichus is Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Cincinnati. While the Rebbe established a Yeshiva in Cincinnati in 1976, it was short-lived. In 5767, we reestablished the Yeshiva. To say that it was not easy, is beyond an understatement. There were many trials and long nights of doubts and worry. Between the educational responsibilities and managing the budget, it seemed that we were always one crisis away from closing. Over the next 18 years, we worked hard – cried and davened a lot – and Boruch Hashem (and many Brachos from the Rebbe) the Yeshiva reached a position of stability and success. We had a full registration, owned 6 buildings without a mortgage, and had no debt.
I thought that I reached “cruising altitude”, until I received – through the Igros Kodesh – a shocking answer (to a question that I wrote in connection to the Yeshiva). The Rebbe wrote (Igros volume 7 page 54): “I am in great pain that you are not adding in the number of students in the Yeshiva…” I was shocked! The Yeshiva was at full capacity, so what does the rebbe want? I knew that the Rebbe must be demanding that we add another class per grade, but we did not have the capability (staffwise, dorm space and building space) for such a drastic move. What could the Rebbe possibly want from us?
It was then that I remembered a story that I heard countless times from Rabbi Akiva Wagner, but it is only now that I understood the true message of the story. Rabbi Wagner would tell the following story: “There was once a Shliach that after many years was able to build a building. When he excitedly informed the Rebbe of this accomplishment, he received the surprising response that the Rebbe wants to know when he is starting the next building?
The Shliach expressed his puzzlement to Rabbi Chadakov, Rabbi Chadakov answered: In truth, you should be removed from your shlichus. Why? Because it is becoming obvious that you feel that it is your abilities that built the first building and do not realize it is from the Rebbe. For if you realize that it was from the Rebbe, and that the Rebbe wants you to build another, you would not hesitate!”
With this inspiration is my mind, I met with the Hanhalla and we decided to go ahead with this monumental change with the firm decision that we would not compromise the Ruchnius – and special care – of each Bochur and we would not hire the hanhalla-to-student ratio. Where we would find the staff on such short notice, and where would we find the physical capacity for the future growth (and how to afford it if we did find it!) we would trust in the Rebbe’s Brachos, as it is his directive that we are following. Everyone knows that the “second jump” is harder than the first, and I felt that I was risking all the hard work that was put in, but if we – as the Hanhalla – don’t fully trust the Rebbe, what could we expect from our children and talmidim?
To tell you all that the channels of Brachos opened up – from completely unexpected places – is an understatement. In a few short months, we were the owners of 4 new properties and renovations were already started for an expanded Beis Midrash, additional classrooms,kitchen and dining room spaces. I could write a book from the letters and stories that transpired. I am happy to share with you a long voice note, if you send me a private email.
Why am I writing about this now? Firstly, to encourage everyone to allow the Rebbe to expand your horizons and perceptions of your own limitations. In addition: We are currently making a campaign to raise the final 300k of this tremendous endeavor and I invite you all to be part of the Rebbe’s miracle. It is a tremendous source of brachos to all those that participate.
Please partner with us at www.ylcbuilding.com
Thank you! Moshiach Now!
Please feel free to share your thoughts on the above with me by sending me a personal email: rabbiavtzon@gmail.com