Grand Siyum HaRambam Celebration Attended by Thousands
The Siyum HaRambam HaOlami on the forty-fourth cycle was celebrated with great splendor this past Sunday, 2 Adar, at the spacious and prestigious Union Bedford Armory in Brooklyn, New York, with thousands of men, women, and children in attendance.
A palpable sense of excitement and enthusiasm filled the weeks leading up to the Siyum, as tens of thousands worldwide prepared to complete the study of the entire Torah Shebaal Peh, in accordance with the Rebbe’s takanah, for the forty-fourth time since its establishment in 5744 (1984).
Following the Rebbe’s directive regarding the Siyum date falling on Erev Shabbos Kodesh, when it would be difficult to hold a large gathering, the celebration was moved to the following Sunday. As the appointed hour approached, the streets of Crown Heights leading to the Armory were filled with people — young and old, Talmidei HaTemimim, and entire families — making their way to the grand celebration. A special transportation system was organized by the Siyum Committee to accommodate the large crowds.
When the doors opened shortly before the scheduled start time, the audience began filling the thousands of seats that had been meticulously arranged for this extraordinary event.
Precisely at 7:00 PM, the Siyum commenced, and the chassidic chazzan Rabbi Shneur Zalman Baumgarten was called to lead the recitation of the Rebbe’s kapitel, chapter 123 of Tehillim, possuk by possuk. The entire audience stood with respect as Rabbi Baumgarten, with a special melody, led the recitation of Tehillim.
The Devar Malchus was heard from the Rebbe himself, in a video presentation from the first Siyum HaRambam on the auspicious day of Yud Alef Nissan 5745 (1985).
The Rebbe recited the final halacha in the Rambam while explaining each line and word. After the Siyum, the audience at the farbrengen was shown singing enthusiastically “Sisu V’simchu B’simchas Torah.”
Rabbi Velvl Butman, shliach in Westchester, New York — son of the unforgettable emcee and organizer of Siyumei HaRambam for 40 years, Rabbi Shmuel Butman a”h, who passed away this past year — took the role of master of ceremonies.
He invited the first speaker, yibodel l’chaim tovim, the Mara D’asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din, Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun shlita, who emphasized the importance of holding the Siyum HaRambam with great honor and splendor as the Rebbe wanted.
Horav Braun blessed the organizers who worked tirelessly for weeks on the event arrangements and noted the wonderful segulos associated with the holy gathering of the Siyum HaRambam, where one can ask for all one’s needs in children, life, and livelihood — all in abundance — and for the needs of all of Klal Yisroel.
A soldier in Tzivos Hashem, Mendel Roitblat, a student in Lubavitcher Yeshiva, was invited to make the Siyum on Sefer Hamitzvos on behalf of the thousands who learn the daily Sefer Hamitzvos, which corresponds to the halachos studied in the three-chapters-a-day track. The Siyum of Sefer Hamitzvos was dedicated in memory of the boy’s grandfather, the Gaon and Chossid Rabbi Shneur Zalman Wilschanski a”h, Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim in Morristown.
Horav Hagaon R’ Meshulam Feish Ginzburg shlita, the Rebbe of Chust and member of Agudas Harabbonim, enthusiastically explained that besides the ge’onus contained in every word of the Rambam, one also receives pure yiras shomayim through its study.
Distinguished rabbonim who were unable to attend the Siyum in person sent their blessings via video recordings.
Rabbi Moshe Elefant, one of the heads of the OU Kashrus organization, extolled the virtue of the daily Rambam learners and the spiritual strength gained from fulfilling the Rebbe’s takanah.
Rabbi Tzvi Mandel, Vice Chairman and member of the Beis Din of the Igud Harabbonim, delivered words of blessing.
Rabbi Yonah Reiss, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University and Deputy Av Beis Din of the Beth Din of America, offered his blessing to the learners and those completing the cycle.
Another recording was shown from Rabbi Efrem Goldberg of the Boca Raton Synagogue in Florida, who spoke with evident warmth about the takanah of learning Rambam.
The emcee invited Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch to lead all those assembled in reciting Chapter 20 of Tehillim for the safety of our brethren in Eretz HaKodesh, for victory in the war, and for the return of all our hostages in full health.
The emcee mentioned his late father, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky a”h, member of the International Siyum HaRambam Committee, who passed away this year.
Horav Osher Eckstein shlita, Dayan and Moreh Tzedek for Belz chassidim in Boro Park and chairman of the Machzikei Hadas Kashrus, inspired the audience to add depth to their daily Rambam study.
A musical interlude followed with chassidic singer Eitan Katz, accompanied by Yossi Cohen, Yehuda Piamenta, and Yoni Lorber, soulfully performing the Rebbe’s niggunim together with the audience.
The screen showed the story of Dr. Chaim Hecht from California with a mekurav who is currently completing the entire Rambam with full understanding. The message was clear: if they have time, then everyone has time to learn Rambam with understanding.
Horav Shaul Yechezkel Schwartz shlita, the Debrecener Dayan in Boro Park, recounted the special connection of his grandfather, the Debrecener Rav zatzal, with the Rebbe, and the rare moment during the distribution of dollars when the Rebbe asked him to issue a halachic ruling that Moshiach must come immediately.
Horav Yaakov Yitzchok Biderman shlita, the Lelover Rebbe of Boro Park, delivered a pilpul on the mitzvah of building the Beis Hamikdash according to the Rambam’s approach.
The audience listened attentively to the words of Torah, and between segments, the music team returned to the stage, sweeping the entire audience into an elevated atmosphere of farbrengen with soul-stirring niggunim.
A longstanding friend and familiar face at Siyumei HaRambam, Horav Leibel Wulliger shlita, Rosh Kollel of Torah Vodaas and representative of Munkatch Chassidus, was next to speak.
Gifted with a fiery chassidic spirit, Horav Leibel Wulliger briefly discussed making a dwelling place for Hashem in this physical world, and mentioned the absence of his personal friend, Rabbi Shmuel Butman a”h.
The audience paused for a few minutes to honor the long-time director of Siyumei HaRambam, who served with special dedication for forty years, the chairman of the International Siyum HaRambam Committee, Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman a”h.
A special video presentation highlighted the late Rabbi Butman’s unique personality as a chossid and mekushar with extraordinary energy and initiative, whose sole purpose was to bring nachas ruach to the meshale’ach, the Rebbe.
His colleagues on the committee and family members described Rabbi Butman’s special connection to the Siyumim, whose success touched the depths of his soul from the early years of the takanah until the previous Siyum in 5784.
An honored guest and loyal friend of Chabad, Horav Chaim Meir Hager shlita, Av Beis Din of Kiryas Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak and eldest son of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe shlita, was invited to the head table. The moderator warmly welcomed him and blessed his father with a complete recovery on behalf of the entire audience.
Excitement filled the crowd as the emcee, using the traditional Simchas Torah format, invited the Gaon and Chossid Horav Yitzchok Raitport shlita, Rosh Kollel Metzuyanim in Boro Park, with the words “Amod, Amod, Amod, V’hashleim HaTorah Shebaal Peh” (Stand, stand, stand, and complete the Oral Torah).
After a brief and profound pilpul on the Rambam’s words, Horav Raitport recited on behalf of the thousands of learners the final halacha, which discusses that very time — the time of Geulah. Upon completing the Rambam, the audience spontaneously broke into a mighty song, “Sisu V’simchu B’simchas Torah.”
Immediately afterward, the shliach in Florida, Rabbi Shai Amar shlita, was invited, also in the Simchas Torah format used to call up the Chosson Bereishis, to begin the 45th cycle of the daily Rambam study.
Rabbi Amar could not contain his enthusiasm and thanked the Rebbe for the great gift of the Rambam study takanah, urging the audience to invest in learning Rambam and to add understanding and depth to their study. He then recited the first halachah: “Yesod hayesodos v’amud hachochmos leida sheyesh sham matzui rishon…” (The foundation of foundations and pillar of wisdom is to know that there is a Primary Being).
The event was honored by the presence of the Rosh Yeshiva of Chasan Sofer and Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf, Horav Dovid Aryeh Ehrenfeld shlita; Horav Flamm shlita, the Stretin Rebbe of Flatbush; and Horav Yitzchok Twersky and Horav Mordechai Twersky, sons of the Skverer Rebbe of Boro Park shlita.
Reb Lipa Lieberman was invited to the podium to share his series of wondrous stories that began when he decided to join the Rambam study and his mother found two dollars from the Rebbe for him.
After donating these dollars at the previous Siyum for a raffle among all who committed to begin studying daily Rambam, the winners came to him with amazing miracle stories. The audience listened eagerly to testimonies of the wonders experienced by the winners, and here Reb Lipa surprised everyone by saying that after donating the dollars, his mother found two more dollars that the Rebbe had given him.
“Today at this Siyum, I am again donating the dollars for two raffles: one among new participants and one for donors to this holy event.”
Rabbi Yosef Y. Butman, son and right-hand man of his late father throughout the years, took over as emcee and thanked all those who helped bring about this great evening.
The guest of honor, the Rishon Letzion and Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim, Horav Shlomo Moshe Amar shlita, moved the audience with words about the greatness of the Rebbe’s takanah to learn Rambam every day and to complete the entire Torah without any exceptions.
Yearning and emotion filled the hall with the niggun “Ach L’Elokim Domi Nafshi.”
Horav Gavriel Zinner shlita, author of the Nitei Gavriel series and rav of Congregation Nitei Gavriel, found the allusion of the 45th cycle in the possuk “Mah Hashem Elokecha sho’el me’imach” and expounded on it according to Chassidic teachings.
Horav Zinner noted that he was instructed by the Rebbe himself to participate in the Siyumei HaRambam, as the Rebbe had asked him if he spoke at the Siyum.
Now Rabbi Yosef Y. Butman invited the keynote speaker, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson shlita, known for his oratory skills and mastery of the Rebbe’s teachings from his time as a member of the chazara team for the sichos and maamarim.
Rabbi Jacobson delivered a central address on points from the Hadran that the Rebbe delivered at the Siyum HaRambam of the second cycle in 5746 (1986). Rabbi Jacobson highlighted the Rambam’s vision in writing his work and its practical influence on everyone, everywhere and in every time.
The audience listened attentively, and from each speech, the Rebbe’s holy takanah about Rambam study shone forth with a precious light.
The final speaker was Horav Moshe Chaim Steinberg, longtime gabbai of the Skulener Rebbes and emissary of the current Skulener Rebbe shlita, who brought his blessing and words on the connection between the Siyum HaRambam and 7 Adar, the birthday and yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu — ”from Moshe to Moshe, none arose like Moshe.”
Rabbi Velvl Butman announced the conclusion of the event and encouraged Torah, tefilah, and tzedakah, announcing that the next Siyum would take place on 15 Shevat 5786 in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh — ”L’shanah haba’ah biYerushalayim!”
The entire audience then rose for extended joyous dancing in honor of the Siyum and the month of Adar, in which we increase joy. And as the Rebbe notes, Layehudim haysa orah, “The Jews had light,” refers to Torah.
Appreciation was extended to the team that worked on preparing the dignified and polished event: Rabbi Shmuel Pevzner, Rabbi Shmuel Butler, Rabbi Mendel Braun, Rabbi Chaim Piekarski, Rabbi Mendel Turk, Hatomim Avi Beitelman, Hatomim Moshe Elberg, Rabbi Mendel Goldman, Hatomim Mendel Gutblatt, Rabbi Yossi Rosenberg, Hatomim Tzemach Dovid Gordon, Hatomim Naftali Gourary, Hatomim Mendel Lerner, Rabbi Mendel Spritzer, and Hatomim Shalom Traurig.
Thanks to the Merkos 302 team: Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Rabbi Shneur Najar, Rabbi Mendy Kolsky, and Yaacov Behrman.
Thanks to the New York Police Department, Hatzalah of Crown Heights, and Crown Heights Shomrim.
The impression of the mighty event filled the thousands of participants with blessings, as they departed with joy and feelings of elevation to begin a new cycle of Rambam study with vitality and spiritual uplift, until we merit the fulfillment of the possuk that concludes the Yad Hachazaka: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem as the waters cover the sea.”