New Kehot Book Going to Print

Kehot will iyH be coming out with a new book after Pesach which is sure to catch your attention.

Your Unique Purpose” is based on 36 selections from HaYom Yom (Kehot 1943), in which the Rebbe zy’a clearly outlines how every Jew can better fulfill his or her individual purpose in life. 

Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, Head Shliach of Long Island, selected these 36, ordered them into 8 chapters, and added his notes to create a clear direction for all to follow. Rabbi Teldon published “Eight Paths of Purpose” in 2020, which was written to provide tools for a largely secular audience to better fulfill their purpose. “Since then” Rabbi Teldon said. “I have wanted to publish a book based on Chassidus which will talk directly to a Jewish audience. This is it!”. 

The book also includes many stories and lessons from the Rebbeim which will make it very appealing to Anash as well as friends of Chabad around the world. It is designed by Spotlight to resemble a notebook, to make for easy reading and provide space for your own personal notes to be included. This will surely be a book you will want to add to your collection.  

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