New Course Will Prepare You For Pesach
As part of its ongoing schedule of course in Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat, Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, led by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, will offer a new course of 6 weeks focusing on the Halachos relevant for Pesach.
The course will offer 6 sessions, taking place on Sunday evenings, and will follow a schedule of learning, covering these most relevant topics, and will feature guest Rabbonim who will discuss certain contemporary topics in a practical way and offer insights to these topics from their experiences.
This course joins other course which are opening up in the coming weeks, both in Dayanus and Smicha.
Introduction to the laws of kashering הגעלת כלים:
For information about this course and to enroll, visit onlinesmicha.com/pesach
For information about other courses and for inquiries, visit onlinesmicha.com or email admin@onlinesmicha.com