TTOP Prepares Bochurim for Mesivta

Yud Shvat is a time of transition. Moshe transitioned the Shechinah into our world, and the Rebbe took on the Nesius, propelling us into the seventh generation. At Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway, we saw this as an opportunity to help prepare our Bochurim for their transition into Mesivta. With many parents and students discussing and deciding where to apply for next year’s Mesivta, we felt it was a great opportunity to prepare our boys for this next chapter in life: 

This year’s TTOP Yud Shvat Mivtza in our Pre-Mesivta Division was a transformative experience in both quantity and quality. Talmidim put together a duch-like chart with Hachlotos revolving around what they should accomplish as Bochurim. Some of the items included davening Ma’ariv with a Minyan, learning Chitas and Rambam, saying morning Brochos and Krias Shema with a hat and jacket, and more. Rabbi Moshe Zalman Vorovitch, the division’s Program Director, ensured that the Talmidim were not only on top of their game but also guided them with questions and tips on how to get accustomed to these important hanhogos that we do daily.

Simultaneously, Rabbi Vorovitch carefully prepared and delivered lesson plans on each item. He explained why we wear a hat and jacket, why we go to the mikvah, and how a Chossid davens. While understanding the intention and purpose of these hanhogos is important, the Talmidim also learned the value of Kabolas Ol.

Since Yud Shvat fell on Shabbos, Rabbi Avrohom Gorman (Yeshiva’s Program Director and Tzivos Hashem Coordinator) gave all Talmidim a ‘Farbrengen In A Box’. In it, were key items such as farbeisin, learning material, and games to play with the family. The Mivtza ended with a Sunday Yom Limud, during which the fathers of the students came to Yeshiva to daven, enjoy a full breakfast, and learn with their sons.

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