Shock and Anger: Bochur Prints Fake Article In The Name of Lubavitch Mashpia, Disseminates It In 770


Shock and anger in Lubavitch as it comes to light that – in an act of moral depravity – a bochur printed a fake article in the name of a Lubavitch Mashpia and disseminated it in 770.

Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, the founder and Mashpia of the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Cincinnati, OH, had written an article in the Bais Mashiach Magazine in Tishrei critical of a group of Bochurim known for injecting their own agenda into the administration of 770. In the article, he stressed the need for the Gabboim to be in charge, the adherence to the Rabbonim, and called out the bochurim for creating a fantasy version of the Rebbe.

These bochurim were not happy.

“The next week in 770, [after the article’s publication] they wrote a pashkville, Machaa against Rabbi Avtzon from Cincinnati,” Rabbi Gershon Avtzon said in a viral voice note. “I forgot about it and moved on.”

This past Shabbos, Yud Shvat, a certain bochur decided to take matters further, taking the Bais Mashiach article and editing it to reverse Rabbi Avtzon’s views on the bochurim’s actions. The edited version, printed in the same layout as the Bais Mashiach magazine, had an image of Rabbi Avtzon as well as naming him as the author.

Rabbi Avtzon responded to the forgery by publishing a voice note calling out the act and labeling it a “tremendous Chutzpa“. The forgery, Rabbi Avtzon points out, is a Pashkville, and is Assur.

Listen to Rabbi Avtzon’s Voice Note Below:

Despite not being highlighted in the media over the past year, the actions of these bochurim have continued to involve violence and intimidation since the major incident of illegal digging took place last year.

A bochur was recently arrested by the police and named persona non grata in 770 by the Gabboim, with another incident of assault caught on camera rocking 770 just last week.


  • C R

    Shtus DeLe’umas Zeh Legamri!

    I recently spoke with a fellow in my town, a YU-YI guy who grew up in CH decades ago. He says the 770 of today is an absolute bizayon compared to what it was in his youth. He was embarrassed to walk in and quickly found a minyan elsewhere in the shechunah.

    The situation in 770 is, for all intents and purposes, a matter of life and death. Treat it accordingly!

    • anonymous

      It is a mitzvah to publicize the names of any terrorists who vandalize, disrupt the peace, impose shenanigans in 770. Publish their names with photos and their home
      address. Even include their shameful parents. We need to have a Wall of Shame for these destroyers of our shchuna who import their mishugasin and infect others with their ill advised conduct.

  • with the old breed

    sad….at a time when we all need a strong 770 this is what we have….looks like it is being run by the DNC…….

  • Anonymous

    “The next week in 770, [after the article’s publication] they wrote a pashkville, Machaa against Rabbi Avtzon from Cincinnati,” Rabbi Gershon Avtzon said in a viral voice note. “I forgot about it and moved on.”

    Yet one more reason why ChaZaL forbade a Rav from being mochel his kovod. Silence will be taken as agreement by the unscrupulous “farkrumte farchnyokte.”

  • For sure

    Hamas got to go and so must rhe curse of the mishichstim.

    Moshiach won’t come before we rid 770 of that bunch of hoodlums.

    Why should he come now he doesn’t want to get beat up.

  • Change the Headline

    Nobody is shocked. Angered, maybe, but not shocked. This is expected behavior from these goons. Name and shame.

  • Anonymous

    Sholom Dovber Baruch was arrested by the police and declared persona non grata by the Gabboim of 770. He is there regulary anyway with no repercussions.

    • Anonymous

      It is not loshon hora when the purpose of the letter by the gabboim is specifically to publicize that he is dangerous and not welcome in 770. How is anyone to enforce it, if not publicized?

      He agreed to come to Beis Din. After everyone was assembled, he did not show up with the explanation that the Rebbe told him not appear before the Beis Din of Crown Heights.

      Mitzva L’farsem.

  • Levy

    Just in time for Purim!! It actually is pretty funny and cute , guys take it easy and let’s have a good laugh.

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