Levi: We Will All Adopt Your Family!
There is a famous story of a Rav that had to give a public speech in which he was to extol the fine character of the honoree of the local school’s dinner. The problem was that as this person was very haughty, and he was always looking for honor and respect, he did not have very refined character traits. In addition: He would also make it a habit of showing his lack of acceptance of the authority of the local Rabbi of the city.
The honoree, and the people in the community, were very curious as to what the Rabbi would say by the dinner. The Rabbi got up to speak and mentioned the tremendous merit of donating to the local day-school and then addressed the honoree in a personal way. He told him: “The city is blessed to have you in our midst. As a matter of fact; if there were 10 people like you in the city, our city would be so much better!” The honoree felt so happy by this compliment that he gave an extra donation to the school.
A few days later, the honoree approached the Rav. He told him that he was thinking over what the Rav said and it did not make sense. We both know , said the honoree, that I do not always listen to the Rav and I have a lot of character traits to work on. If that is the case, why would the Rabbi want that there should be ten of me?! The Rabbi smiled and said: The truth is that I did not finish my full thoughts at the dinner. It is true that I said that if there were ten of you, the city would be better. I really wanted to continue with the following words: “The problem is that there are a hundred like you!”
In life you meet certain people that are so unique and special that you truly wish that there were 10 more people in the world like them. Too many times, these people are so consumed in their good deeds and act in such an unassuming way, that most of the world does not even know of their existence. It is only after a tragic event, like an early passing, that the world finds out about the special person that was in their midst.
One of those types of people is my good friend, and cousin, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Wolosow A”H. I knew him for many years, he was involved in my personal shidduch!, and I merited to have his oldest son in our institution for the past three years.
Rabbi Levi was born and raised on Shlichus in Massachusetts and from a very young age was sent to Crown Heights to live with his grandparents so that he can receive a Chassidishe Chinuch and be in the presence of our Rebbe. He was always a person that created a positive atmosphere and environment around him and was full of pure Ahavas Yisroel. To him it was clear that he would get married and live a life of Shlichus in which he would dedicate himself and his family to Klal Yisroel.
At the time, he did not realize the extent of that commitment and dedication. A few years ago, he and his Rebbetzen were approached by a local member of their community with an interesting request: He is preparing his will (he was healthy and fine) and he has two children and is planning their future. He wanted to make sure that they would receive a Jewish education and upbringing. He asked the young shluchim if he could put them down in his will as the ones that would take custody of his children if he suddenly passed away.
The young and idealistic shluchim did not think twice and wholeheartedly agreed, without thinking much of the possible ramifications of their agreement. A short time later, the father suddenly passed away and the Wolosow family officially brought the two children into their family. I do not have to elaborate and explain the tremendous sensitivities and complexities that such a change has on a family in all aspects of their lives. Rabbi Levi and Chanale (and their children!) Wolosow made this life-changing decision with a full heart and an open home.
We do not know or understand what happened this week, the sudden passing of Rabbi Levi A”H who was so filled with life!, but one thing we surely do know: We – all of us! – must make the internal decision to repay the favor that the Wolosow family did for Klal Yisroel and we must “Adopt the Wolosow family” by generously supporting them at this time: Levi Wolosow Family Fund | Campaign powered by RaiseThon
May we all merit to be reunited with Rabbi Levi A”H with the revelation of Moshiach Tzidkeinu!