Weekly Letter: The Song of the Sea and The Song of Devorah

This week is called Shabbos Shira / Song – which contains the famous song of praise (Oz Yoshir) which the Yidden sang after experiencing the miraculous splitting of Yam Suf and witnessing the drowning of the Egyptians. The Rebbe refers to the Song of the Sea and the Song of Devorah with a relevant message for the Jewish woman today.

By the Grace of G-d

After Shabbos Shira, 5743

Brooklyn, N.Y.


Blessing and Greeting:

We are now coming from Shabbos Shira, on which we read in the Torah Shiras Hayam, the Song at the Sea, including Miriam’s part in it; and in the HaphtorahShiras Devorah, the Song of Devorah. Both these historic events, reported at length in the Torah and in the books of the Prophets, have a special message for Jewish women bout their historic role in Jewish life, as has often been emphasized by my saintly father-in-law on this occasion. 

The teachings of the Torah are eternal and are valid at all times and all places. Thus, it is clear that Jewish women have a crucial role in perpetuating the Torah way and thereby preserving our people, especially in critical times, including our present time.

I trust you are doing your share to strengthen and spread Yiddishkeit in your immediate surroundings and beyond and may G-d grant that you should do it with enthusiasm and joy. Especially that, although this is a “must” for its own sake, it is coupled also with receiving G-d’s blessings to be able to so it in happy and joyful circumstances, materially and spiritually. 

                               With blessing,

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