Civic Pulse, New Podcast Launched By Crown Heights Activist Rabbi Yaacov Behrman
Crown Heights Rabbi, activist, and public figure Rabbi Yaacov Behrman has added a new entry to his resume with the launch of his newest project, a podcast.
Civic Pulse dives into the issues that shape our communities and lives—exploring why they matter and who’s in charge.
In the first episode, Yaacov Behrman interviews guest Yehoshua (Jason) Bedrick, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a former New Hampshire state representative, a Chasidic Jew, and one of the nation’s foremost experts on school choice.
The discussion focused on the latest legislation regarding a new federal tax credit for contributions to organizations that provide scholarships for elementary school students attending private schools.
This legislation has a high probability of passing in the current budget and could have a major impact on Yeshivas.
Will New York and other Democratic states that oppose school choice be included in the bill?
Listen to the podcast to learn why your state may be included or excluded from the bill, and find out how you can play a role in what happens.