Weekly Story: Rising To The Occasion
by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon
The reason we write a story in this column, is that people find it easy to read and they can often relate to it. Subsequently, if they relate to it, some may be influenced to learn from it and perhaps emulate it, to a certain degree by incorporating it into their conduct.
However, sometimes or perhaps often, while the reader or the person who hears a story is inspired, they may think, or say, that the character in the story lived in a totally different time frame and mindset, and that person and I do not have much in common. As a result, they find it difficult to emulate that person’s wonderful characteristic behavior and conduct, as we are totally different personalities and living in different times and situations.
In this week’s story, I am relating a story, something that began over a year ago, but by Divine Providence I merited to become involved in it, just last week. While the person in the story may seem to be a regular Jew, and states so openly that she is nothing more than a regular Jew, l definitely say that she is extraordinary, and that there is much to learn from her conduct.
As always, your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated and welcomed.
On Hei Teves, a friend of mine reminded me to pick up for him the four mezuzah’s that he ordered from Machon Stam. I promised him that I would go the next day and pick them up.
Monday, late afternoon I arrived there around fifteen minutes before they close, and Rabbi Yitzchok Raskin called me over, saying, he would like to hear my opinion.
He mentioned that there is a lady who was so inspired to do something after the horrific tragedy of last year’s devastating attack on Simchas Torah, (which others call ten seven,) that she decided to provide tefillin to anyone that commits to put them on every weekday but is lacking the means to obtain tefillin.
His question was, the lady just called the office and said she would like to come by tomorrow to pick up the two hundredth pair that she is sponsoring, and he was wondering what could he give her to acknowledge her wonderful and altruistic act of kindness to assist people she hasn’t met or know, and provide them a pair of tefillin without any charge.
I was astonished. Yes, I believe that the vast majority of observant (as well as many otherwise not fully observant) Jews, were moved, inspired and affected by the tragic events that our enemies thrust upon us last Simchas Torah (or as other call 10/7).
Each person accepted upon themselves to do something in memory of those who were brutally murdered, captured and or tortured. Everyone does something; some say extra tehillim, others give more tzedokah or are more careful in their davening, learning or other mitzvos, as a merit for our brethren in Eretz Yisroel and throughout the world to remain safe. While many do a combination of the above and more.
But while the life of our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel has changed drastically from that fateful day and onwards, not necessarily did our response change our life. Yet here is a lady, who unwittingly undertook a massive project that is changing many lives as well as her own. If it would be noticeable that our lives in America and elsewhere had changed, the impact would be much stronger.
This lady initiated a project, that is time consuming and to do it properly one has to be focused on it. There is no denying the fact, that she epitomized the saying the Rebbe writes in Hayom Yom, better one action, than a thousand sighs. She was motivated to do something positive that will be everlasting, a.
At that time, I was under the impression that this is a wealthy woman who doesn’t need anyone’s financial assistance, so there’s no reason to give her something of materialistic value, so I mentally ruled out the thought of advising him to contribute a few pairs of tefillin for free. Why should I deny her the merit of using her money for such a wonderful endeavor.
So, I replied, the gift she would appreciate, is something that she cannot attain on her own, although she could buy basically that she wants.
I therefore advised Rabbi Raskin to make arrangements which would enable her to enter the Rebbe’s room; explaining that is something that a Jew and especially a Sephardic Jew would greatly appreciate, and it will strengthen her commitment to go forward with this wonderful project.
Arrangements were made and he called her up informing her hat he made these arrangements. The happiness and tremendous joy in her voice was very noticeable as she thanked him for giving her this tremendous zechut (this is how Sephardic Jews pronounce it) (merit) to enter the Rebbe’s room.
She then noted that in a conversation with her friends the day before, they mentioned that they heard that some people had the zechut and opportunity to daven in the Rebbe’s room and they all were wondering how it could be arranged. And now 24 hours later, she exclaimed in astonishment, you are calling me and telling me that it was already arranged for me.
For me this was the second sign of clear hashgacha protis (Divine Individual Providence).
A. That my friend reminded me to pick up the mezuzos which were already ordered, and I went the following evening, a few moments after she called up informing Rabbi Raskin that she is coming to meet him. In essence, I entered his office while he was discussing this question with some of his staff and he asked me for my opinion.
B. That just the previous day she had this discussion, and she was looking forward to somehow arrange it and it materialized without her involvement in arranging it.
She understood it as this is in a message and acknowledgment from Hashem that her wish is being fulfilled because of or as reward for her involvement and efforts to assist 200 men and counting, to fulfill their commitment of putting on tefillin on a daily basis.
The following day I also met this lady, and I found out that contrary to my thought that she is well to do and is able to afford this tremendous feat without any difficulty, she has to fundraise for this project. And although every pair of tefillin costs around $700 or more and the request for them are increasing from month to month, she is not daunted by it. To the contrary, she is propelled to go forth and keep on raising the necessary funds.
[P.S. I personally do not enter the Rebbe’s room, so I was asked why did I suggest that?
My response was that under normal circumstances I would never tell people to enter the Rebbe’s room. However, being that she is doing something that definitely gives the Rebbe tremendous happiness and being that the room is entered by numerous individuals, I thought that this would encourage her to enhance her efforts even more so, and subsequently giving the Rebbe further happiness.
From her reaction it was noticeable that not only did she appreciate it, but she was overwhelmed with happiness from that experience, and she will definitely continue this outstanding and tremendous project.
Additionally, in truth I don’t think it was a conscious answer on my part, I honestly feel that it was placed in my mind and mouth, and it wasn’t from me, or my thoughts.]
When I met her, my amazement of what she is doing grew tremendously, for as noted I saw that Miriam (Mary) is a young lady, who is working hard to establish herself. Yes, she could afford a few pairs, but not two hundred. So I informed her that I write this weekly column and asked if I could write about this beautiful act of true Ahavas Yisroel.
When Miriam agreed, my first question was, why did she choose to encourage men to put on tefillin and offer to pay for them, instead of encouraging everyone, men and women to place a kosher mezuzah on the doorposts of their house, or some other mitzvah?
Miriam responded, she knew and was in contact with some soldiers in the Israeli army. (I did not ask if they were lone soldiers from America or extended family members in Eretz Yisroel.) One of them mentioned that the chaplain or a religious soldier asked him to ask her if she knew someone who is willing to sponsor a pair of tefillin. It was needed for a survivor of the Nova Festival, who resolved to thank Hashem for his survival, by putting on Tefillin every day.
Miriam responded it would be her honor to sponsor that one pair, and she immediately forwarded the money.
Seeing how precious it was for this survivor to put on tefillin, she sent a note on a group chat saying, Guys, wrap tefillin today and every day.
A week or two passed and she made a flyer which stated that she is willing to sponsor tefillin for anyone who doesn’t own a pair, if they make a commitment to wrap it every weekday.
I asked Miriam, what were your expectations? How many requests did you anticipate?
Being a member of the Syrian Sephardic community, she replied, I thought that every boy receives their own tefillin by their Bar Mitzvah. My guess was that perhaps, I will receive five or at maximum ten requests.
But I was surprised, the flyer was forwarded by my friends, just as I asked them to do, and the requests began coming in. At a certain point, I realized that it is beyond my capacity to cover it, but it was too important of a mission to let go. So, I began fundraising to cover it.
I never imagined the need is so great, that I will be sponsoring two hundred pairs, but that just shows, that I must continue. Hashem who has helped me until now, finding sponsors and partners, and has shown me miracles in this journey, will definitely continue doing so.
She then informed me that this past Monday, the 13th of the month, she received this message:
“I oversee the Jewish communities that are still based in the Middle East. One of them is in Egypt. and I know they are looking to have tephillin in the Kenis [shul] there.”
Yes, I replied to her, I saw how we met because of Hashgacha protis, but could you give me another example of how you saw the hand of Hashem in an open and revealed way?
Being that you are a chossid of the Rebbe, I will tell you the following incident, and tell me, is this not the hand of Hashem, she answered?
One of the tefillin that I provided was given to someone whose family is connected to Lubavitch. They would have purchased a pair of tefillin but lacked the means. I decided to help them out. When the father heard about my involvement, he said, he would like to give me an expression of his deep gratitude and appreciation. He gave me a dollar that he personally received from the Rebbe.
She, continued, when I looked at it, I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted. The person had noted the date he had received it directly from the Rebbe’s hand, The date he wrote on the dollar is my Hebrew birthday!!
Now it was me who was amazed, I realized I misjudged the entire thing. Not only (as noted above) is she not extremely wealthy and contrary to her nature had to request assistance from others and raised so close to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars so far, but she never anticipated becoming involved in such a project in the first place.
Unlike many who volunteer and help out for a few weeks on a project, which thankfully comes to an end, she never signed up for this. But once it fell in her lap, she understood, it is too important to let go of. And even though it takes time from her time and livelihood, she is steadfast and determined to see it through. As she says, Hashem gave it to me, so that means Hashem is saying He will give me the power to do it properly.
Now that I heard that she is fundraising to continue this vital project, I participated by giving one dollar towards each tefillin she gave out.
If anyone wishes to participate or knows of someone that made the commitment that they would put on tefillin every weekday if they have their own pair of tefillin you can contact Miriam on Instagram @tefillinonus or you can text her at 3473077738.
Let us all rise to the occasion and make an impact on elevating the world around us. As the Rebbe explains in Basi L’Gani, we are the seventh generation, and through our actions, we will bring the shechina to be here permanently!!
A Taste of Chassidus Habuh’im Yashreish Yaakov 5748
The Possuk in this week haftarah states that the Jewish people will come, take root and will blossom. Rashi explains that when the possuk says “We will come,” it is referring to our coming to Mitzrayim [andas the Alter Rebbe explains in Torah Ohr, ONLY AFTER being in bondage there, will BNEI YISROEL be able to receive the Torah].
The Tzemach Tzedek in a maamar on this possuk states, that the targum Yonosson ben Uziel explains that it is referring to the days of Moshiach and then the true source of the neshoma will be revealed. While he himself explains that then we will understand and it will be revealed to us the greatness of mitzvahs.
In all of these three explanations we see the first something is going to be hidden concealed and then it will become revealed. The reason that everyone agrees to this concept is because the possuk says it will take root, a root is in the ground and is covered up by the Earth. In other words, it is originally concealed. Once it begins to blossom, then it is becoming revealed.
Being that in the same maamar he mentions the targum and his own explanation, it is teaching us, that the way the source of the Neshama will become revealed is through our fulfilling Mitzvos.
To explain this concept more thoroughly, we have to understand what it means that the source of the Neshoma will be revealed. It obviously means that presently it is concealed. In other words, not only are the two higher levels of the neshoma (Chai and Yechidah) not revealed, but even the lower three parts, which enter the body, are not entirely revealed.
Now when we say reveal the source, there are higher and higher levels. In Seder Hishtalshilus, the highest level is Chochmah (wisdom) of Atzilus, so that would be its source. However, there is a level higher than seder hishtalshilus, and that is Hashem’s desire, which precedes the sphere of Chochmah.
While in many aspects we explain that the Torah is higher than mitzvos, however in other aspects mitzvos are higher, and this situation is one of them.
Our sages state that the Torah comes from Hashem’s wisdom, and as stated wisdom-Chochmah is the beginning point of seder hishtalshilus. However, when Moshiach comes, levels that are higher than seder hishtalshilus will be revealed, and as noted Hashem’s will and desire (Rotzon) is higher than chochmah, the beginning of hishtalshilus.
Therefore, the Tzemach Tzedek noted the two points of the source of the neshoma and the power of mitzvos would be revealed when Moshiach comes, as the source of the neshoma would be revealed though our fulfilling of mitzvos.
This is in essence what the Alter Trebbe writes in Tanya, that all the revelations that will occur when Moshiach comes, is dependent upon our actions of fulfilling the mitzvos in this world, before Moshiach’s redeems us.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeim and their chassidim. He is available to farbreng in your community and can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com.
Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
This is what Miriam sent out last evening to me and her other contacts.
Hi guys !! Doing something a little different and very urgent.Many people have been reaching out to me that there are men in need of tefillin because they lost theirs in the LA wildfires. I’m putting this as priority because we all know that a person who once had and then loses is considered worse than someone who’s never had it in the first place Let’s do an incredible mitzvah and get these men new pairs!!! Raising for 4 people at $675 each. Total needed $2700 But ANY AMOUNT HELPS
ZELLE INFO : mary@enodmilvadofoundation.com
VENMO : @enodmilvado
CREDIT CARD LINK: https://buy.stripe.com/fZe9CybZ4dqR2ys9AB
I am so so so inspired by this story. “The Power of One!” How just one person can move mountains. And the hashgacha protis! Incredible! Your birthday on the dollar! A message to you to get the story out there! I am sure there will be those who question the story. There are also skeptics. How do you deal with them? I ask because skeptics question me when I tell how sometimes Hashem touches me!
When you check out a story and know it is 100% true, you aren’t held back, because others doubt it. There were many stories that I was told and after looking into them, I did find inaccuracies or some fabrication.
If you truly felt Hashem touched you, it would be recognizable in your actions. Someone who was granted a new lease on.life, conducts themselves differently.
Your friends will see chang
Hashem touches me whenever the impossible suddenly becomes possible. When a coincidence becomes a “ka (yud-kay) incidence”. When I am down (physically or spiritually) and suddenly lifted with energy and inspiration. And when I am asleep, complacent, and unmoved, I am awakened, open my eyes and see the beauty that surrounds me. That is when Hashem touches me, pats me on the back, nudges me forward.