Chabad of Orange County Lights Glow Cotton Candy Menorah, Among Other Highlights
Chabad of Orange County, led by Shluchim Pesach and Chana Burston, held a unique “Glow Crazy for Chanukah” community event. It included lighting a large glowing cotton candy menorah. The exciting and well attended glow party included dinner, glowing décor, crafts, face painting and more. It also included a cotton candy artist. Before the party indoors, an epic gelt drop was held outdoors. More than 2200 chocolate candy coins – as well as menorah and dreidel parachutes – rained from atop of the 100-foot-high fire truck ladder, provided by the Monroe Fire Department.
Other Chanukah highLIGHTS in Orange County included:
· Mega Latke Sizzle on the first night of Chanukah
· Tuxedo Menorah Lighting at the Tuxedo Train station, along the Town Supervisor and Mayor
· Chester Menorah Lighting at Chester Town Hall, along with the Town Supervisor
· CTeen Chanukah Night with CTeen Alumni back home for winter break
· Chabad Giving Tree with toys and gifts collected for various causes
The Chabad of Orange County community also sponsored a Chanukah BBQ party for IDF soldiers in Eretz Yisroel, via their son Yossi and the bochurim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisreol in Beit Shemesh.