From 14 Kislev with Benny Friedman to Jumping from Helicopters —TTOP’s Unmatched Chodesh Kislev
TTOP’s Kislev schedule was beyond exciting this year. From meaningful farbrengens to fun carnivals and a grand auction rewarding Tanya and Mishnayos Baal Peh, the month was packed with highlights. Here’s a closer look at the key highlights that made this Kislev at TTOP to go down as one of the best Chodesh Kislev the yeshiva ever saw.
– Right before Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Rabbi Michoel Harari, Chaplain to the US Special Forces and a former Rebbi in TTOP for nine years, farbrenged with the talmidim about his experiences in the army such as jumping out of helicopters and being a soldier in the true army, the army of Hashem.
– On the auspicious day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev, as talmidim got off the bus, they were greeted by the Rosh Chodesh Kislev niggun playing and spontaneous dancing, followed by a festive fleishig seudah at lunch, and a farbrengen with the shliach and chaplain to Houston, Texas, Rabbi Dovid Goldstein.
– On Tes Kislev, the Mitteler Rebbe’s Yom Huledes and Yahrzeit, each division learned about the seforim the Mitteler Rebbe wrote and the stories behind them, such as Derech Chayim and the story of Reb Yossel the Baal Hagalah.
– On Yud Kislev, Yom Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, we had a special seudah and farbrengen with Rabbi Levi Neubort, shliach to Fair Lawn, NJ, and an alumnus of TTOP.
– On Yud Daled Kislev, a full band and renowned singer Benny Friedman performed for all the talmidim in honor of the Rebbe’s wedding day. Then, everyone enjoyed a gourmet chasunah seudah with more dancing and joy.
– For Yud Tes Kislev, we held a beautiful Father and Son Melava Malka in Yeshiva where everyone learned about Rosh Hashanah Le’Chasidus and heard stories related to the Alter Rebbe. Finally, we watched a student-made video presentation about the story of Karl the Janitor and played an exciting Kahoot game about this special day.
– On Chanukah, we hosted a super fun carnival where TTOP families came down to the yeshiva and enjoyed fun games such as latka toss and pin the shamosh, enjoyed delicious treats, and earned prizes. We ended the day with a grand Mitzvah Note Menorah lighting in front of the yeshiva.
– The end of Kislev was filled with fun and educational activities such as shamash making, oil pressing, wax sheet candle making, custom-made wooden Menorahs, a school-wide Menorah contest, Mitzvah Tank outings and Mivtzoim, an Ach Gadol Program between Kitta Gimmel and Kitta Ches, and concluded with the 770 Chanukah Rally.
As the busy month ended we transitioned into Hey Teves, during which the talmidim were able to buy heavily discounted seforim, use two-dollar coupons for Kehos in addition to ongoing sales, and participate in a grand auction on seforim for all talmidim who excelled in Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh thus far.