A Menorah Made from Mitzvos
As has become tradition at Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway, a unique twist was added to this year’s Yeshiva Menorah Lighting. In the weeks leading up to the event, Talmidim collected mitzvah notes signed by parents and teachers. These notes were then pasted onto a custom-built, 10-foot tall menorah, constructed by Rabbi Pape, who also directs the TTOP Woodworking Workshop.
The event kicked off with a grand carnival which featured a variety of fun activities organized and created by the Talmidim with the help of the dedicated efforts of the school’s PTA. TTOP families packed the school, creating a fun Chanukah atmosphere.
After enjoying the carnival, participants gathered outside with some hot cocoa and donuts. The highlight of the evening was the lighting of the “Mitzvah Note Menorah.”
Before the menorah was lit, Rabbi Lifshitz shared an inspiring message: “It’s the mitzvos that light up the world, just as the windows of the Beis Hamikdash were designed to illuminate the world.”
A few days after the event, a Yid passing by the Yeshiva stopped to observe as all the Talmidim and staff stood outside for the daily Yeshiva Hadlaka. Rabbi Gorman, the Program Director, approached him and asked if he was Jewish and if he wished to put on Tefillin. The man agreed and entered the building, putting on Tefillin for the first time in many years.
Thank you Yossi Soffer for the pictures.